How to run two sites with single domain on wordpress? - wordpress

Sorry! I don't know that the question I am asking have a logic or not.
I am not able to figure out what to do. I am stuck up from yesterday.
Make a multi-site network or customize my wp theme.
So what do I mean.
I want my main website and my landing website to be on same domain but my landing page should be in with subdirectories.
for example:
My main website domain is something like this :
My landing page website is as follows :
1. Single domain
2. Two websites
Is this is achieve able without using multisite or not. If yes or no then how.

There is two way.
1)Setup two wordpress
First is in the root directory("main wesite domain")
And second one steup on the ("landing-page") directory. and when steup the wordpress then you should make both the table prefix different.
2)Make wordpress network
Check url :


Can I have two identical websites over two domains, ideally running from same Wordpress?

Strange question. Basically I want to test out the success of two possible domain names, so I want to run a website duplicated over two domains. Is that possible?
So, for example, both and would have the exact same content coming from the same wordpress set up.
I know that a redirection is possible but that reverts to a different domain, which is not what i want.
WordPress includes the ability to create a network of sites by using the multisite feature. This article contains instructions for creating a multisite network.
check below this link for how to set up multidomain on WordPress
Why not? In wp-config.php add check for domain name and load different database credentials.
The problem will be when adding content.
Yes, you can:
Ps. You will get duplicated content issue with Google if you index both sites in Google.

WordPress multi-site in a subfolder on host

I'm wondering about a WordPress multi-site installation and nothing I've come across has clearly laid this out for me. I'm hoping to get a little more clarification on what exactly will happen in my WordPress/Server instance if I set up a multi-site.
I've currently got my actual site as a single instance Wordpress install at the root of my domain. I'd like to keep it that way.
I've set up a sub-folder on my site called "client-login" and it has it's own WordPress install. The idea is to make this WordPress instance a multi-site one. With the intent being that I can have multiple sites in there and give access to them as needed.
So far it all is making sense but when I go to actually complete the multi-site install it says the server address will be my domain at root level. It doesn't say domain/client-login.
My question is if I turn on the multisite will it take over the root of my domain and include my "real" site as part of it?
lets consider,
you have a main wordpress domain at public_html/
you have created a subfolder in host like public_html/client-login for another wordpress instance
these two will behave as a separate sites.
The wordpress multisite will work inside the public_html/mainsite not outside of it, and it wont affect the client-login subfolder.

Install wordpress on subdomains

I need some help with wordpress. I have got a wordpress on my main domain and I would like to use another wordpress on my subdomains with the same theme, plugins, blog pages and posts but different links in my blog posts. I want to know how I can change the links in my blog posts for the main domain and the subdomains?
Do I need to create a subdirectory folder and a different database name for each subdomain and do I also need to copy the wordpress files from the main domain to the subddirectories folder so I could be able to create the username and password for the subdomains and then login in the wordpress for each subdomain to change the links in the blog posts?
I want you to understand that I want to use the main domain and subdomains to use the same theme, same plugins, same blog posts and same pages but the links in the blog posts have to be different, because I am going to use different traffic sources on each subdomain to track for clicks and sales, example: my main domain will be use for google traffic, the blog subdomain is for facebook and the other subdomain is for easyhits4u. I can track the clicks and sales for google and other traffic sources because the links in the blog posts for the main domain and subdomains would not be the same.
If I use the same links in the blog posts for the main domain and the subdomains, I would not know how many clicks and sales I would get from each traffic source I use and I would not know where the clicks and sales are coming from. That is why I want to use it seperate so I can track it easy.
To go a little further about the comment of #Sysix :
As far as I know, Wordpress Multisite allow you to have one folder that hold all of your websites. Your websites url can be subdomains or subfolders based (but this one not need to have a real subfolder, it's only about the url)
At my last work, the php developper made a plugin or something that allow you to have different urls for each site of the network.
(I'm gonna search some informations about it, if you are interested in)
Websites are handled with the database only, and if you take a look at the wordpress database after you have create a new site in the network, you will get new tables wp_posts, wp_meta etc. with a number after them that is related to the site id.
So i think that the best way for you is to make one website, create all the post, the pages, and when it's done, duplicate it in a new site in the network.
You can use the plugin in the link below to duplicate a site of your network.
Just a warning : I know that this way it could works, but I also know there some conditions to make it works great. I can't remember exactly why but I seem to recall that you can't easily duplicate the main website of the Network. There was a workaround to do it but I don't remember exactly what was the issue, and how to resolved it.
I'm gonna search and test some stuff right now, so this answer is not definitive but it could get you on the way. I will edit it if i find or remember some important thing.
Sorry for this answer that is not really an answer, but in comment it was not possible to write all this ... Also if I said nonsense, please correct me, and I will edit the post as well.

Wordpress Multisite shared menu

I have a site ( using wordpress multisite. I manually create the subdomains which become separate sites. A sample subdomain is:
I would like to do the following:
Include a default menu/nav bar (exists currently on the primary site but needs to be rebuilt on all other sites?)
Thanks for any help!
I found a solution which works - there weren't any other plugins like this one. It allows you to create a network wide menu and apply it to all sites in the network

Website with 2 separate WordPress blogs

I have a website, which runs an integrated wordpress blog, the wordpress was installed by my hosting company and it was a one click install. I then went into my FTP and took all the files from the original style and edited it to look like my website and still function. this is all well and good.
However, I would like to run another page on a separate wordpress blog (so there is basically two seperate archiving systems in place as one of the pages is a blog, and the other is articles which are produced monthly).
is there anyway to do this with the one click install, for example through the WP admin Control panel?
Thanks for your help in advance.
You can use Wordpress MU (Multisite) to accomplish this or just install another Wordpress instance.
Are the two instances you want running on the same domain? Different domains?
In regards to the one click install from your web host, I'm not sure which web host it is or if there are any options for this on there.
Please clarify if you have any further issues. :)
Yes you can use two blogs by the two methods
Install wordpress on SubDomain like
Install wordpress on SubDirectories like
And then you can use both of your site in one another according to your needs and requirements ...
