I am getting this error when I attempt to opecannotp in Siri Shortcut:
“Shortcuts can not open the app for the URL scheme “prefs” . The app may not be installed on the device”
The app is installed. I’ve tried opening it and reinstalling. This is the only app I my device that causes this error. Any ideas?
I'm reporting a very strange problem.
I have an app developed in Flutter and I have correctly integrated the Firebase library for using the Dynamic Links service.
The problem is when short links are open on a mobile device, it shows a screen with the message "Save my place in the app. A link will be copied to continue to this page", and a button OPEN to continue.
Using your link debugging tool everything seems ok
When I develop directly in debugging mode the problem does not present itself.
When I install the app from TestFlight sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It seems random.
the problem could be that the app is not yet available on the store ?
It is happening when I attempt to deploy the application to the iOS app store. Before everything was ok. I tried to change App version and App code. I also updated VS Mac and XCode.
I archived my app and tried to publish via Apple Transporter. Then I got a normal error message.
After all I relogin in my Apple Developer Account + downloaded all profiles.
I am using Xcode 8 and trying to upload my watchKit app to Testflight but its failing all the time.so far i have tried these options,
tried uploading it from Application Loader 3.6 and get invalid swift support, invalid watchkit support,and invalid executable error.
tried from Xcode 8. The app validates succesfully but upon upload to store, it just gets stuck. when i refresh, i do get an upload sccessful message but nothing is visible on testflight.
how to upload my watch app on testflight? please help
Have you enabled the version of your app to test on the iTunes Connect website?
I hope I'm not stating the obvious here, but if you:
Select your app in the "My Apps" section
Select the "TestFlight" tab at the top
Select "Internal Testing" on the left hand menu
Click on the "Select version to test" link in the page
Uploading an archive with a new version number doesn't automatically add it to TestFlight, so you have to go through this procedure every time you change version number (or on the first upload).
Once it's added, you should see the app appear in the TestFlight app on your phone. When it also has a Apple Watch app, and you have a watch paired with your phone, TestFlight will also install the app to your watch.
Hope that helps!
I start to run Meteor project in command prompt as shown below
E:\>cd abc/red
E:\abc/red>meteor //Here I got the below error then click any button the error popup and close the error popup and doesn't runmeteor project
E:\abc/red> //here some times get this (or) some time gets another
Exited with code: -1073741819
=> Your application is crashing. Waiting for file change.
So please see the error and suggest me what to do?
Meteor isn't fully & officially supported on windows.
You could file an issue with the unofficial Windows Meteor project: https://github.com/sdarnell/meteor
Or you could use a virtual machine or vagrant to use the official Meteor under ubuntu, see https://gist.github.com/gabrielhpugliese/5855677
I am a novice when it comes to apps but i have managed to write one, test it, debug it, install it onto my Iphone. I'm now on the final step upload it through application loader...
my problem is i can't get application loader to install. i have downloaded it, run the .dmg, this creates a new device on my system with the file applicationloader.pkg. I run this and it runs me through the installation, i have entered my admin authority, it says installation complete.
But it doesn't have the program anywhere. i have looked in Applications, searched in the finder and i can not locate where the application loader is.
1 - is there a reason why it wouldn't be installing properly?
2 - is there a way to download a previous version (current is 2.7) to try that
3 - is there a way of uploading without the application loader?
If you have the latest Xcode installed on your machine, go to the Xcode menu item/Developer Tools and open the Application Loader. If you are working with Xcode there is no need to use the application loader though. Every step you need to bring your app into iTunes connect can be done via Xcode. The steps are Archive (for Release), select the archive - validate it (you mast have prepared your app in iTunes Connect (must be in the status ready for upload) and the submit it to the store.