I'm getting a Content Decoding Error when using the image manager for 2sxc module - 2sxc

Images in the image manager when editing an item are showing as broken images. It looks to be an issue with the ImageResizer on my install. If I remove the [w h mode="crop"], the image will display. If I look in the dev console when pulling up the image manager I get Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED.
I upgraded to the latest version of 2sxc on client staging site and I am able to reproduce same issue.
Client is on an older version (07.04.02 (216)) of DNN.
Is this possibly related to us needing to upgrade their dnn install?


OSS Blank artifacts page

So hello,
I'm hosting my own artifactory server(Open source license 7.4.3 rev 70403900 undefined, but cannot access the Artifacts page. If i click on it, the shown content is just blank.
I searched my JS Console and Browser Logs but did not see the problem
But, it's really strange bc other ppl can see the page. It's juse me who cannot. Any suggesions?
I solved the issue by myself now.
I found out that this was an issue from my Antivirus software Kaspersky, which injected a JS into the site, which prevented it from loading. I had to manually turn the injection off (Advanced - network). I'm reporting this to Kaspersky and I'm hoping this can help you with similar issues if it's still not fixed.

Deploying website to Azure: Each time requires cleaning the cached content to see the updated website [ASP.NET + REACT]

I am deploying my site to Azure from VS 2017. After each deployment, I am supposed to clean the cache of my browser to get the latest version of the website (or use ctrl+f5 to ignore the cached content when refreshing). But, this is a problem for the end users.
This is a asp.net + react website. So, the client-side code is cached in the browser. I have WEBSITE_DYNAMIC_CACHE set to 0, but did not help. Any suggestions? Is there a solution to this?
In VS 2017 right-click on the project and choose Publish. Click on Configure, then make sure the box is ticked for "remove additional files at destination"
I don't have enough votes to post screenshots yet, sorry!

How do I fix mime type errors for Xampp?

I've recently installed Xampp on a localhost and installed a Drupal installation on it. Now after moving (fresh install of Xampp) it to my server I'm receiving MIME type errors (See image)
This problem occurs on every browser I've tried so I am assuming the issue resides within my Xampp installation, but all info I can find about this matter or people who have/had the same seems unfinished.
Here a screenshot of my console log in Google Chrome:
Might be some issue with the aggregation. At least that's what the guys over here try: https://www.drupal.org/project/jstools/issues/72561#comment-12566682
So try disabling aggregation for javascript and css and see if that works. If so, we can investigate further, why it matters. (I wouldn't leave aggregation turned off on a production site...)

Error when launching RespondCMS

I recently made a fresh install of Debian 8 + Apache + MySql on a VPS to host RespondCMS.
The installation went well but when I launch the application in a browser, a part of the layout is broken and the themes are not listed.
Layout is broken
When I open the debug console in Chrome, I can see that's it's linked to an error loading a resource (api/theme).
api/theme error
Did I forget something or is it a bug in the app ?
I came across a post mentioning a page at test/index.php which lists all the requirements of the app that are not matched.
Fixing them one by one, I finally fixed my original issue when enabling mod_rewrite module of Apache and adding a "Directory" tag in the .conf file of the website (AllowOverride None).
Hope it will help ;)

Drupal apc module

I have deployed drupal site on my dev env and I can view the frontend of the site. The Site pages are cached using APC server cache module installed on drupal.
The Issue is that I'm not able to clear the cache using Admin Console of Drupal CMS because after login I get the error -
Fatal error: Call to undefined function apc_delete() in C:\xampp\htdocs\nrdrupaldev\sites\all\modules\apc\drupal_apc_cache.inc on line 289
As the Admin is not accessible due to the above error I tried to disable the module directly from the Database using this query -
UPDATE system SET status='0' WHERE name='apc'
After this I also disabled the module from settings.php by removing its config settings.
But this gave me a series of errors and warnings see below image ![enter image description here][1]
First thing to check is your PHP version. APC no longer works in PHP 5.5+ so you will need the APCu extension.
If you are getting an error stating that a function that belongs to APC is not defined it's safe to say that the extension is not being loaded.
I have not used the APC Drupal module for some time as I has switched my caching needs to Redis but I believe it was updated to support APCu.
