How can I run my Newton's method in this case? - r

There is a function like:
y = (e^x - 2)^n
The x is an unknown, for n = 2,3,4,...,8
Now I want to use NR method to find the root of this function(initial x is 0).
I know how to write an NR method if the n is a fixed value, here's my origin NR code:
NR <- function(f, x0, tol = 1e-5, ite = 1000){
require(numDeriv) #call the package for computing dx
k <- ite
for (i in 1:ite){
#calculate dx
dx <- genD(func = f, x = x0)$D[1]
#get the x1
x1 <- x0 - (f(x0) / dx)
k[i] <- x1
if(abs(x1 - x0) < tol){
root <- x1
re <- list('root approximation' = root, 'iteration' = length(k))
x0 <- x1
print('Outside the upper iteration')
Now I rewrite my function:
f <- function(x, n){
(exp(x) - 2) ^ n
If I want to output every root for different n, I think I should add another loop before the loop "for (i in 1:ite)"
So I rewrite my NR function code:
NR <- function(f, x0, tol = 1e-5, ite = 1000){
require(numDeriv) #call the package for computing dx
k <- ite
for(n in 2:8){
for (i in 1:ite){
#calculate dx
dx <- genD(func = f, x = x0)$D[1]
#get the x1
x1 <- x0 - (f(x0, n) / dx)
k[i] <- x1
if(abs(x1 - x0) < tol){
root <- x1
re <- list('root approximation' = root, 'iteration' = length(k))
x0 <- x1
print('Outside the upper iteration')
But when I run NR(f,0), R showed me the error is :
Error in func(x, ...) : argument "n" is missing, with no default
How can I figure this out?
Thank you for your help!

I hope you find my answer helpful:
If you try ?genD you will read this:
genD(func, x, method="Richardson",
method.args=list(), ...)
## Default S3 method: genD(func, x, method="Richardson",
method.args=list(), ...) Arguments
func a function for which the first (vector) argument is used as a
parameter vector. x The parameter vector first argument to func.
And in the bottom of the R Documentation this example:
func <- function(x){c(x[1], x[1], x[2]^2)}
z <- genD(func, c(2,2,5))
Therefore, the issue with your code is that you need to use a vector as an argument for f:
f <- function(c){ (exp(c[1]) - 2) ^ c[2] }
NR <- function(f, x0, tol = 1e-5, ite = 1000){ require(numDeriv)
#call the package for computing dx k <- ite for(n in 2:8){
for (i in 1:ite){
#calculate dx
dx <- genD(func = f, x = c(x0,n))$D[1]
#get the x1
x1 <- x0 - (f(c(x0,n)) / dx)
k[i] <- x1
if(abs(x1 - x0) < tol){
root <- x1
re <- list('root approximation' = root, 'iteration' = length(k))
x0 <- x1
print('Outside the upper iteration') } }
If I run that my output is:
$`root approximation` [1] 0.6931375
$iteration [1] 15


Looping through functions in R

I'm trying to write a loop in R that should do the following:
Calculate the square root of a given positive number using Newtons method. My idea is something like this:
delta <- 0.0000001
x <- input_value
#DO: = 0.5*(x + mu/x)
x =
abs(xˆ2 - mu) < delta
It's meant as a quick way to find the root(s) of a given number.
Does anyone has any ideas as to how to make a loop that does this in R?
This is how I ended up solving my issue:
find_roots <- function(f, a, b, delta = 0.00005, n = 1000) {
require(numDeriv) # Package for calculating f'(x)
x_0 <- a # Set start value to supplied lower bound
k <- n # Initialize for iteration results
for (i in 1:n) {
dx <- genD(func = f, x = x_0)$D[1] # First-order derivative f'(x0)
x_1 <- x_0 - (f(x_0) / dx) # Calculate next value x_1
k[i] <- x_1 # Store x_1
# Once the difference between x0 and x1 becomes sufficiently small, output the results.
if (abs(x_1 - x_0) < delta) {
root.approx <- tail(k, n=1)
res <- list('root approximation' = root.approx, 'iterations' = k)
# If Newton-Raphson has not yet reached convergence set x1 as x0 and continue
x_0 <- x_1
print('Too many iterations in method')
#Example of it working:
func1 <- function(x) {
x^2 + 3*x + 1
# Check out the magic
newton.raphson(func1, 2,3)

