Blue screen when using the IAMStreamConfig interface - directshow

Having a problem regarding the use of IAMStreamConfig interface.
I have the following code to set the output format:
private void SetFormat(IAMStreamConfig streamConfig, VideoCapabilities resolution = null)
int capabilitiesCount = 0, capabilitySize = 0;
AMMediaType newMediaType = null;
var caps = new VideoStreamConfigCaps();
streamConfig.GetNumberOfCapabilities(out capabilitiesCount, out capabilitySize);
for (int i = 0; i < capabilitiesCount; i++)
var vc = new VideoCapabilities(streamConfig, i);
if (resolution == vc || resolution == null)
if (streamConfig.GetStreamCaps(i, out newMediaType, caps) == 0)
catch { }
if (newMediaType != null)
if (averageTimePerFrame >= 0)
VideoInfoHeader* vih = (VideoInfoHeader*)newMediaType.FormatPtr;
vih->AverageTimePerFrame = averageTimePerFrame;
newMediaType = null;
Till yesterday I never had any problem with any device, but yesterday I tested this with a new video source, Osprey 850e SDI, and I always get a blue screen when trying to set the format:
The format being set is YUY2.
Anyone ever came across a similar issue or has any suggestions?
Thank you.
These are the details of the media type supplied:
Major Type: 73646976-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71 WMMEDIATYPE_Video
Sub Type: 59565955-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71 MEDIASUBTYPE_UYVY
Fixed Size Samples: true
Temporal Compression: false
Sample Size 691200
Format Type: 05589f80-c356-11ce-bf01-00aa0055595a WMFORMAT_VideoInfo
unkPtr: 0
Format Size: 88
FormatPtr: 111386040


Is there any control property to fix video playback speed problem when using ffmpeg to decode in Qt platform?

I want to play local video file in Qt platform using ffmpeg to decode.Everything is OK except that play speed is as twice as normal.
The first thing I think about is that there must be a sampling frequency involved.But to be a new to ffmpeg,I don't know how to fix this problem.
Above is my code to read frame,is anyone can tell me what's wrong with the code ?
void VideoThread::run()
m_pInFmtCtx = avformat_alloc_context(); //ini struct
char path[] = "d:/test.mp4";
// open specific file
if(avformat_open_input(&m_pInFmtCtx, *path, NULL, NULL)){
qDebug()<<"get rtsp failed";
qDebug()<<"get rtsp success";
if(avformat_find_stream_info(m_pInFmtCtx, NULL) < 0)
qDebug()<<"could not find stream information";
int nVideoIndex = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < m_pInFmtCtx->nb_streams; i++)
if(m_pInFmtCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
nVideoIndex = i;
if(nVideoIndex == -1)
qDebug()<<"could not find video stream";
qDebug("---------------- File Information ---------------");
m_pCodecCtx = m_pInFmtCtx->streams[nVideoIndex]->codec;
m_pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(m_pCodecCtx->codec_id);
qDebug()<<"could not find codec";
//start Decoder
if (avcodec_open2(m_pCodecCtx, m_pCodec, NULL) < 0) {
qDebug("Could not open codec.\n");
//malloc space for stroring frame
m_pFrame = av_frame_alloc();
m_pFrameRGB = av_frame_alloc();
m_pOutBuf = (uint8_t*)av_malloc(avpicture_get_size(AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32, m_pCodecCtx->width, m_pCodecCtx->height));
avpicture_fill((AVPicture*)m_pFrameRGB, m_pOutBuf, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32, m_pCodecCtx->width, m_pCodecCtx->height);
//for color switch,from YUV to RGB
struct SwsContext *pImgCtx = sws_getContext(m_pCodecCtx->width, m_pCodecCtx->height, m_pCodecCtx->pix_fmt,
m_pCodecCtx->width, m_pCodecCtx->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
int nSize = m_pCodecCtx->width * m_pCodecCtx->height;
m_pPacket = (AVPacket *)av_malloc(sizeof(AVPacket));
if(av_new_packet(m_pPacket, nSize) != 0)
qDebug()<<"new packet failed";
//isInterruptionRequested is a flag,determine whether the thread is over
// read each frame from specific video file
while (!isInterruptionRequested())
int nGotPic = 0;
if(av_read_frame(m_pInFmtCtx, m_pPacket) >= 0)
if(m_pPacket->stream_index == nVideoIndex)
//avcodec_decode_video2()transform from packet to frame
if(avcodec_decode_video2(m_pCodecCtx, m_pFrame, &nGotPic, m_pPacket) < 0)
qDebug()<<"decode failed";
{ // transform to RGB color
sws_scale(pImgCtx, (const uint8_t* const*)m_pFrame->data,
m_pFrame->linesize, 0, m_pCodecCtx->height, m_pFrameRGB->data,
// save to QImage,for later use
QImage *pImage = new QImage((uchar*)m_pOutBuf, m_pCodecCtx->width, m_pCodecCtx->height, QImage::Format_RGB32);

