Add plugins option missing in wordpress - wordpress

I have a WordPress site. In the plugins tab, the "Add New" plugin option is missing.
Even hovering over the plugin tab doesn't produce in drop-menu options.
I was suggested the issue could be the result of me not being provided with administrative rights, but I'm the only user and I do have administrative rights.
Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

If you can't see your add new plugin button, the issue could be
Your theme prevents you from seeing it
You don't have the permissions to add new plugins.
You have a corrupted WordPress installation
A plugin is hiding the button (likely unintentionally)
If you are certain that your user has administrator rights (which you can check in under users in the left navigation bar) try to select a different theme and see if the button becomes available to you again.
Otherwise you might be looking at a complete reinstall of WordPress on your site.


WordPress doesnt work, preview view show me nothing

Unistall XAMPP
Unistall MySQL
ipconfig/flushdns, etc
This may be a plugin or theme conflict. Please attempt to disable all plugins. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles.
If you can install plugins, install “Health Check”. On the troubleshooting tab in Health Check, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for JUST you, while you’re still logged in, without affecting normal visitors to your site. You can then use its admin bar menu to turn on/off plugins and themes one at a time. See the wordpress handbook for troubleshooting or this article by Rank Math for more information.
I hope this helped, if not let me know and we can look into it together.

appearance and plugin not available in wordpress admin panel

I have created online store in word press. I logged in to admin panel with my admin login and i have verified that login is having admin rights also. Now,I want to change banner image and some font color but I can't see plugin and appearance tab in sidebar.please help. screenshot of the admin panel
User admin
An issue that some users have mentioned is that when they have entered their WordPress admin panel that they have been unable to locate their plugins menu from within the dashboard. This should appear about half way down the menu on the left of the screen below appearance and should have an icon that looks a little like a domestic plug. However for multisite users you may have to login as network admin to view this tab.
If however this tab is still missing you may wish to try the following:
See if the following exists: (where you should
replace with the name of your site. If this does not
exist then it is missing from your theme and needs to be replaced or
you should swap your theme.
Also check in your FTP for a folder called wp-plugins where your plugins should reside, if this does not exist then you should create
If you do have a wp-plugins folder deactivate it by changing its name and then check your WordPress admin panel as your problem could
be caused by a faulty plugin.
Are you sure that you are the admin and you have all rights to access?
Try checking with default admin login while you installed the wordpress, it seems you don't have complete permissions.
In your attached screenshot notification showing "Wordpress update available. Please notify administrator" clearly showing that you are not having the complete admin rights

How do I remove/unpublish my plugin from

I would like to remove my plugin from the plugin directory of wordpress because I dont want any new installs made with it. I can't find any solution from Google.
As of April 2020 you have the ability to close your own plugins without needing to contact them via email. Go to the ADVANCED VIEW link on sidebar of your plugin page and scroll down to the CLOSE THIS PLUGIN section. Read the warning. If that is acceptable to you, then click the button that says "I Understand..."
To remove a plugin from the WordPress repository, first delete the code via SVN. Then email using the email you registered with at (for the account that is the author of the plugin). They will delete it within a few days and email you back to confirm. They basically hide the plugin pages. The plugin slug remains blocked and your project can be resurrected if you can convince them to re-open it.

WP toolbar only showing on frontend for some admins

We have several admins who all have the "Show toolbar when viewing site" option checked in their user profile but only some of them are actually able to see the toolbar. Others have the option checked but the toolbar doesn't show up. Additionally, we have a multisite setup and they are able to see the toolbar on one of the sites but not the other site.
After a bit of research, I've checked that is included in our footer.php file and I tried deactivating a plugin called "Members" that wasn't activated on the site where they can see the toolbar, however, nothing seemed to change. While I thought it could be another plugin issue, what doesn't make sense is that it's not an issue for all admins, just a few.
Is there anything else that I should be checking?
Sometimes instead of checking if a user "is_admin()" plugins or functions will check which permissions users have to determine what features they can or cannot see. I might check to see if the users in question have different permissions despite being admins. Perhaps create some new admin users to test if it is an issue with user IDs after a certain number.
Consider turning on debugging to see if any errors prevent the bar from displaying. Also try the query monitor plugin. Check for errors and query issues with and without the suspected conflicting plugin activated.

How to re-enable introductory onboarding wizard after reinstalling WooCommerce

I uninstalled my WooCommerce plugin and chose to delete all data. When installed it back I cannot see the Introductory Onboarding Wizard. I need it to create my shop and all the pages again. I suspect this is because some traces were left from the first installation. How can I re-enable it again?
In the WooCommerce -> System Status admin page, under the Tools tab, there's the Create default WooCommerce pages tool that
will install all the missing WooCommerce pages. Pages already defined and set up will not be replaced.
WooCommerce now has a Help tab just to the right of the Screen Options tab in the Wordpress (v4.8) admin panel. Click on the tab and you will discover the Setup Wizard as a selectable item ... among many other helpful goodies ... including a setup video
WooCommerce Setup Wizard
You can restart setup wizard going to It worked for me!
/wp-admin/?page=wc-setup worked perfectly for me too.
Just login into wordpress and edit this in URL bar. Voila, it works!