Iterative optimization of alternative glm family

I'm setting up an alternative response function to the commonly used exponential function in poisson glms, which is called softplus and defined as $\frac{1}{c} \log(1+\exp(c \eta))$, where $\eta$ corresponds to the linear predictor $X\beta$
I already managed optimization by setting parameter $c$ to arbitrary fixed values and only searching for $\hat{\beta}$.
BUT now for the next step I have to optimize this parameter $c$ as well (iteratively changing between updated $\beta$ and current $c$).
I tried to write a log-lik function, score function and then setting up a Newton Raphson optimization (using a while loop)
but I don't know how to seperate the updating of c in an outer step and updating \beta in an inner step..
Are there any suggestions?
# Response function:
sp <- function(eta, c = 1 ) {
return(log(1 + exp(abs(c * eta)))/ c)
# Log Likelihood
l.lpois <- function(par, y, X){
beta <- par[1:(length(par)-1)]
c <- par[length(par)]
l <- rep(NA, times = length(y))
for (i in 1:length(l)){
l[i] <- y[i] * log(sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c)) - sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c)
l <- sum(l)
# Score function
score <- function(y, X, par){
beta <- par[1:(length(par)-1)]
c <- par[length(par)]
s <- matrix(rep(NA, times = length(y)*length(par)), ncol = length(y))
for (i in 1:length(y)){
s[,i] <- c(X[i,], 1) * (y[i] * plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta) / sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c) - plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta))
score <- rep(NA, times = nrow(s))
for (j in 1:length(score)){
score[j] <- sum(s[j,])
# Optimization function
opt <- function(y, X, b.start, eps=0.0001, maxiter = 1e5){
beta <- b.start[1:(length(b.start)-1)]
c <- b.start[length(b.start)]
b.old <- b.start
i <- 0
conv <- FALSE
while(conv == FALSE){
eta <- X%*%b.old[1:(length(b.old)-1)]
s <- score(y, X, b.old)
h <- numDeriv::hessian(l.lpois,b.old,y=y,X=X)
invh <- solve(h)
# update <- b.old + invh %*% s
i <- i + 1
# Test
if(any(is.nan({ <- b.old
warning("convergence failed")
# convergence reached?
if(sqrt(sum(( - b.old)^2))/sqrt(sum(b.old^2)) < eps | i >= maxiter){
conv <- TRUE
b.old <-
eta <- X%*[1:(length(]
# covariance
invh <- solve(numDeriv::hessian(l.lpois,,y=y,X=X))
fitted <- sp(eta,[length(])
result <- list("coefficients" = c(beta =,
"fitted.values" = fitted,
"covariance" = invh)
# Running fails ..
n <- 100
x <- runif(n, 0, 1)
Xdes <- cbind(1, x)
eta <- 1 + 2 * x
y <- rpois(n, sp(eta, c = 1))
You have 2 bugs:
line 25:
(y[i] * plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta) / sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c) - plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta))
this returns matrix so you must convert to numeric:
as.numeric(y[i] * plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta) / sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c) - plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta))
line 23:
) is missing:
you have:
s <- matrix(rep(NA, times = length(y)*length(par), ncol = length(y))
while it should be:
s <- matrix(rep(NA, times = length(y)*length(par)), ncol = length(y))

Error in seq.default(a, length = max(0, b - a - 1)) : length must be non-negative number

