WP toolbar only showing on frontend for some admins - wordpress

We have several admins who all have the "Show toolbar when viewing site" option checked in their user profile but only some of them are actually able to see the toolbar. Others have the option checked but the toolbar doesn't show up. Additionally, we have a multisite setup and they are able to see the toolbar on one of the sites but not the other site.
After a bit of research, I've checked that is included in our footer.php file and I tried deactivating a plugin called "Members" that wasn't activated on the site where they can see the toolbar, however, nothing seemed to change. While I thought it could be another plugin issue, what doesn't make sense is that it's not an issue for all admins, just a few.
Is there anything else that I should be checking?

Sometimes instead of checking if a user "is_admin()" plugins or functions will check which permissions users have to determine what features they can or cannot see. I might check to see if the users in question have different permissions despite being admins. Perhaps create some new admin users to test if it is an issue with user IDs after a certain number.
Consider turning on debugging to see if any errors prevent the bar from displaying. Also try the query monitor plugin. Check for errors and query issues with and without the suspected conflicting plugin activated.


Add plugins option missing in wordpress

I have a WordPress site. In the plugins tab, the "Add New" plugin option is missing.
Even hovering over the plugin tab doesn't produce in drop-menu options.
I was suggested the issue could be the result of me not being provided with administrative rights, but I'm the only user and I do have administrative rights.
Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
If you can't see your add new plugin button, the issue could be
Your theme prevents you from seeing it
You don't have the permissions to add new plugins.
You have a corrupted WordPress installation
A plugin is hiding the button (likely unintentionally)
If you are certain that your user has administrator rights (which you can check in under users in the left navigation bar) try to select a different theme and see if the button becomes available to you again.
Otherwise you might be looking at a complete reinstall of WordPress on your site.

Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page

I realize there is other threads on this topic but there solutions and problems are different from mine.
Im able to login to wp-admin correctly
All seems normal but the abilty to (add plugin) or theme or anything has been wiped.
you can look at plugins but there is no way to add a new one.
Same goes for widgets, and themes.
You cant access things like update core.
you just get a default message
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
Iv checked the mysql database and all seems fine.
With the user_meta and users
Iv deleted all plugins
Iv deleted all themes.
There is no issue with Wp memory
its basically just a default install of wordpress at this point.
Im not sure what could be causing this.
Any suggestions?

Can't access WordPress dashboard unless Administrator

Our non-Administrator (Shop Manager, Editor, Author, etc) users cannot access the WordPress/Woocommerce dashboard. Administrators can access the dashboard.
I have tried logging in users as "out of the box" Shop Managers, Authors, Editors, and they get bumped back to the storefront.
I have tried disabling plugins, and using the basic woo theme to no avail.
I have tried accessing admin pages they should have access to directly, but still cannot access.
Can anyone share any suggestions for getting our non-Administrators access to the dashboard?
Many thanks in advance.
Try to disable ALL the plugins at the same time.
If it works then enable the plugins one by one to find the culprit.
If its still doesnt work make sure you have the latest version or
If everything is up to date and its still doesnt work then look into the functions.php file in
your theme, maybe there is some script that causes the problem..
If nothing of these has worked you could always apply a patch until you find the real source of the problem, here is some suggestions:
Do a temporary quick fix by using the user_has_cap filter
Add capabilties to user roles so the will be able to access like an administratior see the add_cap() function
If you have installed Ultimate Member plugin:
Go to User Roles page
Press Edit on the role that you want to access the dashboard
Check: Can access wp-admin?
Press Update role
Then test; it should work then

How to make changes are not visible in userside using wordpress

I want to edit contents of the existing page in wordpress.It is a live site so user side should not be changed
untill i want to publish that after all changes made to that page.Is there any plugin or what
i have to do for this.
Anyone please help me.
It depends what sort of changes. As noted above if you're channing post contents if will be enough not to publish them, but I guess you already now that.
However if you want to change appearance of the site then caching plugin might help. E.g. with w3 total cache you can do any change to template/css/php and so on and only logged in users will see changes (any non logged in user will get cached version of the page until you clean cache or cache expires).
If you have also users which are logging in into your wordpress, then I'm not aware of already made plugin that have such functionality - you probably would have to create development version of your site and test changes there.
For content - agree with previous answers.
But if you are changing the theme and want some changes to be visible only for you (admin) then you can use is_admin() function to print out different content for admin (new one) and different for other users (old one).

Can I find out how many people are using my WP plugin?

I'm wondering is it allowed and also what's the best way to track how many users are currently using and running your WordPress plugin?
It's not really allowed without user permission, best bet is to check your plugin stats for active versions and download counts.
No "phoning home" without user's informed consent. This seemingly
simple rule actually covers several different aspects:
No unauthorized collection of user data. For example, sending the admin's email address back to your own servers without permission of
the user is not allowed; but asking the user for an email address and
collecting if they choose to submit it is fine. All actions taken in
this respect MUST be of the user's doing, not automatically done by
the plugin.
All images and scripts shown should be part of the plugin. These should be loaded locally. If the plugin does require that data is
loaded from an external site (such as blocklists) this should be made
clear in the plugin's admin screens or description. The point is that
the user must be informed of what information is being sent where.
Source: Detailed Plugin Guidelines - Wordpress.org
Why not just check how many people have downloaded your WP plugin?
You could make a callback to your server, but many users won't like it.