Paning the bubbles

is there a way of paning the bubble in the current view when there are regions which are outside the mapview?
You can click on a bubble at the edge and you see them outside.
Using google:
will pan automatically in the full view ...
Might not be available out of the box, but something as follows could be done to check when opening the bubble and move the map center.
var checkBubble = function(evt) {
setTimeout(function() {
if(infoBubble && infoBubble.getState() == "open"){
var border = 50;
var objRect = infoBubble.getContentElement().parentElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var objStyleRight = Math.abs(parseInt(infoBubble.getContentElement();
objStyleRight = objStyleRight ? objStyleRight : 0;
var mapRect = map.getElement().getBoundingClientRect();
var shiftX = 0;
var shiftY = 0;
// check, if infobubble isn't too far to up
if (( < {
shiftY = ( - (;
// check, if infobubble isn't too far to the left
var objLeft = (objRect.left - objStyleRight);
if ((objLeft-border) < mapRect.left) {
shiftX = (mapRect.left - (objLeft-border));
} // check, if infobubble isn't too far to the right
else if ((objRect.right+border) > mapRect.right) {
shiftX = -(objRect.right - (mapRect.right-border));
if ((shiftX == 0) && (shiftY == 0)) {
var currScreenCenter = map.geoToScreen(map.getCenter());
var newY = (currScreenCenter.y - shiftY);
var newX = (currScreenCenter.x - shiftX);
var newGeoCenter = map.screenToGeo(newX, newY);
map.setCenter(newGeoCenter, true);
}, 20);
Thanks a lot works great! I extend to the case that the bubble is outside at the bottom:
// check, if infobubble isn't too far to up
if (( < {
shiftY = ( - (;
} else {
if ((objRect.bottom+border) > mapRect.bottom) {
shiftY = -(objRect.bottom - (mapRect.bottom-border));

GetMonitorCapabilities returns false

I want to adjust the brightness of my monitor on Windows.
I follow this page:
How to use GetMonitorCapabilities and GetMonitorBrightness functions
but, the GetMonitorCapabilities function returns false.
I printed using qDebug, hPhysicalMonitor is NULL. Is this point wrong?
(The GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR function returns true)
How can I fix this code?
DWORD cPhysicalMonitors = 1;
HWND hWnd = GetDesktopWindow();
// Get the monitor handle.
hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(hWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY);
// Get the number of physical monitors.
BOOL bSuccess = GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR(hMonitor, &cPhysicalMonitors);
if (bSuccess)
// Allocate the array of PHYSICAL_MONITOR structures.
pPhysicalMonitors = (LPPHYSICAL_MONITOR)malloc(cPhysicalMonitors* sizeof(PHYSICAL_MONITOR));
if (pPhysicalMonitors != NULL)
// Get the array.
bSuccess = GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR( hMonitor, cPhysicalMonitors, pPhysicalMonitors);
if (bSuccess == FALSE)
// Get physical monitor handle.
HANDLE hPhysicalMonitor = pPhysicalMonitors[0].hPhysicalMonitor;
DWORD pdwMonitorCapabilities = 0;
DWORD pdwSupportedColorTemperatures = 0;
bSuccess = GetMonitorCapabilities(hPhysicalMonitor, &pdwMonitorCapabilities, &pdwSupportedColorTemperatures);
if (bSuccess == FALSE)
DWORD pdwMinimumBrightness = 0;
DWORD pdwCurrentBrightness = 0;
DWORD pdwMaximumBrightness = 0;
bSuccess = GetMonitorBrightness(hPhysicalMonitor, &pdwMinimumBrightness, &pdwCurrentBrightness, &pdwMaximumBrightness);
if (bSuccess == FALSE)
// Close the monitor handles.
bSuccess = DestroyPhysicalMonitors(cPhysicalMonitors, pPhysicalMonitors);
// Free the array.
If you want to adjust the brightness using WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods use the code below.
public static void SetWmiMonitorBrightness(byte targetBrightness)
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope("root\\WMI");
SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods");
using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query))
using (ManagementObjectCollection objectCollection = searcher.Get())
foreach (ManagementObject mObj in objectCollection)
new Object[] { UInt32.MaxValue, targetBrightness });
Doing GetMonitorBrightness on the specific monitor I have causes ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_ERROR_TRANSMITTING_DATA.
So I used WmiSetBrightness instead. It works fine.
If you got a tip related to ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_ERROR_TRANSMITTING_DATA, please share it with me.