I tried running the code below.
y<- rnorm(200)
t=seq(-3.317670, 2.963407, length.out=500)
fit=density(y, bw=h2, n=1024, kernel="epanechnikov")
integrate.xy(fit$x, fit$y, min(fit$x), t[407])
However, i recived the following message:
"Error in seq.default(a, length = max(0, b - a - 1)) :
length must be non-negative number"
I am not sure what's wrong.
I do not encounter any problem when i use t[406] or t[408] as follow:
integrate.xy(fit$x, fit$y, min(fit$x), t[406])
integrate.xy(fit$x, fit$y, min(fit$x), t[408])
Does anyone know what's the problem and how to fix it? Appreciate your help please. Thanks!
I went through the source code for the integrate.xy function, and there seems to be a bug relating to the usage of the xtol argument.
For reference, here is the source code of integrate.xy function:
function (x, fx, a, b, use.spline = TRUE, xtol = 2e-08)
dig <- round(-log10(xtol))
f.match <- function(x, table) match(signif(x, dig), signif(table,
if (is.list(x)) {
fx <- x$y
x <- x$x
if (length(x) == 0)
stop("list 'x' has no valid $x component")
if ((n <- length(x)) != length(fx))
stop("'fx' must have same length as 'x'")
if (is.unsorted(x)) {
i <- sort.list(x)
x <- x[i]
fx <- fx[i]
if (any(i <- duplicated(x))) {
n <- length(x <- x[!i])
fx <- fx[!i]
if (any(diff(x) == 0))
stop("bug in 'duplicated()' killed me: have still multiple x[]!")
if (missing(a))
a <- x[1]
else if (any(a < x[1]))
stop("'a' must NOT be smaller than min(x)")
if (missing(b))
b <- x[n]
else if (any(b > x[n]))
stop("'b' must NOT be larger than max(x)")
if (length(a) != 1 && length(b) != 1 && length(a) != length(b))
stop("'a' and 'b' must have length 1 or same length !")
else {
k <- max(length(a), length(b))
if (any(b < a))
stop("'b' must be elementwise >= 'a'")
if (use.spline) {
xy <- spline(x, fx, n = max(1024, 3 * n))
if (xy$x[length(xy$x)] < x[n]) {
if (TRUE)
cat("working around spline(.) BUG --- hmm, really?\n\n")
xy$x <- c(xy$x, x[n])
xy$y <- c(xy$y, fx[n])
x <- xy$x
fx <- xy$y
n <- length(x)
ab <- unique(c(a, b))
xtol <- xtol * max(b - a)
BB <- abs(outer(x, ab, "-")) < xtol
if (any(j <- 0 == apply(BB, 2, sum))) {
y <- approx(x, fx, xout = ab[j])$y
x <- c(ab[j], x)
i <- sort.list(x)
x <- x[i]
fx <- c(y, fx)[i]
n <- length(x)
ai <- rep(f.match(a, x), length = k)
bi <- rep(f.match(b, x), length = k)
dfx <- fx[-c(1, n)] * diff(x, lag = 2)
r <- numeric(k)
for (i in 1:k) {
a <- ai[i]
b <- bi[i]
r[i] <- (x[a + 1] - x[a]) * fx[a] + (x[b] - x[b - 1]) *
fx[b] + sum(dfx[seq(a, length = max(0, b - a - 1))])
The value given to the xtol argument, is being overwritten in the line xtol <- xtol * max(b - a). But the value of the dig variable is calculated based on the original value of xtol, as given in the input to the function. Because of this mismatch, f.match function, in the line bi <- rep(f.match(b, x), length = k), returns no matches between x and b (i.e., NA). This results in the error that you have encountered.
A simple fix, at least for the case in question, would be to remove the xtol <- xtol * max(b - a) line. But, you should file a bug report with the maintainer of this package, for a more rigorous fix.

Why does this optimization algorithm in R stop after a few function evaluations?

