502 Bad gateway while using nginx server - nginx

I am following https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/blob/v2.0.0b9/docs/server/source/simple-deployment-template/set-up-nginx.md
I have Added SSL certificate to bleocean.com
and it was redirecting to my NGINX server page when i was reaching https://bleocean.com.
When I updated NGINX.config file to contents of https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/blob/master/nginx/nginx.conf and did chenges as directed
It is now showing 502 Bad Gateway when i go to https://bleocean.com
I tried on local machine as well as on google cloud each time when I update config file it shows 502 bad gateway. Please suggest if I am making any mistake?

You are getting this error because there is no application running on the port 9984. Check if MongoDB, BigchainDB and Tendermint are running. Please add the logs of your /var/log/nginx/error.log.


Jmeter loadtesting with nginx

I have done jmeter load testing and it was working fine.
Now i am doing jmeter load testing with ngnix by configuring two server details .
I am testing my application by giving the 1000 concurrent users with nginx url.
Sometimes it was working and sometimes not.
Why it is behaving like that??
Check the logs — nginx logs, your app and server logs and JMeter logs. Probably you can find answer there:
Check nginx.conf and find error_log settings to get current nginx error log location.
What do you mean "sometimes not"? What kind of errors, statuses and responces do you get?
You may post in here.

503 Service Unavailable - EC-2 / WordPress with NGINX and SSL Certified by Bitnami-4-9-8-1-r40

I have been trying to learn AWS EC-2 and installing WordPress by Bitnami. I was planning to move all my sites from cPanel to AWS in the future if I could pull this off.
I am having issues with constantly getting 503 Unavailable Error when I attached the Amazon Issued SSL.
I was able to create an Instance, Certificate, DNS via Route 53, Load Balancer, Security Group and Target successfully I just can't get the site up. :(
Public IP works though
What could go wrong?
503 gateway time out it is. well your configuration and services need a restart , As Amazon provided Certificate works with Load Balancer (Application or Classic)
503 is the gateway time out from php-fpm or Apache 2 As you haven't shared the logs to give you a more prise solution I would suggest to login on your EC2-Wordpress powered by Bitnami and run the following commands .
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh status
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh stop
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh start
Please follow this document as well: https://docs.bitnami.com/aws/faq/administration/control-services/
I'm sure that committed changes with the configuration has not been loaded yet as your EC2 is even not responding on this IP ,
I'm sure about the Load Balancer and certificate is not the problem here.
You can ping me if you need help with this it's not a really tough job.

GitLab not working w/ Nginx

I am trying to get GitLab setup with my current installation of Nginx but I keep getting an Error 502. I have included my configuration files, and not sure what I am doing wrong. But I followed the "Using a non-bundled web-server" steps on https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/blob/master/doc/settings/nginx.md
HTTP 502 means "The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server." So there are two possibilities here.
Your Gitlab server is not actually working or is returning an invalid response. After starting the Gitlab server, use sudo netstat -plnt and make sure it is running on a port and note the port. Then connect directly to this port in your browser (or from the CLI on the server if necessary) and confirm that Gitlab is working fine without a proxy in front of it. If Gitlab is running on a socket and not a port, there are also tools to test HTTP servers through socket connections that you can use.
Nginx is not configured correctly to connect to Gitlab. In this case, check your Nginx error log to see if there is any more detail besides the "502" error.

IIS - ip browsing ok, dns error

I'm setting up website. IIS hosting my site (ASP.NET) is located on server server1. when I connect to my website http://server1.com/site/ eveything work fine.
We decided to use DNS alias - supersite, which means, when I connect to my website using http://supersite.com/site/, this should be equal to first request.
Command line ping command shows the same server - this is for sure.
This doesn't happen. When I'm connecting with raw URL http://server1.com/site/, server responds correctly, when I connect using DNS alias http://supersite.com/site/, server returns:
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
I tried configure more detailed information, I set up Error Pages -> 500 -> Detailed Error, I enabled Send errors to browser in ASP menu. Nothing helps.
I think, that server doesn't connect to my website when I'm using DNS alias and all my attempts enabling detailed errors means nothing.

502 Bad Gateway - NGINX only Homepage shows this error

i'm using rackspace server and just rebooted the server due to some reasons and after reboot i started the nginx service but now it shows 502 bad gateway
I already checked some error logs but still i'm unable to fix this issue