Adobe Flex: memory leak when pushView an popView

I am having problems of memory leaks with an app I had build in Adobe Flex, using Flex Builder. After using it for 30-40 minutes it starts to go slower and slower.
The app shows images as a catalog, but when I push and pop the views my memory rise considerably.
My thoughts are that if I set all my objects to null and dispose all the bitmapdata that I use I could free enough memory to keep using the app with no problems, but it seems like the problem is not there.
I have 3 views in my app menuView.mxml,categoriesView.mxml and productsView.mxml.
My App starts up in my pc (not in tablet) with TotalMemory: 47Mb and Private Memory : 88 MB
After pushing and poping the views for 5 times I get TotalMemory: 61Mb and Private Memory : 101 MB
Imagine if I do this several times. The app begins to go very slow in my Ipad or my Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Why is this happening? I have no idea how to solve this.
Please help! Thanks a lot!!
I put some code below.
When I am in menuView I use the following code to push the view from menuView to categoriesView
protected function button3_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if((FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.getIdClienteServidorCompraActual( )!=null)&& (FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.getIdClienteServidorCompraA ctual()>0))
When I am in categoriesView I use the following code to push the view from categoriesView to productsView. In this view I have 3 buttons for each category.
protected function buttonC1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
//Categoria general con todos
var ab:ArrayCollection = getIdAmbienteServidor();
navigator.pushView(productsView, null);
private function cleanMemory():void
result = null;
When I am in productsView I use the following code to pop(I USE PUSH INSTEAD OF POP DUE TO DIFFERENT OPTIONS I HAVE) the view from productsView to categoriesView .
protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
private function cleanMemory():void
if(image1 != null)
image1.source = "";
if(image1.bitmapData != null)
if(image2 != null)
image2.source = "";
if(image2.bitmapData != null)
if(result != null)
result = null;
if(result1 != null)
result1 = null;
if(result2 != null)
result2 = null;
dbConnection = null;
object1 = null;
object2 = null;
dataToSave = null;
cGreyImageSmallAsset = null;
cRedImageSmallAsset = null;
cOrangeImageAsset = null;
cGreenImageAsset = null;
cPinkImageAsset = null;
cBlueImageAsset = null;
cGreyImageAsset = null;
cRedImageAsset = null;
cGreenImageSmall = null;
cOrangeImageSmall = null;
cPinkImageSmall = null;
cBlueImageSmall = null;
cGreyImageSmall = null;
cRedImageSmall= null;
cGreenImage = null;
cPinkImage = null;
cBlueImage= null;
cGreyImage = null;
cRedImage= null;
cOrangeImage= null;
I load the images with.
private function setImages():void
panelLeft.visible = true;
buttonLeftMore.visible = true;
image1.source = "file://" + File.applicationStorageDirectory.nativePath + "/b"+object1.idArchivo+"_500.jpg";
image1.source = "";
panelLeft.visible = false;
buttonLeftMore.visible = false;
panelRight.visible = true;
buttonRightMore.visible = true;
image2.source = "file://" + File.applicationStorageDirectory.nativePath + "/b"+object2.idArchivo+"_500.jpg";
image2.source = "";
panelRight.visible = false;
buttonRightMore.visible = false;
When I am in categoriesView i use the following code to pop(I USE PUSH INSTEAD OF POP DUE TO DIFFERENT OPTIONS I HAVE) the view from categoriesView to menuView.
protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
private function cleanMemory():void
result = null;
Thanks in advance!
I discover the problem: I was not removing the EventListener, now is working fine.
I leave you guys with some examples. If you do not remove them, then memory increases a lot! Be careful with this.
stage.addEventListener("keyUp", handleButtons, false, 1);
xeasy.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, AppWS_resultHandler);
xeasy.removeEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,AppWS_resultHandler, false);
Thanks to everybody!!
Remember that Flex Builder uses the Flash virtual machine and this frees the memory when considered necessary, even if you try to force him to clean the garbage collector will not do if you have free memory and does not consider it necessary.
Test the movie embedded in the images you need in the application, and not constantly loading. Since this may be letting some low-level relationship.
When I worked with GC I found that it became of advantage to try several different ways! I used 3 in total over time, but just can only find one at the moment as this was the one noticeable better working in this App. so here it is and if needed I can send the other two as well must just look for them!
private var gcCount:int;
private function startGCCycle():void {
gcCount = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doGC);
private function doGC(evt:Event):void {
if(++gcCount > 1) {
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doGC);
setTimeout(lastGC, 40);
private function lastGC():void{
I just was looking at something else which you should try as well it worked for me very well!
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.deleteReferenceOnParentDocument(this) I used these in a creationComplete in MXML where I had to open 45 Main Canvases one after another but each time with three PopUps = 180 which was easy to handle in the way I worked the GC in! regards aktell