I have a code which has been used for some paper.
After defining the function to be optimized, the author used the Nelder-Mead method to estimate the parameters needed. When I run the code, it freezes after 493 function evaluations have been used, it doesn't show any kind of error message or anything. I've been trying to find some info but I haven't been lucky. How can I modify the optim command in order to evaluate all possible combinations, and/or what is preventing the function from being optimized?
Here's the code. It's relatively long, BUT the second-to-last line (system.time(stcopfit...)) is the ONLY ONE I need to make work / fix / modify. So you can just copy&paste the code (as I said, taken from the author of the mentioned paper) and let it run, you don't have to go through the all code, just the last few lines. This is the data over which to run the optimization, i.e. a matrix of [0,1] uniform variables of dimension 2172x9.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Here's a screenshot in RStudio (it took around 2 minutes to arrive at 493, and then it's been stuck like this for the last 30 minutes):
#download older version of "sn" package
url <- ""
install.packages(url, repos=NULL, type="source")
#1. redefine qst function
qst <- function (p, xi = 0, omega = 1, alpha = 0, nu = Inf, tol = 1e-08)
if (length(alpha) > 1)
stop("'alpha' must be a single value")
if (length(nu) > 1)
stop("'nu' must be a single value")
if (nu <= 0)
stop("nu must be non-negative")
if (nu == Inf)
return(qsn(p, xi, omega, alpha))
if (nu == 1)
return(qsc(p, xi, omega, alpha))
if (alpha == Inf)
return(xi + omega * sqrt(qf(p, 1, nu)))
if (alpha == -Inf)
return(xi - omega * sqrt(qf(1 - p, 1, nu)))
na <- | (p < 0) | (p > 1)
abs.alpha <- abs(alpha)
if (alpha < 0)
p <- (1 - p)
zero <- (p == 0)
one <- (p == 1)
x <- xa <- xb <- xc <- fa <- fb <- fc <- rep(NA, length(p))
nc <- rep(TRUE, length(p))
nc[(na | zero | one)] <- FALSE
fc[!nc] <- 0
xa[nc] <- qt(p[nc], nu)
xb[nc] <- sqrt(qf(p[nc], 1, nu))
fa[nc] <- pst(xa[nc], 0, 1, abs.alpha, nu) - p[nc]
fb[nc] <- pst(xb[nc], 0, 1, abs.alpha, nu) - p[nc]
regula.falsi <- FALSE
while (sum(nc) > 0) {
xc[nc] <- if (regula.falsi)
xb[nc] - fb[nc] * (xb[nc] - xa[nc])/(fb[nc] - fa[nc])
else (xb[nc] + xa[nc])/2
fc[nc] <- pst(xc[nc], 0, 1, abs.alpha, nu) - p[nc]
pos <- (fc[nc] > 0)
xa[nc][!pos] <- xc[nc][!pos]
fa[nc][!pos] <- fc[nc][!pos]
xb[nc][pos] <- xc[nc][pos]
fb[nc][pos] <- fc[nc][pos]
x[nc] <- xc[nc]
nc[(abs(fc) < tol)] <- FALSE
regula.falsi <- !regula.falsi
x <- replace(x, zero, -Inf)
x <- replace(x, one, Inf)
Sign <- function(x) sign(x)+ as.numeric(x==0)
q <- as.numeric(xi + omega * Sign(alpha)* x)
names(q) <- names(p)
#2. initial parameter setting
mkParam <- function(Omega, delta, nu){
ndim <- length(delta)+1;
R <- diag(ndim);
for (i in 2:ndim){
R[i,1] <- R[1,i] <- delta[i-1];
if (i>=3){for (j in 2:(i-1)){R[i,j] <- R[j,i] <- Omega[i-1,j-1];}}
LTR <- t(chol(R));
Mtheta <- matrix(0, nrow=ndim, ncol=ndim);
for (i in 2:ndim){
Mtheta[i,1] <- acos(LTR[i,1]);
cumsin <- sin(Mtheta[i,1]);
if (i >=3){for (j in 2:(i-1)){
Mtheta[i,j] <- acos(LTR[i,j]/cumsin);
cumsin <- cumsin*sin(Mtheta[i,j]);}
c(Mtheta[lower.tri(Mtheta)], log(nu-2));
#3. from internal to original parameters
paramToExtCorr <- function(param){
ntheta <- dim*(dim+1)/2;
theta <- param[1:ntheta];
ndim <- (1+sqrt(1+8*length(theta)))/2;
LTR <- diag(ndim);
for (i in 2:ndim){
LTR[i,1] <- cos(theta[i-1]);
cumsin <- sin(theta[i-1]);
if (i >=3){for (j in 2:(i-1)){
k <- i+ndim*(j-1)-j*(j+1)/2;
LTR[i,j] <- cumsin*cos(theta[k]);
cumsin <- cumsin*sin(theta[k]);}
LTR[i,i] <- cumsin;
R <- LTR %*% t(LTR);
#4. show estimated parameters and log likelihood
resultVec <- function(fit){
R <- paramToExtCorr(fit$par);
logLik <- -fit$value;
Omega <- R[-1, -1];
delta <- R[1, -1];
ntheta <- dim*(dim+1)/2;
