Update clarity 1.0 issue - vmware-clarity

I am using Angular v6.0.0 and clarity v12.0 , now I am trying to update Angular to v7.00 and clarity v1.0.0, I am just change the version numbers in my package.json file, Then enter the npm install.
after that i found some build errors(like forRoot() deprecated) i was fix them, but some of build errors coming like '/node_modules/#clr/angular/clr-angular"' has no exported member 'Wizard'.', I am verify my node modules folder #clr folder it is have empty folders..it mean clarity is not installed by this npm install...
so can you please provide the update steps.

all deprecated names for components were removed. You can find the complete list here: vmware.github.io/clarity/news/0.11.0-rc.1. Did you use update Clarity with the angular cli? It should have given you a warning


I am getting Error during connecting firebase with react native ios

At first i did npm install --save #react-native-firebase/app then cd ios and then pod install and get error like that..
[!] The following Swift pods cannot yet be integrated as static libraries:
The Swift pod FirebaseCoreInternal depends upon GoogleUtilities, which does not define modules. To opt into those targets generating module maps (which is necessary to import them from Swift when building as static libraries), you may set use_modular_headers! globally in your Podfile, or specify :modular_headers => true for particular dependencies.
then i use my pod file use_modular_headers! globally...then pod install done ,but when i ran the project from xcode it gives me the Error..."glog.glog.log_severity' appears within namespace 'google" please help i dont know xcode and can't solve the issue ...please help ...thanks advance
I just initialized a bare react native project yesterday and ran into this exact same problem when setting up Firebase. I can't remember the exact sequence of steps I took to fix it, but my current Podfile doesn't include use_modular_headers!. Instead, I used "use_frameworks!" globally in my Podfile, and commented out the use_flipper!() at the bottom as recommended in the comments. If you get the same initial error about static libraries, try switching the environment you're running from. I.E. if you've been trying from terminal by "npx react-native run..." use Xcode to compile the build, and vice versa. Hopefully that works, it did for me!

No valid exports main found on npm (tailwind css)

i am learning tailwind css and in tutorial they write a command like this npx tailwindcss-cli build css/tailwind.css -o build/tailwind.css
and it build a different folder name "tailwind.css" in same directory
but in my case it gives a error
No valid exports main found for 'C:\Users\HHH\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_npx\4952\node_modules\tailwindcss-cli\node_modules\postcss'
I don't have any idea what it means and whats wrong with the setup.
please help.
I find the solution.
Just install the current node.js and reinstall the specific version.
download here
After that install it and everything works fine.
Note: It works in when you follow the tailwindcss cli method.
follow first part of video

How to remove npm files from meteor build

After upgrading Meteor to 1.3.x version NPM really came to play. But as always there is back side of the coin: build size.
On meteor 1.2.x build size is ~50MB, ~7k files
On meteor 1.3.x build size is ~190MB, ~27k files.
Twenty seven thousand files. That's quite a number. Not to mention path size exceeding 256 (a trouble for windows users).
I've dig into what meteor included into the build and it seems that all the npm_modules is here with all the stuff that is need to build some modules and their dependencies.
The question is: how to build meteor app without unnessesary npm files, leaving only the ones that are actually used by app at runtime?
On meteor 1.4.1_3 if you create a simple project meteor create dummy-project and go through all the common stuff like npm meteor install and meteor npm prune --production and them make a bundle out of it with meteor build c:\dummy --directory you will get a folder with the same 7k files and almost 2k folders (by the way it will not run node main.js out of the box as you might expect). If you tinker through folders you can find babel compiler inside that takes ~3.5k files.
Why do I need babel compiler inside compiled app?
To gain an introspective of your packages,
npm list --depth 0
to see the current packages in your project with only one level.
Inspect that list, and decide if you don't need a package and uninstall it.
You can also use other flags such as
npm list --depth 1 #the number represents the max depth
npm list --long true #for more information about the packages
npm list --global true #to check your global packages.
npm help-search <searchTerm>
Hope that helps you gain more insight in your packages. help-search Link
You may see that multiple packages depends on the same packages, and then it's up to you to decided what your application needs to run successfully.
Edit 1
You can exclude the packages inside your devDependencies, so that when you're publishing/deploying your code you have a cleaner package.
You do this by using npm prune --production - that removes all your devDependencies, and will require your users to do a npm install for your package to work. For info here

RealmSwift and Swift 2.1 (module file was created by older version of compiler)

I searched and got answers on using CocoaPods but really i couldn't manage to use it because i didn't what they mean
1- Install CocoaPods 0.39.0 or later. -> i did install it using sudo command
"I stopped here, didn't know what to do"
2- In your Podfile, add use_frameworks! and pod 'RealmSwift' to your main and test targets.
3- From the command line, run pod install.
4- Use the .xcworkspace file generated by CocoaPods to work on your project!
sorry my question looks bad but it is my first time to ask a question here :)
Your list of steps is correct, and assuming CocoaPods installed correctly, you will then need to navigate to the directory of your .xcodeproj file.
In that directory, you can run the command pod init which will create a .podfile in the directory.
You can then continue onto steps 2-4.
However, as of writing this response, Realm's current release doesn't support Swift 2.1. We are actively working on an update for 2.1, which you can follow on this Github Issue.

SBT 0.7.x to 0.12.3 upgrade issues

I have just taken over a project using SBT 0.7.x and I am trying to convert it to use 0.12.3. The project has config as a *.java file and I can't find where some of the classes/objects that are used were moved to. I found a VERY small table in the migration docs, but is it not complete, for example it says that FileUtilities was moved to IO, which is true only for some of the functions. The following functions/classes/objects are nowhere to be found:
Can someone please tell me where those went or where there is a complete log of changes?
I don't have a complete log of changes, but I did write an unofficial guide to sbt 0.10 v2.0, which lists some of the changes between 0.7 and modern sbt.
