I am new to using BIRT report designer. Our organisation brand guidline stipulates that all letters need to have line spacing of exact 15pt. And they go further and show us how to set this setting in Microsoft Word:
Now I am trying to set this in my reports that are created using BIRT, but for the life of me I cannot see where this setting if found?
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
My report is setup as follows:
select the text box that you want to add the letter spacing, go to the Advanced options and inside the Text Property set the Letter Spacing as shown:
The paragraph field in Google forms shows only single line. I want to capture input spanning several paragraph. So I want to show it as multiple lines with scrollbar to make it look more intuitive.
Is it possible to that some way?
Google Forms doesn't include format settings for paragraph questions.
Change the theme or font of your form
Is it possible to create HTML-like table in Oracle Reports (output format: .rdf) based on database cell content ?
Report is big, with lot of content, from which one should be formatted cell content.
What is currently:
current data displayed in ready report - database cell content
What is requested:
what should be displayed
Using HTML formatting in this case doesn't work,
HTML tags are very limited for an .rdf report.
Is there any way to achieve this functionality, using another technique?
If you used the Wizard to create a report (you should have; it does a lot of dirty job for you), it also creates layout and puts everything into its place, creating a "grid" (table), something very close to what you need.
Navigate to paper layout editor where you can choose to format lines (cells, frames) - in the vertical toolbar, pick a line color (for example, black). In (horizontal) menu, go to Format menu (and then Line and Border submenus), selecting borders you want (top, bottom, right, left).
Once you're done, run the report and you should see a pretty table.
Saying that "output format is .rdf", that's wrong. Report is saved as a .rdf file, but its output can be, for example, a PDF file.
Never mind that, it was just a side note.
Does anybody know how to display some text or comments on a PowerView report for example to explain why a graph is what it is ? I do not want to export to PowerPoint and add a shape manually, I would like the text to display within the PowerView report (and being published in SharePoint) ?
Any idea or guidance welcome. Thank you.
Within the Power View "Edit Report" view, you can add static components to your Power View report. By static, I mean non-data-driven items, such as Text Boxes and Images.
The below image shows what this looks like in SharePoint 2013.
Maybe it is a newbie question, but I don't know how and where to set page size?
What is the difference between Generated Design and AutoDesignSpecs?
Why do I find the same object (label, text box etc) under either sections?
To set your page size right-click the design node of your report, then choose "printer setup" to select the printer and "page setup" to choose paper and orientation.
By googling around:
With the AutoDesignSpecs you give AX metadata of what you want to put
in the report, and AX renders this a runtime to get the layout. This
is a very flexible way to declare a report and should be used for most
regular reports.
With the GeneratedDesign you create the layout and control where to
put everything. This is something you'd need for documents like an
invoice or a packing slip.
You find the same object names in both because the generated design was initially created from the auto design yielding the same node names.
Also see Best Practices.
I'm using Data Dynamics Active Reports to generate some reports on our website.
Action: User runs a report on user accounts (this contains an email field) and Exports to an excel file.
Issue: If the email is relatively long, extra white space is added in the field.
Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what did you do to fix it?
Here, I found a solution to hide blank sub report space:
Add group header and footer
Check the condition
Make Group header or footer visible false/true
After some research with DataDynamics and GrapCity I found that this is a known bug they are working on Case 00023478.
To work around it I made the TextBox larger that the email fields were bound to. It's a sucky work around but it's all we have until they fix this issue.
The issue has to do with wrapped text in a texbox that forces line breaks in the excel export.
The better, but still sucky, workaround is to make all of your textboxes alignment "Justify". This removes all the spaces from the text on export to excel no matter what size the box, but everything is now justified...