Removing float from horizontal list menu while retaining dropdown - css

I have a horizontal navigation menu that breaks upon browser window resize as illustrated here:
Now the culprit here is:
#adminNav ul li { float: left;
But as soon as i remove float and do display: inline-block for example the dropdown stop working. It becomes a pure mess.
Tried setting display to inline-block and also recreated a new simple horizontal menu and that behaves as expected but cant get this dropdown to work without float.
Same menu as on but it doesnt break upon browser window resize. The list items should not stack on top of each other.

Not sure what exactly you wish to achieve. If removing the float property is your problem, you can try using flexbox(here is some good information on the matter - If this doesn't work for you, specify your question further. Hope this is useful.


How can I stop a div that is scrolling over the navbar?

Recently I am working on a new website and I am creating it with bootstrap. Here is the bootply link that have my website.
According to that HTML in this Link, I have a trouble that i cant fix yet. When I am scrolling up, the text "Main Bodysssss..." is going over the navigation bar. I have tried to position it but no help. Just tell me how to fix this. Many Thanks.
A higher z-index for .navbar should fix this (working example):
.navbar {
z-index: 10;
From the documentation,
When elements overlap, z-order determines which one covers the other.
An element with a larger z-index generally covers an element with a
lower one.

Display submenus in regular textflow

In the past days I switched my menu to mobile friendly version. Is nearly done so far, only one issue remains: In the desktop version I've positioned the submenus absolutely so that they cover what is below when made visible. However, in the mobile version I would like to have them in regular textflow, so that what is below slides down when I make them visible. I'm using mediaqueries and have tried to set the position attribute to "static" but this didn't work:
#Navigation li ul {
position: static;
display: none;
My test page: (Resize the viewport to a small width until the menu has one column.) I've used this tutorial: where it works just as I want it to. However I cannot use this one-by-one as I wanted to keep the layout of my existing menu. Best regards - Ulrich
In the meantime I was able to solve this problem on my own: Apparently some CSS attributes cannot be changed when they are in a nested list and not on top level. In this case the attribute position. Afterwards I had the same problem with the attribute width which I could not change to 100% and the attribute padding-left which I could not change either. And some years ago when I implemented the initial version of this menu with the attribute height, which I could not change to auto on hover after setting it to 0 initially. Only setting to a fixed height worked.
How can this be? Is it intended or is it a bug in the browsers implementation? (I tested with firefox).
Anyway my menu works fine now, just as I figured it.

How to fix the Wordpress (Twenty Eleven) CSS Menu Alignment?

I am having hard time tweaking a CSS part of the menu.
I have a website here at where the last title "CONTACT" of the menu comes up with a line ahead and doesn't fits the menu. though i was successful in getting the "HOME" first menu item correctly fitting the menu but not the last one.
Can you please tell me what CSS i should add to fix this MENU problem. Also, please have a look i need the last item of the menu to be showing as same css as the first one (HOME).
I need the menu's items to look similar to the one here: (have a look at the last "CONTACT" which fits the menu correctly).
I look forward to hearing back for HELP :)
Muzammil Rafiq
in your css you will want to add two styles
#access li {
width: 25%;
#access li:last-of-type, li#menu-item-31{
border-right: none !important;
width:24% !important;
the first will make each menu element 1 quarter of the width... the second removes the right border on the last element and re-sizes it to fit properly on one line of the navigation bar.
the !important tags may not be necessary but they will ensure this works on the first go.
Well, if you want to create a horizontal menu you should float the list items. But as I can see from your example website you want the list items to be even in width, so you need to put those list item into containers, determing the width for each list container and float those. Also text-align center your a tags.
Good Luck!

Techniques for squashing nav links or fixing the space they take up so that they don't wrap strangely

This is a problem that I run into frequently:
Given some horizontal nav links, what ways are there to ensure that the links don't squash together such that they'll push up or down onto two lines?
I thought that just setting a min-width for the container of those nav links would work (e.g. setting the ul or a container div of the ul to min-width:500px) but as the example shows, that isn't enough. I feel like I'm just missing something simple, but it's an unknown unknown.
Edit: I removed some margin on the li elements and it finally stopped wrapping to two lines. I still don't understand why added padding was causing the wrapping as opposed to simply expanding the width of the containing elements, though.
So what techniques do you guys have for making nav links stay in a horizontal bar formation?
Here is a jsfiddle with roughly the current example that I'm working with:
Do you want them to be visible? One option if you don't want them to wrap is to just have them not be shown. If you want to do that, this will work:
#admin-header {
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;

Disappearing bullet points
On the page above there is an image floated to the left. To the right of it is a list, titled "features". The list items have a background image, however, it isn't appearing. List 2 shows how the background image looks.
Does anyone know how I can make the bullets visible?
I know this is a year old post but others may want to know...
What happens if you are using a content management system and some pages have images & some don't you wouldn't want your list items to be 200px in the content?
You can add this CSS to your UL/OL element:
I hope that helps.
Your image has a float:left property. The list items are therefore rendered "behind" the image.
on the UL element will solve your problem.
Alternatively, you can apply a float:left on your UL-element. This will make it float right to the image, but will make the following content appear on the same line. You can prevent this by clearing the UL-element, or adding element after the UL-element with...
...applied to it.
More information about this behaviour can be found at
This thread is old indeed, but always relevant...
Another alternative solution:
display: inline-block;
Put this on the UL. It forces the entire ul to appear after the float. That way you can have a page with or without the image and it will always display correctly (checked on FF4, IE7 & 8, Chrome 11).
Alternatively, you could use the list-style-image property instead of background-image. I ran into this very problem the other day: the text-wrapping behaviour that floats exhibit on their 'neighbours' only applies to 'content', not background images (for example).
