Here Maps iOS premium SDK NMAMAPGestureDelegate makes app freezing - here-api

We are facing an issue on the here maps iOS premium SDK:
Has someone already faced their map freezing or going extremely slow (like unusuable) after using NMAMAPGestureDelegate protocole either on virtual or real device ?
Any idea about why we are facing this issue ?
Thanks in advance !

Please upgrade to latest IOS version SDK that has significantly improved the performance issues.
The following highlights give a short summary of the most important changes, added functionality, and improvements:
SDK Starter edition Version 3.14 is deprecated. Only critical defects will be fixed in future releases.
Added support for new devices: iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPad 7


App behavior changes when going from iOS 13.6.1 to iOS 14

I just finished my app that I built for iOS 13.6.1 and everything was working as expected. I tried it on my girlfriend’s phone that is running iOS 14.0. A lot of the behavior has changed. Without going into details of what changed, I am just wondering if this a feature of iOS updates or a bug. I am new to iOS. Do developers have to rewrite their apps with major OS releases?
Developers have to test their apps with new OS releases.
Here's a tip: You always specify the SDK used by the app and the lowest iOS version supported. If you don't change which SDK you use (like you continue using the iOS 13.4 SDK, just an example) then it is quite likely that your behaviour doesn't change, but if you switch to the iOS 14.0 SDK, the behaviour is more likely to change.

Developing iOS 7 apps on intel-XDK not an option anymore after February 1st? [duplicate]

Yesterday I've received a mail from the Apple Developer Center, stating:
Make sure your apps work seamlessly with the innovative technologies in iOS 7. Starting February 1, new apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with Xcode 5 and iOS 7 SDK.
Will this mean the end of developing apps cross-device off of non-Apple devices?
It sure is a heavy restriction and I'm very disappointed with this news!
Could someone shine a light on this painful news?
I don't believe this is the case.
As long as the app is compiled using XCode, and using the iOS7 SDK, you should be fine.
When they say "built" they mean, it has a corresponding XCode project. Not that every line of code has been written in XCode. At least, that's my interpretation.

Air App - Slow on Android, Super Fast on iOS

We have a peculiar problem if anyone has run into anything similar. We have a fairly large mobile app, built with Apache Flex 4.10 and Air 3.8. Runs beautifully on iOS. Screens are quick to load, scrolling is smooth and the app is almost desktop like. However, on an Android device, it runs painfully slow. Same codebase, both modern devices, everything same. It takes about 4 times as long to run on android as on an iOS device. Any ideas?
The issue turns out is specific to Galaxy Tab 3 10.1. Same app runs significantly faster on a much older beat up Samsung Galaxy Note 2.
Other folks are running into the same issue. ( . This device ships with an Intel based chip. Air is not supported on Intel x86 based Androids (atleast from their tech specs)
ARMv7 processor with vector FPU, minimum 550MHz, OpenGL ES 2.0, H.264 and AAC HW decoders
Android™ 2.3 and above
256MB of RAM
Really not sure what other folks are doing to combat this, The galaxy tab is probably going to be among the most popular Android devices this holiday season. Does anyone have a similar experience?
When an AIR app is exported to iOS, it is compiled to native code. The Android version is compiled to the AVM bytecodes and is interpreted. This is probably the difference in performance.
I know there have been some requests to compile AIR apps to native Android code, no idea what plans are in place for this.

Flex applications on Windows Phone 7

I'm evaluating Flex 4.5 for use as a mobile development platform. The demo version of the IDE supports android and promises to support iPhone development in future. There's no mention of Windows Phone 7. Usually, this is the sort of thing that google excels at but in this case, I've come up empty handed. I've found many contradictory reports of Adobe supporting WP7, then not supporting it, then supporting it but not in the initial release.
Has anyone come across any official announcements from Adobe on this? I understand that companies change their priorities and business relationships change so I'm not looking for a crystal ball, I'd just like to see the latest communication from Adobe on this is.
Flex 4.5 can currently be used on Android and iPhone, however WinPhone7 is kind of out of the loop for now. There has been some demos of it shown, but who knows when Microsoft/Adobe will work together to get Flash out on Internet Explorer mobile or get to having Air on WinPhone7.
I know personally that Adobe is aiming for it, but not sure how much of a priority it is since WinPhone7 is still an underdog in this arena. My feeling is that it will come, but not just yet.
Flex/Flash hass not been mentioned on any public timelines for Windows Phone 7.
I think it's safe to assume that you won't see it any time soon.

Is the Google SignIn framework available with mac catalyst support?

I am looking for the google signin sdk with mac catalyst support. Current version of 5.0.1 also don't support catalyst. Is there any planned release for the same?
Google Support has mentioned the following regarding Mac Catalyst:
We cannot provide technical assistance regarding your concern as the Mac Catalyst is not supported by the Mobile Ads SDK. To get future updates regarding this, please keep an eye on our blog.
