How to delete an application in Linkedin? - linkedin

I created a Linkedin app long ago in order to allow users to sign in to my site. Now that the site is dead, I want to delete the app, how to do that?
There isn't a single article about that on LinkedIn, I contacted support, they couldn't help.

Go to
Click on the app you want to delete and on the next page you will see the "Delete app" button.


Invite facebook friends on wordpress website

I want to have invite facebook friends functionality. I have made app on facebook and have app id.Now when I use any plugin or custom code for opening invite friends dialog box, it gives error of
"Game Requests are only available to games."
I am not getting why this error coming? Can any one please help me? Do I need to change some settings in facebook app which I have created?
may be the below guide line will assist you.
You must set your Facebook app as a game category, in the App settings. Otherwise, you can't use GameRequestDialog, because your app is not a game. In this case, Facebook gives you AppInviteDialog

how to link to an official account from the built-in browser

From an official account main menu view I can provide a URL and it will open in the built in WeChat browser.
Is there a way to close the browser and come back to the main account menu?
I don't want to have the user hit the [X] button each time.
Is there a standard URL format for an official account that can be used as a link to open the account from a browser?
In short, there's no way to do that.
In early days, there are some hacking ways to do this, but now they are all not working any more.
You can put a qrcode image of your account on your site for users to scan and follow you.

Map AuthenticationToken for WIndows Phone 8.1

I found many similar questions here but I still don't understand how to get an AuthenticationToken for my MapControl in windows phone 8.1 application.
Okay, maybe I'm really stupid but in Official MSDN guide they said:
In your browser, navigate to your developer dashboard in the Windows
Phone Dev Center.
On the Dashboard page, click Submit App.
On the Submit app page, click App info.
On the App info page, reserve an app name and provide the other info
requested on the page. Then click Save.
On the Submit app page, click Map services.
And I don't see any Submit App menu item in my dashboard.
I suggest that Submit an app and Submit App mune items is similar so I click it. According to the MSDN guide I should see Map Services link , but I don't.
Can anyone tell me is the guide is up to date? How can I get what I want? I know that this is a really simple thing. Thank you!
P.S. Sorry for my English;)
The problem is that you went to Windows 8 dashboard, not Windows Phone dashboard.
The Windows Phone dashboard is here:
Here are the steps:
Select Windows Phone dashboard
Click on submit app
Fill app info and get the token
If you have any more questions please let me know!

Wordpress Create a new Website

I am newbie in Wordpress development. One of my client is asking to create a new project. My Clients' needs are:
Basically he wants to add contests for city wise. On the website entering page, a user sign up form would be there. If a user enters a zip code then according to zip code his/her city will be traced and this entry would be filled under this city. After signing up he/she could upload their videos on the server. There will be an another option to record audio/video online on the website. To record video on live contestant needs to pay little amount. Admin can create couple of logins for the CMS. These users can login and only see contestant's videos not their private information. These users can send video download link to anyone as they want. Admin also wants to run sweepstakes for cities.
Can I create this whole project in Wordpress ? If I could, then which plugins do I need to research more ? Thanks in advance.

how to confirm? before install application in shopify

I have created a shopify application. While I click on "install app" button from the application store of shopify, it's directly redirect to me in a callback URL. But what I want is: when click on "install app" button I need to display a confirm screen before installation.
See this for reference: ( I want to make like this).
For the reference jpg.
Shopify does this for you the first time the app is installed. It's a similar process to how Facebook and Twitter apps work. The first time you try and use it a permissions screen + confirmation button will pop up. Subsequent installations won't do that since the shop has already authorized the application.
