wordpress archives appear in google search - wordpress

I have a Wordpress site and my archives pages are showing in google search.
For instance, see the 2nd listing in this search:
How can I prevent this from happening?

You need to remove it first from Google index (using search console) then disallow search engine access using a common plugin named SEO Toast.

If you are using "Yoast Seo" plugin then you can set noindex from plugins settings. Also you can remove it from Google Webmaster Tool's search console.


Problem with website indexing on Google (Wordpress + Yoast plugin)

I am using Wordpress and Yoast plugin and I have problem with website indexing. I added the website to the Google search console succesfully and verify it in Wordpress dashboard. Also I added sitemaps succesfully (image below)
But my page is not indexed on the Google, it says that there is some problem with noindex pages. I will provide you more images below:
Does someone know some solution for this?
Did you check if your Wordpress installation is allowing Search Engines to index your site?

Sitemap Generator detect Only Home Page and also screaming frog detects only homepage

I am trying to generate sitemap for my website but its detecting only homepage. The following generator I used https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/
Even Yoast SEO plugin sitemap is not accepted in google webmaster tool where it says "
Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead."
Anyone please help me to find the solution for this problem.
Keep using Yoast SEO plugin, it also generates XML sitemaps, just enable the option then upload them to google webmaster tool.
Here is how this can be done:
You might also want to make sure that only things that you want to be indexed in Google index are existing in the sitemaps, because Yoast SEO generates XML maps for all posts types, testimonies, bookings, etc... (This can be also customized)

Error in meta tag description in Google SERP (Yoast pluggin on Wordpress)

I am using YOAST plugin for SEO on my Wordpress website. I have a multilingual websites (one language/subdomain) using WPML plugin.
SEO settings in my website and homepage is correctly set and I can find my website correctly when I type keywords on Google search engine.
However I found an error:
When I type "http://www.mywebsite.com" in the search engines, the Google search results shows me a wrong meta description snippet (from a blog post) and wrong sitelinks (one including a a page from a subdomain language).
How can I correct this?
For correct it's you can use Google webmaster Tools : https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/
Google list most used pages as "Sitelinks" when you search your root domain. This pages and folders usually generated automatically by Google.
However you are able to remove, or manually add this links from Google Webmaster Tools.
Follow this steps :
Login or Sign up Google Webmaster Tools. Add your site and verify. Click on your domain name at Search console. And in the left menu click on Search Appearance find "Sitelinks" in this menu
Google Webmaster Tools > click on your domain > Search Appearance > Sitelinks
In this section you can use "Demote this sitelink URL" and Change or remove Sitelinks. Or you can offer new one.

Can Wordpress search an external website?

Can the standard Wordpress search or one of the search plugins index another (external to Wordpress) website?
Not inherently, you could create a search engine, or easier would be to embed a Google custom search.
I haven't used this plugin, so cannot say if it works or is any good - but this might be a place to start. Google Custom Search Plugin

Need a wordpress plugin for Google analytics, favicon!

I am using wordpress for my site. My site needs to add google analytics, favicon, meta keywords, meta descriptions. I searched plugin for this. I found different plugins for each. Can anyone suggest me a plugin which can add google analytis, favicon, metakeywords and meta description?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
These are different functionalities and are properly handled by different plugins. Install the plugins you need. On Linux platforms, you can often just put the favicon in the sites root directory and not use a plugin.
As far as I know, the keywords and description meta tags are ignored by all search engines because spammers exploit the heck out of them. I suggest not bothering with them. However, if you still want to, read what the WordPress guys say.
As for Google Analytics and favicons, here are the plugins I recommend:
Shockingly Simple Favicon
Google Analytics for WordPress
Google Analytics Dashboard (Optional, but very useful. Shows an Analytics summary in your WordPress dashboard to save you time.)
Don't forget to also add a favicon.ico to your site root (even an empty one will do) to stop browsers from repeatedly attempting to retrieve it. (Don't believe me? Install any WordPress favicon plugin and then check your server logs.)
The favicon.ico in the site root will appear temporarily until the page has loaded enough for the <head> to be parsed and the new icon loaded, so I suggest not leaving it empty. Some sites (eg. deviantART) even take advantage of that to display different icons for "loading" and "loaded".
