Invite facebook friends on wordpress website - wordpress

I want to have invite facebook friends functionality. I have made app on facebook and have app id.Now when I use any plugin or custom code for opening invite friends dialog box, it gives error of
"Game Requests are only available to games."
I am not getting why this error coming? Can any one please help me? Do I need to change some settings in facebook app which I have created?

may be the below guide line will assist you.
You must set your Facebook app as a game category, in the App settings. Otherwise, you can't use GameRequestDialog, because your app is not a game. In this case, Facebook gives you AppInviteDialog


Ionic capacitor Facebook login problem creating the facebook app step

I'm trying to add the Facebook login on my Ionic Capacitor Firebase app but i'm having a lot of problems creating the app on facebook developers site and associating it with my app, now i'm trying only with Android platform.
The problem is that it seems that to create the facebook app is mandatory to have the app published on store, because when i try to change public_profile access for example to advanced, is showing a modal saying that is not finding on the play store the app name. But I can't believe that is necessary to have the app on play store before integrate the facebook login on my app.
What i'm doing wrong? I'm following this tutorial but on the video is not adding a store option on Android, and in my case i need to add google play or some other to save the platform.
I'm completely lost.
Facebook should allow you to create an app in developer mode without necessarily entering the store code.

WordPress Nextend Social Login plugin Facebook login - App verification

On our WordPress site, we needed to have Facebook login functionality.
For that reason, we installed the Nextend Social plugin and configured our app inside the Facebook developer dashboard.
Everything works as expected but we noticed that Facebook has App verification for Business and Individual verification.
We also noticed when we switch our Application inside the Facebook developer dashboard to Live mode everything works as expected without a problem.
So our question is: Do we need to verify our App in order just to use Facebook login functionality where we only need email and user's name?
Thank you all in advance.
I figured it out, and for anyone that is asking the same question the answer is:
If you only need public_profile and email data then you do not need to submit you App to the review, as per the Facebook App review page:
Digging into Nextend Social WordPress plugin I figured out that they only ask for:
protected $scopes = array(

Facebook PHP SDK rights

i am currently working on an autoposter app to publish content on my own fanpages. This is the only function the app is going to be used for. My personal profile will be the only user of the app.
I have read through the documentation for developers but I still have trouble figuring this out.
From what I understand I don't have to submit the app for review to facebook if I only need the manage_pages right.
How does this work for an app that will only be used by me? Do I still have to submit it to facebook to be able to use the manage_pages and publish_pages permission? Or is there a way around that?

Receive a wordpress notification when click on a specific link

I am looking for a way to receive a basic notification in the wordpress dashboard when a user clicked a specific link.
Do you know a plugin to do that ?
Thanks for your help !
There are some plugins available to display a basic notification in the dashboard like Dashboard Notes. But might be It will not working like different notification for different pages.
You can create your own notification for every page so when user will visit that particular page then He will notify with a message.
Please follow this link. It will help you to develop custom code by using some function to display a notice on the Page or you can generate Notices Via User Actions also.
Hope this guide will help you.

Map AuthenticationToken for WIndows Phone 8.1

I found many similar questions here but I still don't understand how to get an AuthenticationToken for my MapControl in windows phone 8.1 application.
Okay, maybe I'm really stupid but in Official MSDN guide they said:
In your browser, navigate to your developer dashboard in the Windows
Phone Dev Center.
On the Dashboard page, click Submit App.
On the Submit app page, click App info.
On the App info page, reserve an app name and provide the other info
requested on the page. Then click Save.
On the Submit app page, click Map services.
And I don't see any Submit App menu item in my dashboard.
I suggest that Submit an app and Submit App mune items is similar so I click it. According to the MSDN guide I should see Map Services link , but I don't.
Can anyone tell me is the guide is up to date? How can I get what I want? I know that this is a really simple thing. Thank you!
P.S. Sorry for my English;)
The problem is that you went to Windows 8 dashboard, not Windows Phone dashboard.
The Windows Phone dashboard is here:
Here are the steps:
Select Windows Phone dashboard
Click on submit app
Fill app info and get the token
If you have any more questions please let me know!