Flex AS3: ProgressBar doesn't move

I am a little stuck and need some advice/help.
I have a progress bar:
<mx:ProgressBar id="appProgress" mode="manual" width="300" label="{appProgressMsg}" minimum="0" maximum="100"/>
I have two listener functions, one sets the progress, and one sets the appProgressMsg:
public function incProgress(e:TEvent):void {
var p:uint = Math.floor( / * 100);
trace("Setting Perc." + p);
appProgress.setProgress(p, 100);
public function setApplicationProgressStep(e:TEvent):void {
trace("Setting step:" +;
appProgressMsg =;
I want to reuse this progress bar alot. And not necessarily for ProgressEvents, but when going through steps.
For instance, I loop over a bunch of database inserts, and want to undate the progress etc.
Here is a sample:
public function updateDatabase(result:Object):void {
var total:int = 0;
var i:int = 0;
var r:SQLResult;
trace("updateDatabase called.");
for each (var table:XML in this.queries.elements("table")) {
var key:String = table.attribute("name");
if (result[key]) {
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgressStep, "Updating " + key);
i = 1;
total = result[key].length;
for each (var row:Object in result[key]) {
//now, we need to see if we already have this record.
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgress, { number:i, total: total } );
r = this.query("select * from " + key + " where server_id = '" + + "'");
if ( == null) {
//there is no entry with this id, make one.
this.query(table.insert, row);
} else {
//it exists, so let's update.
this.update(key, row);
Everything works fine.
That is, the listener functions are called and I get trace output like:
updateDatabase called.
Setting step:Updating project
Setting Perc 25
Setting Perc 50
Setting Perc 75
Setting Perc 100
The issue is, only the very last percent and step is shown. that is, when it's all done, the progress bar jumps to 100% and shows the last step label.
Does anyone know why this is?
Thanks in advance for any help,
The new code, which works awesomely I might add:
public function updateDatabase(result:Object, eindex:int = 0, sindex:int = 0 ):void {
var total:int = 0;
var i:int = 0;
var j:int;
var r:SQLResult;
var table:XML;
var key:String;
var elems:XMLList = this.queries.elements("table");
var startTime:int = getTimer();
var row:Object;
for (i = eindex; i < elems.length(); i++) {
table = elems[i];
key = table.attribute("name");
if (!result[key])
total = result[key].length;
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgressStep, "Updating " + key);
for (j = sindex; j < result[key].length; j++) {
if (getTimer() - startTime > 100) {
setTimeout(updateDatabase, 100, result, i, j);
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgress, { number:j, total: total } );
row = result[key][j];
r = this.query("select * from " + key + " where server_id = '" + + "'");
if ( == null) {
//there is no entry with this id, make one.
this.query(table.insert, row,false);
} else {
//it exists, so let's update.
this.update(key, row,false);
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgress, { number:1, total: 1 } );
Flash is single threaded. The display will not update until your function returns. For this reason, you should never have any code that runs for longer than about 100ms (1/10th of a second), otherwise the UI (or even the entire browser) will appear to be locked up.
The general solution is to split up your work over multiple frames, here is some pseudo-code:
function doWork(arg1:Obj, arg2:Obj, start:int=0) {
var startTime = getTimer(); // store starting time
for(i=start; i<length; i++) {
if(getTimer() - startTime > 100) { // see if we've been working too long
trace("Current progress: "+(i/length * 100)+"%");
updateProgress( i / length );
setTimeout(doWork, 100, arg1, arg2, i); // schedule more work to be done
return; // stop current loop
trace("Working on item "+i);
// processing here
trace("All work done");
doWork(data1, data2); // start the work
Your pseudo-code works for updating the progress bar however in my case my "work" was copying of files from DVD to the appStorageDirectory which seem to reintroduce the same issue that your work around resolved - the progress bar now does not update
Here is my hack of your solution
function doWork(arg1:int, arg2:int, start:int=0) {
var startTime = getTimer(); // store starting time
for(var i:int=start; i<arg2; i++) {
if(getTimer() - startTime > 100 ) { // see if we've been working too long
trace("Current progress: "+(i/arg2 * 100)+"%");
setTimeout(doWork, 100, i, arg2, i); // schedule more work to be done
return; // stop current loop
trace("Working on item "+i);
dispatchEvent(new progressMadeEvent("incrementChange",i,arg2))
var dir:String = copyRes[i].nativePath.toString().split(OSSep).pop()
copyRes[i].copyTo(appStore.resolvePath(dir)) // copies dir from DVD to appStorageDir
trace("All work done");
