This info is very useful in order to pre-set the staging approval and it works. But the thing is the stage loaded to slow and the loading bar is close even before all the stage finish loading. I believe it has to be with the app.closeDialog(). So I try to put it inside some condition to check if the Label1 has finish loaded or not:
requestDs.relations.WorkflowStages.createItem(function() {
var createDatasource = requestDs.relations.WorkflowStages.relations.Approvers.modes.create;
var draft = createDatasource.item;
draft.Email = '';
draft.Name = 'xxxx xxxx';
createDatasource.createItem(function(createdRecord) { });
if (requestDetailsPage.descendants.StagesList.descendants.StagesListRow.descendants.DraftStagePanel.descendants.Grid1.children.Grid1Cell.descendants.Label1.loaded) {
So if Label1 had finished loading only then it will close the loading bar. Anyway I don't think I have reference it correctly to the Label1 and got error like
descendent is not defined
Can anyone help me to solve this? or suggest a better to way to do it ..
from the last version update (from openui5 1.36.12 to openui5 1.38.4) the following code is not working anymore:
var myTable = new sap.ui.table.Table();
myTable ._oVSb.attachScroll(function() {
I'm using the "attachScroll" event in order to color the table rows with a specific logic.
Since last openui5 version update I get this error in console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attachScroll' of undefined
I've tried to debug the problem and it seems that the object _oVSb has be removed from sap.ui.table.Table.
My final goal is to paint the rows with different colors based on the content ... is there any other way to reach this feature?
Even i want this event some how came to this thread. i tried #Dopedev solution it was not working then i changed bit in that as below
$("#<tablid>-vsb").scroll(function() {
console.log("Table is scrolled")
instead of getting the tbody get the table-id-vsb and attach the scroll function
You can still get scroll event for your table using .scroll() of jQuery.
onAfterRendering: function(){
//Register handler for scroll event
// your stuff
I know that one of the earlier posts was already marked as the 'right' answer, but it did not work for me, so I thought I would post my working solution, as it might be helpful to others. The following code will work to effectively 'attach' to the vertical scroll event of a table in 1.38:
onAfterRendering: function() {
if (this.firstTime) { //You only want to override this once
var oTable = this.getView().byId("<YOUR_ID_HERE>");
//Get a reference to whatever your custom handler is
var oHandler = this.handleScroll;
//Store a reference to the default handler method
var oVScroll = oTable.onvscroll;
oTable.origVScrollHandler = oVScroll;
oTable.onvscroll = function(i) {
//Call the 'default' UI5 handler
//Call your handler function, or whatever else you want to do
this.firstTime = false;
var myTable = new sap.ui.table.Table("myTable");
After rendering:
sap.ui.getCore().byId("myTable-vsb").attachScroll(function() {
How can I add a loading indication when using this?
new Firebase('url/data').on('child_change',function() {
// do somthing here, which may take x time per operation
How about this: add the loading indicator to the DOM beforehand, then use the value event to hide it when the location is finished loading, something like (jQuery for brevity):
var $load = $('<div class="loading">Loading...</div>').appendTo('body')
, db = new Firebase('url/data')
db.on('value', function () {
value will fire again when the data changes, so make sure the event is something like "remove this class" rather than "toggle this class".
Read about the different events: Firebase docs.
I am working on an application which has quite a bit of field-validation in it. The validation works great and I am 1000000% sure the validation message popups were appearing earlier. Now I did quite a bit of work and refactoring. One of the things I changed was the way I open up Popups/Dialog. In order to have these centered over the entire application instead of the opening component I refactored the way I open dialogs. I used the source of the Alert as a base for this but extended it quite a bit as I was having other issues (Focus Manager etc.) (I am just mentioning this as I am assuming that my missing popups are related to this).
Here comes the code responsible for opening popups in my application:
public function show(realParent:Sprite,
displayParent:Sprite = null,
closeHandler:Function = null,
moduleFactory:IFlexModuleFactory = null):Dialog {
// Get the parent ...
// If none is set, use the top-level-application.
if (!displayParent) {
var sm:ISystemManager = ISystemManager(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.systemManager);
// no types so no dependencies
var mp:Object = sm.getImplementation("mx.managers.IMarshallPlanSystemManager");
if (mp && mp.useSWFBridge())
displayParent = Sprite(sm.getSandboxRoot());
displayParent = Sprite(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication);
// Register for close-events, making sure the pop-up is closed.
if (closeHandler != null) {
this.addEventListener(CloseEvent.CLOSE, closeHandler);
// Setting a module factory allows the correct embedded font to be found.
if (moduleFactory) {
this.moduleFactory = moduleFactory;
} else if (realParent is IFlexModule) {
this.moduleFactory = IFlexModule(realParent).moduleFactory;
} else {
if (realParent is IFlexModuleFactory) {
this.moduleFactory = IFlexModuleFactory(realParent);
} else {
this.moduleFactory = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.moduleFactory;
// also set document if parent isn't a UIComponent
if (!parent is UIComponent) {
this.document = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.document;
// Make the dialog center itself relative to the parent.
PopUpManager.addPopUp(this, displayParent, true);
return this;
What could be responsible for the Validation popups not showing up any more? Where should I look?
Ok ... so I figgured this out by myself again. I coould bang my head at the wall for taking so long for finding it though.
