How can I view IBM Watson Assistant conversation logs in my application? -

I understand that there is an API... but how do I implement it? I have a working node.js application but now I have to bring it over to I think working from scratch on my web app is the best option now but I do not know how to start.

I agree that knowing the exact issues you run into will help us give a better answer, but to get you started here is the .net sdk
and the standard api reference with examples


Authenticate Google OAuth2 using ASP.NET with VB

I'm working on an ASP.NET web app that will interact with the YouTube API. I have never done OAuth before. While I am definitely comfortable with the concept, I need to learn exactly how to implement it.
I am using VS Express 2013, programming in VB. My app is a Web Forms app (Non MVC), but I have opted to use the Empty Web App template to avoid all the unnecessary baggage that comes with their template.
I'm looking for a guide that will lead me through each of the following:
The set-up in the Google Developer Console
What I need to do in my site to interact with the Google API (I think I need to have an /Oauth2callback folder?)
What code do I need to successfully retrieve the refresh token, as well as trade it in for the scope tokens?
I know it's a lot - so I'm not looking for anyone to type it all here - but if anyone can point me to a good step-by-step, I would really appreciate it.

how to implement open id in application in easy way

My application is still in development phase,is it possible to implement OPEN ID in my application?.I am new to kindly guide me how to implement open id.What are the necessary parameters i should keep in mind to improve security of my web application.Should i implement session in my project?
The open source project DotNetOpenAuth is a fantastic place to get started with integrating OpenID (and other, more up-to-date open web protocols such as OAuth 2.0) into your ASP.NET project.
They have tons of great documentation and example projects that should be able to get you started quickly.

How to develop applications for facebook?

I have a choice between ASP.NET (preferably MVC) and Python (Django only).
Which toolkit is more stable?
I have read the comments section of the Facebook Developer Toolkit and it seems that a lot of people aren't happy with it, is there an alternative?
What about Python libraries for facebook, are there any good libraries to develop facebook applications?
Could you guys provide tutorials and tips for how to develop applications for facebook?
MVC is a perfectly acceptable choice if you go with the Facebook C# SDK. It is an excellent framework and is being updated extremely frequently. You also get all the advantages of developing in .NET and the Visual Studio environment.
First, go with Django. It has a vibrant community and awesome support.
Second, works perfectly with Django. One main problem with Facebook API is that it's changing pretty often, so you need to keep it up to date, from time to time. Tests are a must.
Here is a similar question which should answer your doubts: How do I write Facebook apps using Django?


Am I correct in understanding that the Method LiveDataContext.SignIn can only be used in Windows Applications?
I tried to implement it in ASP.NET but get an error that I cannot use Modal Windows. So it seems to me that SignIn uses the Windows.Forms.
Thanks for your time.
It's pretty independent of mvc or webforms I think.
Windows Live Messenger Connect Developer Guide

ASP.NET and Oracle

I have found this web site really helpful since everybody helps here with the best answers. Now, i need a suggestion. I hope you would help me as before.
I need to develop an ASP.NET application with oracle database. Database server is physically separated from the application server. Now my question is which technology is preferable for this task? I mean ASP.NET MVC or General ASP or something... How do i use database technology?
I have studied ASP.NET MVC and found it difficult since it is in the primitive stage and i am not a professional programmer to make the best use of it. So please help me to proceed.
Thank you all.
Please see Connecting to an Oracle Database Using ASP.NET—A Step-by-Step Tutorial:
There are numerous articles on .NET
and ASP.NET. However, recently I had
to develop an ASP.NET application
connecting to an Oracle database and,
to make everything work together, I
had to solve several problems. This
article will show you the step-by-step
process to develop an ASP.NET client
connecting to an Oracle database
Oracle has released it's own implementation of an ADO.NET Data Provider.
There are plenty of resources there, including some tutorials which should hopefully get you started.
