Is the Google SignIn framework available with mac catalyst support? - google-signin

I am looking for the google signin sdk with mac catalyst support. Current version of 5.0.1 also don't support catalyst. Is there any planned release for the same?

Google Support has mentioned the following regarding Mac Catalyst:
We cannot provide technical assistance regarding your concern as the Mac Catalyst is not supported by the Mobile Ads SDK. To get future updates regarding this, please keep an eye on our blog.


Here Maps iOS premium SDK NMAMAPGestureDelegate makes app freezing

We are facing an issue on the here maps iOS premium SDK:
Has someone already faced their map freezing or going extremely slow (like unusuable) after using NMAMAPGestureDelegate protocole either on virtual or real device ?
Any idea about why we are facing this issue ?
Thanks in advance !
Please upgrade to latest IOS version SDK that has significantly improved the performance issues.
The following highlights give a short summary of the most important changes, added functionality, and improvements:
SDK Starter edition Version 3.14 is deprecated. Only critical defects will be fixed in future releases.
Added support for new devices: iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPad 7

Android Management API (COSU) on AndroidTV?

Android Management APIs are supposed to be "compatible with any device running Android 5.1 or above that has Google Play installed." I really want that to be true, but am having trouble with Android TVs. (Specifically, a NexBox A95x and a TX3mini I'm testing with.)
My stumbling point is how to enter the enrollment token into the device when provisioning it? I had no problem with a Samsung tablet. But, the Android TVs don't use the same startup wizard after hardware reset, so there doesn't seem to be an opportunity to trigger a QR reader, or manually enter the token. I've tried entering the enrollment token into Google Play app (in lieu of the email or phone number to log in), but no luck.
Any ideas or insight how to make this work? If anyone knows a definitive reason why this can't be made to work (e.g. Management APIs don't work on AOSP) that'd be helpful information too.
Clarification (Updated 26 Dec 2017)
Here's a minimal, complete, and verifiable example of the Google Management APIs. The Quickstart exercise from Google, themselves.
Problem: The Quickstart exercise doesn't seem to work with Android TV (tested on a NexBox A95x and a TX3mini). The blocker appears on this step: (Provision A Device). The Android TVs have their own setup wizards that do not accept an Android For Work enrollment token. (I have completed the Quickstart on a Samsung tablet without problem.)
Google's documentation says the Management APIs are "compatible with any device running Android 5.1 or above that has Google Play installed" so it seems these Android TVs should qualify.
Has anyone found a workaround to do complete the Management API Quickstart on an Android TV?
As far as I know the Android Management API doesn't supports Android-based OS's like Android TV, Android Wear, Android Auto or Android Things. It just supports standard Android for phones and tablets.

Analytics SDK for tvOS

I'm about to ship an app for tvOS and I would like to include some basic analytics in it, but I couldn't find any SDK available for this platform.
I already integrated the beta version of Fabric but only the Crashlytics SDK is working on tvOS. Answers is not available.
I've been looking at Google Analytics, Flury, Mixpanel but so far, it doesn't seem like anyone has a working SDK. Does anybody have some suggestions?
Fabric started a beta for Answers on tvOS.
For Google Analytics, if you're using the TVML and TVJS to build your app, you can use tvjs_google_analytics.
If you are not using TVML+TVJS, it looks like the Google Analytics SDK for iOS now supports bitcode, though they apparently do not have a tvOS target yet so you'll probably have to wait until Google gets around to adding that.
We could use 'Flurry-iOS-SDK/FlurryTVOS', '8.3.0' for tvOS Analytics.

Is it Meteor support installation in Windows 8 officially?

We successfully setup the Meteor in Centos. Is it Latest version supporting installation in windows 8 officially?. If yes please share the information.
we know its supporting unofficially with the following url
I agree about the cloud solutions. I've used the unofficial Windows version and had some problems, but I am loving cloud development with Meteor.
If you are interested in trying it out, I wrote up an entire tutorial on how to get set up with cloud development in Meteor and included a screencast.
Windows support is not yet official and outlines some workarounds, the better ones which include utilizing a virtual machine. There is a suggested native solution (launchmeteor.exe), although unofficial, with key difference (for some developers) being Meteorite not work on Windows yet.
According to the roadmap trello board official windows support is targeted for 1.0 if time permits, but it seems very unlikely.
For interim portability, you may want to have a look at cloud solutions like at which runs the dev environment on the cloud but has a windows desktop app which at least lets you develop locally and sync to your cloud box.

Flex applications on Windows Phone 7

I'm evaluating Flex 4.5 for use as a mobile development platform. The demo version of the IDE supports android and promises to support iPhone development in future. There's no mention of Windows Phone 7. Usually, this is the sort of thing that google excels at but in this case, I've come up empty handed. I've found many contradictory reports of Adobe supporting WP7, then not supporting it, then supporting it but not in the initial release.
Has anyone come across any official announcements from Adobe on this? I understand that companies change their priorities and business relationships change so I'm not looking for a crystal ball, I'd just like to see the latest communication from Adobe on this is.
Flex 4.5 can currently be used on Android and iPhone, however WinPhone7 is kind of out of the loop for now. There has been some demos of it shown, but who knows when Microsoft/Adobe will work together to get Flash out on Internet Explorer mobile or get to having Air on WinPhone7.
I know personally that Adobe is aiming for it, but not sure how much of a priority it is since WinPhone7 is still an underdog in this arena. My feeling is that it will come, but not just yet.
Flex/Flash hass not been mentioned on any public timelines for Windows Phone 7.
I think it's safe to assume that you won't see it any time soon.