If I use the Spart forms, the FormItems and Forms themselves can define error text areas in order to output error messages. So as soon as the FormItem posesses a skin part with the id "errorTextDisplay" the error messages go there. I was now expecting that if there was no such part, the old notifications would be used ... nope.
After about 2-3 Hours of messing around with the code of FormItem and it's skins, I noticed that the "contentGroup" explicitly defined an attribute to suppress error tooltyips by setting showErrorTip to false. Simply removing the "errorTextDisplay" from the skin and changing the showErrorTip to true made my popups appear nicely :-)
Hopefully this post might help someone with the same problems.
I am working with a digital book application. I make use of swf loader to load swf pages created from pdf. I use TextSnapsot to draw inline text highlight on the pages. The highlight is thoroughly retained on the respective pages throughout the session and later it can be updated/deleted without any problem. Everything was working great till I made the following changes in the swf loading approach to enable page caching:
I am now loading swf loader object into application memory and while doing jumping from one page to other page I am just copying the content of the next page to the current swf loader which is on the display to the user. There are two sets of swf loaders - one for displaying the page and other to cache the next/previous page(s). On the caching side, I load the swf into application memory and after getting it loaded I pick all the contents of the loaded swf page (the children of it's movie clip) into an array collection. While changing the page I copy the cached content into the swf loader's movie clip which is displaying the page.
Now when I highlight on the page on display and navigate back/forth from the page and comeback again to the page where I did the highlighting: It shows the highlight I did. But as soon as I try to draw another highlight on that page, the previous highlight is instantly disappears from the page.
I suspect that the Textsnapshot object which draws highlight while navigating (to the target display page) is different from the one which redraws/update the highlight on the same page next time. Although the Textsnapshot object id for both the objects is same.
Here are some code snippet:
For copying the content from the swf loader object cached in application memory:
private function copyPageContent():void
var contentCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
_pageContentVO = new PageContentVO();
_pageContentVO.contentHeight = MovieClip(_swfPageLoader.content).height;
_pageContentVO.contentWidth = MovieClip(_swfPageLoader.content).width;
var count:int = MovieClip(_swfPageLoader.content).numChildren;
for(var i:int=0;i<count;i++)
var dispObject:DisplayObject = MovieClip(_swfPageLoader.content).removeChildAt(0);
_pageContentVO.pageContentCollection = contentCollection;
_swfPageLoader = null;
For copying the content to the swf loader which is displaying the page:
private function copyContent(pageContentVo:PageContentVO):void
for(var i:int = 0;i<pageContentVo.pageContentCollection.length;i++)
var dispObject:DisplayObject = pageContentVo.pageContentCollection.getItemAt(i) as DisplayObject;
this.content.height = this.height;
this.content.width = this.width;
after this I dispatch swf loader's complete manually and in the handler of that event I take the text snap shot object.(
Code I use to draw highlight manually(using mouse drag on the page).
public function setHighlight():void
if(_textSnapShot!=null && _textSnapShot.getText(0,_textSnapShot.charCount)!="")
_textSnapShot.setSelected(_beginIndex,_endIndex+1,false); //this is the global variable to the class
Code I use to redraw previously drawn highlight when I return to the page:
public function showHighlights(textSnapShot:TextSnapshot,currentPageNum:int):void
if(currentPageNum >= 0)
var pageVO:PageVO = _model.eBookVO.eBookPagesVO.getItemAt(currentPageNum) as PageVO;
var objColl:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
objColl.source = pageVO.highLightSelection;
for(var i:int=0;i<objColl.length;i++)
var highlightVO:HighlightVO = new HighlightVO();
highlightVO.beginIndex = objColl.getItemAt(i).beginIndex;
highlightVO.endIndex = objColl.getItemAt(i).endIndex;
private function setHighlightedSegment(textSnapShot:TextSnapshot,beginIndex:int,endIndex:int):void
Looking forward to your support to resolve this issue.
What you're doing is not 'caching', it's preloading previous/next pages. Also, what you're doing is really bad practice. I'm not even sure why you're casting these things into MovieClips unless the SWFs are that; if they're Flex SWFs, they'll be UIComponents. I would recommend you rethink your approach. I wouldn't even bother copying the children or anything over. Once the browser loads a SWF, it is now part of the browser cache, meaning the next time it's requested, it won't actually download it.
If you want to 'cache' your SWFs for a quicker next/previous page flipping, I would recommend you use something like SWFLoader to just load the other SWFs without actually adding it to the display, then removing it from memory. That will cache the SWFs for you in the browser. Then when the user click previous/next, just change the url of the main swfloader of the currently displayed page and it will load it up really quickly. No downloading since it's already cached, it will just need to instantiate.
I'm using following code to open thickbox for dynamically generated anchor tags, but it doesn't work for the first time, but second time it works.
function createMarker(point, InnerAddress) {
//Other Code
var strFBUserID = new GMarker(point, markerOptions);
GEvent.addListener(strFBUserID, "click", function() {
tb_init('a.gmapthickbox');//works second time
return strFBUserID;
It seems tb_init fires before, openInfoWindowHtml, any way to solve this issue? I tried setTimeOut but no success. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Try listening to the infowindowopen event on your map instance before calling tb_init. It should be fired once the content is ready in the DOM.