nu <- exp(fit$par[ntheta+1])+2;
c(Omega[lower.tri(Omega)], delta, nu, logLik);
#5. negative log likelihood for multivariate skew-t copula
stcopn11 <- function(param){
N <- nrow(udat);
mpoints <- 150;
npar <- length(param);
nu <- exp(param[npar])+2;
R <- paramToExtCorr(param);
Omega <- R[-1, -1];
delta <- R[1, -1];
zeta <- delta/sqrt(1-delta*delta);
iOmega <- solve(Omega);
alpha <- iOmega %*% delta / sqrt(1-(t(delta) %*% iOmega %*% delta)[1,1]);
ix <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=dim);
lm <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=dim);
for (j in 1:dim){
minx <- qst(min(udat[,j]), alpha=zeta[j], nu=nu);
maxx <- qst(max(udat[,j]), alpha=zeta[j], nu=nu);
xx <- seq(minx, maxx, length=mpoints);
px <- sort(pst(xx, alpha=zeta[j], nu=nu));
ix[,j] <- pchip(px, xx, udat[,j]);
lm[,j] <- dst(ix[,j], alpha=zeta[j], nu=nu, log=TRUE);
lc <- dmst(ix, Omega=Omega, alpha=alpha, nu=nu, log=TRUE);
#6. sample setting
dim <- 9;
smdelta <- c(-0.36,-0.33,-0.48,-0.36,-0.33,-0.48,-0.36,-0.33,-0.48);
smdf <- 5;
smOmega <- cor(udat);
smzeta <- smdelta/sqrt(1-smdelta*smdelta);
iOmega <- solve(smOmega);
smalpha <- iOmega %*% smdelta /sqrt(1-(t(smdelta) %*% iOmega %*% smdelta)[1,1]);
#7. estimation
iniPar <- mkParam(diag(dim),numeric(dim),6);
The parameters you arrive at by step 493 lead to an infinite loop in your qst function: not having any idea what this very complex code is actually doing, I'm afraid I can't diagnose further. Here's what I did to get that far:
I stated cur.params <- NULL in the global environment, then put cur.params <<- params within stcopn11; this saves the current set of parameters to the global environment, so that when you break out of the optim() call manually (via Control-C or ESC depending on your platform) you can inspect the current set of parameters, and restart from them easily
I put in old-school debugging statements (e.g. cat("entering stcopn11\n") and cat("leaving stcopn11\n") at the beginning and at the next-to-last line of the objective function, a few within stopc11 to indicate progress markers within)
once I had the "bad" parameters I used debug(stcopn11) and stcopn11(cur.param) to step through the function
I discovered that it was hanging on dimension 3 (j==3 in the for loop within stcopn11) and particularly on the first qst() call
I added a maxit=1e5 argument to qst; initialized it <- 1 before the while loop; set it <- it+1 each time through the loop; changed the stopping criterion to while (sum(nc) > 0 && it<maxit); and added if (it==maxit) stop("hit max number of iterations in qst") right after the loop
1e5 iterations in qst took 74 seconds; I have no idea whether it might stop eventually, but didn't want to wait to find out.
This was my modified version of stcopn11:
cur.param <- NULL ## set parameter placeholder
##5. negative log likelihood for multivariate skew-t copula
stcopn11 <- function(param,debug=FALSE) {
cur.param <<- param ## record current params outside function
N <- nrow(udat)
mpoints <- 150
npar <- length(param)
nu <- exp(param[npar])+2
R <- paramToExtCorr(param)
Omega <- R[-1, -1]
delta <- R[1, -1]
zeta <- delta/sqrt(1-delta*delta)
cat("... solving iOmega")
iOmega <- solve(Omega)
alpha <- iOmega %*% delta /
sqrt(1-(t(delta) %*% iOmega %*% delta)[1,1])
ix <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=dim)
lm <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=dim)
cat("... entering dim loop\n")
for (j in 1:dim){
if (debug) cat(j,"\n")
minx <- qst(min(udat[,j]), alpha=zeta[j], nu=nu)
maxx <- qst(max(udat[,j]), alpha=zeta[j], nu=nu)
xx <- seq(minx, maxx, length=mpoints)
px <- sort(pst(xx, alpha=zeta[j], nu=nu))
ix[,j] <- pchip(px, xx, udat[,j])
lm[,j] <- dst(ix[,j], alpha=zeta[j], nu=nu, log=TRUE)
lc <- dmst(ix, Omega=Omega, alpha=alpha, nu=nu, log=TRUE)
cat("leaving stcopn11\n")

