DataStudio Google Analytics Connector Showing Zeros for Some Metrics - google-analytics

I have a google analytics report in datastudio. One of the pages in the report is attempting to report on events. In GA when looking at the event in the e-commerce explorer tab I will see data for revenue, ecommerce conversion rate, per session value, but in my data studio report all values show as zero.
This is a straight google analytics data source (i.e. there is no data blending).
Screen shots below of the datastudio result and the analytics report for the data I am trying to match.
Every resource I can find says this should be possible and the fact that Google Analytics has the exact same data showing again makes me think this is possible.
Is there an issue with what I am doing or the metrics / dimensions I am calling? If not why isn't this working?

I have struggled with something like this too. I would guess that the problem is with the decimal places, which I couldn't get to work in GDS - zeroes all over the place, just like you are getting. When I multiplied the defined event value by 100, it all worked. Worth a try, I think.


Split GA4 conversions by corresponding event

I'm tracking several events on my website using Google Analytics 4.
Some of those events are more important and I'm considering them as conversions. However, they happen at different steps of the user journey, so each of them would have a different cost and return, so I'd like to consider them as different conversions, in the same way they correspond to different events.
The problem is, when I want to report on them (e.g. on Data Studio, or Google Ads UI, or even on Google Analytics funnels), you can only see the aggregated sum of conversions, rater than being able to select a specific conversion.
Is there a way to make GA4 (an Data Studio) either:
Split reports by specific conversions (rather than the total number of conversions)?
Split reports by events rather than conversions?
I feel like GA4 has been a step back in terms of report customisation and data analysis.

Google Tag Manager click event tracking working but not displaying anywhere

I have successfully created a GTM trigger and tag using the click_text parameter. When I preview and when I published the change both were successful in showing up on my Google Analytics 4 debug and real time tabs. I cannot seem to find a recorded total for this new tag trigger in either GTM or GA4 anywhere. Does this exist in either of these, or do I need to create an event in GA4 unrelated to what I set up in GTM. I have read most of Google's provided documentation on this specific step and it stops flat at this step of things.
Thank you in advance.
If you see your event in real time data report in GA, you're good. The data is in that property. It, however, is not yet available for aggregation, so you won't be able to count them or use them in other reports.
You should wait up to two days for the data to be in the non-real time reports. Vast majority of the data will be available for aggregation in one day, however. Some starts showing up in hours. GA 360 (paid version of GA) shortens the two days to four hours until all data is there.
I'd also suggest using Adswerve plugin for GA debugging: it will print all DataLayer changes as well as everything that is being sent to GA in the console. It's much more comfortable than using real time hits report and it will show you all dimensions that are being sent to GA.

Analytics e-commerce conversion ratio not showing

Missing e-commerce data Display - General no filter is
configured for e-commerce, but no data is transmitted.
This is the error Analytics is giving me. (translated from Dutch)
Every graph is showing normal results. except this one:
conversion rate of e-commerce.
It used to work before. If i go way back to another date it displays data.
somehow it stopped working and i dont know how its possible.

Google Analytics: no recent data within Multi-Channel Funnel

Data within the Multi-Cahnnel Funnel in Google Analytics are missing for today and yesterday. Data for the previous days are available. Is there a lag for the data to appear?
Data will be showed if there is at least one conversion and after up to 48 Hrs.If you would like to check whenever or not to expect data flowing check your current conversions in another report.
Also, make sure you have setup your funnels in a view without filters. If you apply filters incorrectly this could be one of the causes why you are not seeing the data

Google Analytics Engagement Report API

Does Google Analytics Reporting API support calls to get the user engagement report data (as present in the Analytics website)
I searched but could not get any tangible information. I am not sure if this is same as what I am looking for.
Can someone please point me to some tangible info regarding this.
The relevant source for all "can I query this from the API"-questions is the "Dimensions and Metrics Reference" from the Google Analytics Documentation.
The closest thing to what you want is ga:sessionDurationBucket. However this dimension (it looks like a metric/number but is actually a string and a dimension) reports in second increments, whereas the report in the GA interface reports in 30 second increments. So if you query this from the api you would have to do the grouping into larger increments yourself.
