The New Segments do not detect traffic - google-analytics

Goodmorning everyone.
I write because I have a problem with Google Analytics.
I created 2 new segments of traffic going up (in Italian): Analytics> Public> Overview> then from the "+" button (photo 1) then I clicked on button "New Segment" (photo 2) and from there I filled in the parameters (photo 3) previously set by URL Builder.
These segments should serve to control traffic from Linkedin and Facebook ads.
A few months ago I had done the same procedure to control the traffic of simple Facebook posts and I never had any problems. (on photo 1 is the green track that in fact works regularly and at 8.00 showed a visit)
The problem is that these 2 new segments doesn't work: I have verified this problem by clicking on the exact link from the ads on Facebook from different devices (just to make the example of the ads on Facebook).
I'm sure I used the link generated by URL Builder by Google for those specific ads, I also tried to create a normal post using the segment that I would normally use for ads (called on Analytics: Traffic Insertions Facebook) and clicked several times ... No way.
Does not work.
Or better .. it works only if I go to: Real Time> Overview, then I see live traffic sources, but I'm interested in seeing them from Public> Overview.
But it does not work.
Why? Where am I wrong?
Ps: in case the photos were not displayed, here are the links:
pic 1
pic 2
pic 3
pic 1
pic 2
pic 3


Facebook ads incorrect result or google analytics?

I have implemented facebook ads which shows my website received 290 link clicks over 2 days , but in my google analytics from the day before I started ad it shows 57 users , why is it so ?
There are several reasons why there is a discrepancy between clicks on Facebook Ads (as well as on Google Ads) and Google Analytics sessions. It is a more or less known situation.
Some of these are for example that you are comparing 2 different pieces of information, such as clicks on one side and sessions or users on the other.
Clicks can include clicks on different elements or double clicks.
The session is also detected when the Analytics code on the site page is loaded, so if the user clicks on the ads and exits before the site page is loaded (for example because it loads slowly or because he didn't want to click) you will have clicks counted but not sessions.
In your case you are also talking about users, so the discrepancy is certainly higher since if the same person clicks an ads from his smartphone in the morning, then in the afternoon, then in the evening, he will have 3 clicks on Facebook Ads, in the best of cases will result in 3 sessions in Analytics but for the latter it will result in 1 user.
Adding to Michele's answer a couple of points:
Make sure your cookie banner allow Google Analytics and FB Pixel in the same way (e.g. both are loaded only after the user's acceptance), and make a test also with an AdBlock.
Try optimising your campaign for landing page view optimisation, as they will be counted only those users who click on the ads AND load the page. Maybe this will help.
Edit: be aware about the iOS14 changes that may impact this tracking as well

How To Find The Rate At Which User Watches a Video Then Goes To Another Webpage (CTR)

Can someone tell me what's the best way to measure users that go to a home page and watch a video then go to another page in the same website vs a user that goes to the website and doesn't watch the video. I would like to provide a measurement showing users that watched the video then went somewhere else in the same website vs users that didn't watch the video. I am thinking that users that watch a video would go to another webpage at a higher rate then users that don't watch the video.
Sequence segments are your friend! They allow you to create a segment based on Users or Sessions performing actions on your site in a particular order.
Are you tracking video plays via event tracking?
If so, you could create a sequence segment based on sessions, where the sequence starts anywhere in the session, with step 1 based on the event, and step 2 immediately follows as a pageview of any page on the site excluding the home page (so as to not include possible home page refreshes).
This would give more granular data than (for example) a sequence segment including someone simply visiting the homepage and then navigating to another page, without actually having watched any of the video.
Couple of good articles on Sequence Segments that are worth the read:

Message preview is different depending on LinkedIn profile

My company uses LinkedIn Share API to publish messages on LinkedIn profiles sharing content from WordPress posts.
One thing that is driving me crazy right now is that when I share the same URL and content to two different profiles, the preview cards that result from that are different. On one profile I got a full image preview like the following:
But the same content (same API params to share) produce this different preview:
I'm trying everything I can to get a consistent behavior. I'd like to have all previews being full size previews like the one shown in the first screenshot. API documentation doesn't help much here.
Any help or clue would be appreciated.
It's a random behaviour from LinkedIn. From time to time a significant percentage of accounts reached via the post API return a small thumbnail as well as a different content link (if you use redirected links like It happened for a week in February and since last Friday, including a number of Internal Server Errors. It looks like LinkedIn runs different code on different parts of its infrastructure.
So there is nothing you can do programmatically on your end I'm afraid.

image printed in wordpress theme

I found this img src
the wired thing this is generated form wordpress website
the image for a skull so any one know what is that
Try fetching this image by entering its URL directly in your browser.
I get a tiny gif that is a mere 6 by 5 pixels in size.
The typical use of "pixel images" is for ad/visitor tracking and statistics between different sites. The request parameters that are included in the URL, along with HTTP REFERER inform the pixel provider (in this case about the page-view. If the visitor to your site happens to be known to the pixel issuer, then in the request they'll also get a cookie that informs them WHO the visitor is.
This can be used for statistics.
This can be used to track effectiveness of ads (conversion rates after someone clicked on an ad and went to a landing page, for instance).
This can be used to track your interests (do you visit a lot of sites about motor cycles or swimming?), etc.
This way you can have tracking pixels from several issuers on one page.
The issuer (i.e. is a hint that the site uses Jetpack and probably its included statistics package.

Google Analytics not capturing outgoing image links

When a user clicks on an outgoing text link in my wordpress blog, I can see it in the real time stats and in the daily stats that it was clicked and how many times it was clicked. However, I have ads on the site as well, that are just outgoing links from an image, and these are not captured by Google Analytics.
I have searched and see no reason there should be a difference.
You probably have some code to track outbound link clicks. You haven't shared it, but I'm guessing you do and that's the one tracking the image clicks.
That code will probably not work on ads because the ads exist inside an iframe that can't be inspected by the code you have on the page.
Maybe the ad network provides an API you can use, to identify events like clicks on the Ads. Otherwise you're stuck and there's simply no way to detect clicks inside that iframe.
