Analytics e-commerce conversion ratio not showing - google-analytics

Missing e-commerce data Display - General no filter is
configured for e-commerce, but no data is transmitted.
This is the error Analytics is giving me. (translated from Dutch)
Every graph is showing normal results. except this one:
conversion rate of e-commerce.
It used to work before. If i go way back to another date it displays data.
somehow it stopped working and i dont know how its possible.


Explore Free Form report in Google Analytics

I am trying to generate a report using Google Analytics Explore tab using Free Form technique. Few weeks ago I could use Message name, stream name and time to see all the notification name, platform and total no of click. I exported the same to excel file.
but today when I tried to generate the same I couldn't find "Message Name" dimension. Is this field removed from pre defined/custom dimensions from GA? or am I doing something wrong?
My main purpose is to get all list of notifications sent via Firebase.
Any help will be deeply appreciated.
Given that you excluded the obvious issues like using the too-fresh data, the proper way to debug it is to export the data into a sample BQ table, then conduct exactly the same analysis that you're trying to conduct in GA4's explorer. From there, if your issue is with explorer's filters, you will quickly see it.
If, however, you're able to see your event properties in BQ, but not able to get the explorer to display them... Well, Google likely saved quite a lot of money on GA4. UA was pretty expensive. GA4 now introduces all these amazing features like data retention limits, properties' values cardinality bugs, odd inconsistencies between explore's reports and default reports and so on.
For now, the best way to really access your data minus all the artificial limitations of GA4 is to ETL your data from there either through the reporting API or exporting it to BQ.

Google analytics - Data Studio, show conversion rate if a page was viewed

I have our E-commerce Conversion Rate all set up and looking good in GA. I want to view the conversion rate of people who have viewed a specific page and add this information to a Datastudio report...
I have the metric in Datastudio as "E-commerce Conversion Rate" everything looks good and the data matches GA, however, I tried filtering based on the dimension "page" contains "/pageurl" but I don't get a valid result... What am I doing wrong?
Like I said I just want to see the conversion rate of users who have visited a certain page during their journey...
Thanks in advance!
I believe your issue is that the e-commerce conversion rate is not a pageview-level metric. So, when you try to add on a filter to contain users that went to a certain page, it won't work correctly.
It's like if you try to go into the All pages report in GA, you'll notice there is only a page value metric but no conversion rate.
You have two options depending on the report you are trying to make. You can change the filter to be landing page rather than just page or you can create a custom segment in GA that is a session containing a view of the particular page you are looking for.

DataStudio Google Analytics Connector Showing Zeros for Some Metrics

I have a google analytics report in datastudio. One of the pages in the report is attempting to report on events. In GA when looking at the event in the e-commerce explorer tab I will see data for revenue, ecommerce conversion rate, per session value, but in my data studio report all values show as zero.
This is a straight google analytics data source (i.e. there is no data blending).
Screen shots below of the datastudio result and the analytics report for the data I am trying to match.
Every resource I can find says this should be possible and the fact that Google Analytics has the exact same data showing again makes me think this is possible.
Is there an issue with what I am doing or the metrics / dimensions I am calling? If not why isn't this working?
I have struggled with something like this too. I would guess that the problem is with the decimal places, which I couldn't get to work in GDS - zeroes all over the place, just like you are getting. When I multiplied the defined event value by 100, it all worked. Worth a try, I think.

Google Analytics suddenly started Sampling Data, 3k sessions for property over time period

We are using the free level of GA and have been creating reports using Custom Dimensions and Metrics since last summer.
We also use the Google Sheets Analytics add-on to post process data pulled from the API.
Overnight on 16-17 May (UK Time), our reports suddenly started showing as being sampled. Prior to that we had no sampling at all, as our reports are scheduled so I can look back through the revision history to see changes made when the scheduled reports run.
This sampling is occurring in custom reports viewed in the GA platform and in GA sheets. I've done some analysis and it appears to only occur at the point that more than one Custom Dimension is added to a report, or when the GA dimensions ga:hour or ga:dateHour are used (ga:date does not trigger sampling).
All our Custom Dimensions and Custom Metrics are set at Hit level (I've read a post where it was claimed to be due to mixing scopes on Dimensions & Metrics, but we are not doing this).
If I reduce the date range of a query (suggested as a solution on many blogs), the sampling level actually gets worse rather than better.
For the month of May we didn't even hit 4k sessions at property level. I can't find any reference anywhere to any changes being made to GA that would cause sampling to apply to our reports (change documentation, Google Blogs etc).
Is anyone else experiencing this or can anyone shed any light on why this might be happening? Given how we use GA if we can't resolve this then it's a year of work down the drain, so I'm really keen to at least know why this has suddenly happened even if ultimately nothing can be done about it.

Sakai google analytics - real time not working

I've been playing with the new google analytics feature:
...and can happily report it definitely does work, albeit with one caveat, I can't get the real time dashboard to work. I know sometimes with new google analytics accounts it can take time for both the data to filter through and the real time to start to work, however, I have had my account for many weeks now and data is indeed filtering through but the real time dashboard stubbornly refuses to work.
My hunch is it's a timezone problem and the reason why it's not showing is because the timestamps on the analytics data from my sakai instance differs from my timezone set on the dashboard (therefore the data is sent but the real time dashboard does not display the data as it sees it being 6-7 hours in the future/past, for example) but I haven't played with this yet. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
p.s. +1 for universal analytics!
EDIT: I discovered there's a timezone setting in the preferences of the sakai app (accessed using your browser), as well as a "server" time displayed in the footer, both are using the correct time, so perhaps it's not that??
I set this up anayltics to test on and with the sample properties on that jira it didn't work. I changed the domain to just the domain and I did get realtime stats.
For example the following did NOT work
But this did
This is the result from viewing it in two browsers.
