Map AuthenticationToken for WIndows Phone 8.1 - dictionary

I found many similar questions here but I still don't understand how to get an AuthenticationToken for my MapControl in windows phone 8.1 application.
Okay, maybe I'm really stupid but in Official MSDN guide they said:
In your browser, navigate to your developer dashboard in the Windows
Phone Dev Center.
On the Dashboard page, click Submit App.
On the Submit app page, click App info.
On the App info page, reserve an app name and provide the other info
requested on the page. Then click Save.
On the Submit app page, click Map services.
And I don't see any Submit App menu item in my dashboard.
I suggest that Submit an app and Submit App mune items is similar so I click it. According to the MSDN guide I should see Map Services link , but I don't.
Can anyone tell me is the guide is up to date? How can I get what I want? I know that this is a really simple thing. Thank you!
P.S. Sorry for my English;)

The problem is that you went to Windows 8 dashboard, not Windows Phone dashboard.
The Windows Phone dashboard is here:
Here are the steps:
Select Windows Phone dashboard
Click on submit app
Fill app info and get the token
If you have any more questions please let me know!


Flutter : Display app content from Dynamic/Deep Link even if app not installed

I am working on a new events app and I would like users to be able to share events they have created with friends who many not have the app installed on their device yet. I am using the flutterdev share plugin to allow users to share event links through their social media channels, and I would like the invited users to navigate to the event directly when the link is clicked. So they can see the event details and then have the option to install the app if they so choose.
My question is : how to handle this for users who do not have the app installed on their phone?
My idea so far has been to develop a flutter web version of my mobile app and send the link as a web url, so the user will be sent to the flutter web version rather than the mobile app.
Is there an easier/smarter way to do this?

Google AppMaker app not loading for users

I have made a Google App Maker app based off of their PDF EMail starter and some code snippets found on this site. It works flawlessly for me in preview mode, and in its Published form.
However, when my user tries to access it (published), it does not fully load. I see the red/green circle for ~1 second and then nothing further happens. I cant figure out how to see the error in Chrome.
I have selected not to restrict access to the app, and entered my users email address as a User in Deployment options anyway. I have the Model set to be accessible to anyone.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

How to delete an application in Linkedin?

I created a Linkedin app long ago in order to allow users to sign in to my site. Now that the site is dead, I want to delete the app, how to do that?
There isn't a single article about that on LinkedIn, I contacted support, they couldn't help.
Go to
Click on the app you want to delete and on the next page you will see the "Delete app" button.

Can I create a link from a website which opens Wechat app on a mobile?

I know that I can post a QR code and if someone scans it on their phone, it will open Wechat app.
But what if they are already on their phone, browsing the site? They obviously cannot scan the QR code if they are on the mobile.
I read in another question that Wechat removed the use of URL protocols.
This leaves me with a problem.
If a user is on their mobile phone browsing a website, and the website wants to link to their Wechat profile so that the user can click or do something to open their Wechat app to the profile, how do I do it?
On the desktop version of my site, I show a QR code. On the mobile version of the site, showing the QR code doesn't mean much if they are already on their phone and can't scan the code! How do I link the Wechat profile so it opens the app and they can connect with me?
Do I simply have to show my username and they have to go open the app and look me up manually? Is that the only option?
You can use WeChat - that will open the WeChat app on the user's phone.
At the moment, there's no way to open the app to a specific user or profile.

Invite facebook friends on wordpress website

I want to have invite facebook friends functionality. I have made app on facebook and have app id.Now when I use any plugin or custom code for opening invite friends dialog box, it gives error of
"Game Requests are only available to games."
I am not getting why this error coming? Can any one please help me? Do I need to change some settings in facebook app which I have created?
may be the below guide line will assist you.
You must set your Facebook app as a game category, in the App settings. Otherwise, you can't use GameRequestDialog, because your app is not a game. In this case, Facebook gives you AppInviteDialog