How to find the second derivative in R and while using newton's method with numerical derivation

The log-likelihood of the gamma distribution with scale parameter 1 can be written as:
where alpha is the shape parameter and s=∑logXi is the sufficient statistic.
Randomly draw a sample of n = 30 with a shape parameter of alpha = 4.5. Using newton_search and make_derivative, find the maximum likelihood estimate of alpha. Use the moment estimator of alpha, i.e., mean of x as the initial guess. The log-likelihood function in R is:
x <- rgamma(n=30, shape=4.5)
gllik <- function() {
s <- sum(log(x))
n <- length(x)
function(a) {
(a - 1) * s - n * lgamma(a)
I have created the make_derivative function as follows:
make_derivative <- function(f, h) {
(f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / (2*h)
I also have created a newton_search function that incorporates the make_derivative function; However, I need to use newton_search on the second derivative of the log-likelihood function and I'm not sure how to fix the following code in order for it to do that:
newton_search2 <- function(f, h, guess, conv=0.001) {
y0 <- guess
N = 1000
i <- 1; y1 <- y0
p <- numeric(N)
while (i <= N) {
make_derivative <- function(f, h) {
(f(y0 + h) - f(y0 - h)) / (2*h)
y1 <- (y0 - (f(y0)/make_derivative(f, h)))
p[i] <- y1
i <- i + 1
if (abs(y1 - y0) < conv) break
y0 <- y1
return (p[(i-1)])
Hint: You must apply newton_search to the first and second derivatives (derived numerically using make_derivative) of the log-likelihood. Your answer should be near 4.5.
when I run newton_search2(gllik(), 0.0001, mean(x), conv = 0.001), I get double what the answer should be.
I re-wrote the code and it works perfectly now (even better than what I had originally wrote). Thanks to all who helped. :-)
newton_search <- function(f, df, guess, conv=0.001) {
y0 <- guess
N = 100
i <- 1; y1 <- y0
p <- numeric(N)
while (i <= N) {
y1 <- (y0 - (f(y0)/df(y0)))
p[i] <- y1
i <- i + 1
if (abs(y1 - y0) < conv) break
y0 <- y1
return (p[(i-1)])
make_derivative <- function(f, h) {
function(x){(f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / (2*h)
df1 <- make_derivative(gllik(), 0.0001)
df2 <- make_derivative(df1, 0.0001)
newton_search(df1, df2, mean(x), conv = 0.001)
