can someone help to answer these?..not able to find anywhere on google.
What is the meaning of overmounting a file in Unix/aix?
what is the command to overmount a file
what happens if the file is overmounted?
I have been trying to run an openpose model on colab but havent been able to do so because Colab doesn't recognise the directory. Screenshot of code
I have provided the code screenshot in this message, any help or direction will be highly appreciated!
Edit 1: A modification from the first answer
!cd openpose && ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin -image_dir /drive/My\ Drive/research_project/Fall\ Detection/$category/testdata/video$video --render_pose 0 --disable_blending -keypoint_scale 3 --display 0 -write_json /drive/My\ Drive/research_project/Fall\ Detection/$category/jsondata/video$video
Folder /drive/My Drive/research_project/Fall Detection/Coffee_room/testdata/video0/ does not exist.
I believe you need to remove the '..', as you are already in the '/content' folder from the os.chdir('/content') command
If that's not it, you also have a missing '/research project' after '/My Drive' in the line before the last
with the %cd operation you already moved yourself to [...]/Coffee_room/testdata, so when you try and os.chdir command, it throws an error. At least I think so, the screenshot doesn't let me copy the code to try and recreate the same situation, so it's a bit hard
Try to put your code in the right format inside the question like this
print('Hello, this is my code')
I need to write out a file to a certain path that contains a special character in R. the path is something like this: C:/Users/Technology & Innovation/Webscraping files/US_data/data
It works totally fine when I access this path through python, but I cannot access the same path in R. And I cannot change this path name or remove '&' as this path is used by a lot of people. Does anyone have a good idea on how to solve it?
I found out it is '&' which has subtle difference from '&' that we usually type in through English Keyboard. May be that's the reason causing the problem?
Here is what I have tried:
write.csv(df, 'C:/Users/Technology & Innovation/Webscraping files/US_data/data/file.csv').
write.csv(df, 'C:\\Users\\Technology & Innovation\\Webscraping files\\US_data/data/file.csv')
Not matter whether I try to read or write a file, it is not working in my case.
I also tried reset the working directory path and got the error message:
Error in setwd("C:/Users/Technology & Innovation/Webscraping files/US_data/data") : cannot change working directory
Write it like this
C:\\Users\\Technology & Innovation\\Webscraping files\\US_data\\data
also, you can change your current directory.
Changing your current directory will help you because you can write read.csv("filename.csv") or write.csv(name_of_file, "filename.csv") as it is without mentioning path.
If you have to write a file you have to use syntax properly.
write.csv(C:\\Users\\Technology & Innovation\\Webscraping files\\US_data\\data,"filename.csv")
The following is from a school assignment.
The question asks
"What command enables you to find all empty files in your source
My answer; find -size 0 However, my instructor says that my answer is incorrect. The only hint (Regarding the entirety of the assignment) he gives me is "...minor errors such as missing a file name or outputting too much information" I was thinking, perhaps I should include the source directory within my find command.
I've been trying to figure this out for the past few hours. I've referenced my textbook and according to that I should be correct.
There's some other questions I'm having similar issues with. I've wracked my brain with this for hours. I just don't know. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
Since your assignment was to find all empty files in your source directory, the following command will do exactly what you want:
find . -size 0
Notice the dot (.) to tell the command to search in the current folder.
For other folders, you replace the "dot" with the folder you want.
I would like to determine real file extension.
example :
file = "test.fakeExt"
// but the real extention is .exe // for security reason I wish to avoid using it!
How can I do that?
If you want to determine the extension you could use findmimefromdata.
It looks at the first part of the file to determine what type of file it is.
FindMimeFromData function
Sample code
The first two bytes of an .exe file are allways 'MZ'.
So you could read the binary file, and see if the first two bytes are MZ, then you know it's an .exe file...
Im tired to find an useful way to cut a file from a folder , I have search for this a lot of but ...
I have a code like this :
File.Move(THIS DIRECTORY/MyFile.exe , (System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), #"MyFile.exe")));
it run without error but , I dont know that what is the directory of source file (it mean that ,i want to cut from directory of "Cutter.exe" file ) !
what can i do ?
thanks ;
You can try this microsoft answer