Duplicate woocommerce-cart-form and cart_totals when updating cart - wordpress

I am developing a plugin. when I try to update cart after added cart, all data is showing duplicity each time. I used woocommerce default cart template


Remove Woocommerce add to cart message but keep updating cart amount

I'm using quick view pro by Barn2 for woocommerce and using this code to hide the add to cart message Hide Added to Cart message in Woocommerce which works fine, but in my case the cart amount is not updated until page refresh. So my question is how to modify the code so I be able to hide the message but allow the cart to be updated in the background without need of refresh? Thanks!

WooCommerce replaces products in cart

I can only add one product to the cart. So whenever a new product is added old one is gone from the cart.
Just can't figure out any reason for this. I've disabled the theme/woocommerce folder but still the same issue.

Issue in add the product to cart when price field is empty

I am using https://wisdmlabs.com/woocommerce-user-specific-pricing-extension/ plugin in my site. Using this plugin i have add variations and price for each products. But i have one issue here. I can’t able to add the product to cart when the regular price field is empty.
What can i do for this?

WordPress CMS Woocommerce plugin cart page

I am new to WordPress and since I created one e-commerce store using woocommerce plugin.
There is some page created by woocommerce plugin called cart, account, checkout, etc.
I already created store and its working fine when I place order for any product with some quantity suppose it is 5 each of $5 and I am going to cart page it is showing total ammount of $25.
but in cart page when I change the quantity of product the total amount is not changing.
So, please somebody help me how I can solve this, I want that instant change in total amount on quantity changing in cart page.
It should be a bug,don't try to write custome code on the plugin here are steps that you can follow :
try to deactivate all plugins.
If not fixed , try to change your current theme.
The last solution is to try new installation of WP And WooCommerce.

from where add to cart code works

I am new for the wordpress and I am using woocommerce plugin to create an ecommerce website through it.
I want to know that from where the add to cart functionality is being taking place either by template or by some specific function invloved in attempting the add to cart functionality . I am searching for this as I have to add some custom fields other then provided by the woocommerce.
I have to add the field "material type and description" for the product which is being dynamically generated at the client end.and I have to add that dynamically generated values to the cart and also I have to add this to the Database table as well . so that it will be available through the checkout page.
Please hemp me to solve the Issue.
As I have search to display the cart "cart.php template "is available but it is not showing the code for add to cart.
