Driverless AI Python client - driverless-ai

I have read through the code examples for the Python client here:
and here:
Is there any documentation?

That is the only available documentation at the moment. If there is a particular api question, feel free to update your questions with the relevant code snippet and information and we can try to provide an answer.


Learning resources for developing custom TinkerPop Vertex Programs

I have read the TinkerPop official docs and provided tutorials on their website. I am looking for further learning resources on developing custom Vertex Programs that cover the fundamentals and anatomy of such programs. Thank you.
There aren't many resources on this topic. Generally speaking you should be comfortable in your understanding of BSP, which is the general processing model that GraphComputer is built on and you should look at the code for the various VertexProgram implementations that already exist in TinkerPop. Finally, I wrote a tutorial on this topic which might be helpful which was inspired by this StackOverflow question.

Is there any online compiler API such that if I input the source code, it would return the results (or any errors) upon compilation?

I am building an online code storage platform for competitive programmers and need the code be executable on site. So I would require some online compilers which if provided with source code may return the results.
N.B: The compiler IDE itself need not be visible, I just want the results.
I got the answers. HackerEarth provides such facilities. Try out the following links - HackerEarth V3
And if theres anyone working on Node.js, explore this HackerEarth - Node.js
Thanks anyone who tried to help.
I have used
Its free and almost every language available
Edit : its paid now. Its seems to be author didn't get much donation.
have you tried JDoodle Compiler API -

Is possible to connect to Kafka with Robotframework

I want to connect and test Kafka.
Is it possible to test using RobotFramework.
Any exist library for this.
I realize this post is 5 years old, but the answer (at least now) is yes!
Keyword documentation
Sorry I don't have enough experience to provide any tutoring on it (I'm a newb with Kafka), but at least it exists.
Yes, it is possible to interact with and thus test kafka with RobotFramework. Highly unlikely there exists a library for it however, based on a brief web search.
See my earlier response to this old thread that gives a detailed discussion of what you're asking about and how to go about solving it, minus the actual implementation (which is a significant amount of work, hence no one has written and shared such a library yet).!topic/robotframework-users/gnfR12xAU4U

Point Cloud data - learning sources

What are the best learning sources and study materials for Point Cloud data and Point cloud Library ?
So far I came across PCL Documentation.
There is a git hub repository existing (which was last edited in 2013 :-( ). Maybe it helps you a little bit.
In addition there exists a user forum where you can ask questions for sure.
In addition there are a few resources on the web:
PDF explaining the PCL (in german though)
Another PDF explaining PCL
Tutorial for PCL,
Another Tutorial for PCL,
This PDF is best to understand Point cloud.
And The documentation you mention is good if you know the basic flow.So My opinion is to start with given PDF and then continue with official documentation.
That exactly what I am doing :)

Good examples or documentation of XIFF implementation?

XIFF is an implemenation of the XMPP protocol in actionscript.
So far, all the examples and documentation I have seen are sparse. Does anyone know a good explanation of the most recent version of XIFF and/or good examples of working Flex/AIR applications?
Yeah, there are not a ton of good examples / docs online.
Check out:
for a couple of examples that show how to get started.
