How to install Wordpress on subdirectory of my domain using Aamazon Web Server - wordpress

Hi, I am trying to install a WordPress in a subdirectory
"". But I don't know anything about Amazon Web
Server. I tried youtube and google. but they only show that how to
install WordPress on AWS. nothing more in deep detail.
Please help me, if anyone knows how to install WordPress on a subdirectory of my domain on the AWS server, or suggest me any proper post/tutorial.

like say the guys, you need install wordpress normally.
First your need connect with your instance, this is a virtual server, the ssh protocol is commonly used.
I recommend read the documentation.
For linux instance:
For Windows instance:
Second step is install your web server normally, LAMP or WAMP depending your instance, i recommend apache, mysql or MariaDB and the last version of php, but exist a lot web servers softwares for your choice. If you have not a experiencie read this:
Finally your need download the need version of wordpress, edit config file (wp-config.php) and run.
If you have not a experiencie read this:
Note: If you need "" is possible with VirtualHost in apache.


Localhost works but refuses to connect on a particular project (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSE) (WAMP)

this is my third question about the same project, so yes, i'm struggling.
I'm trying to manually import a wordpress site in local. We don't have access anymore to the dashboard (some bad stuff happenning), so i can't install a plug-in that migrate the site easily and automatically.
After having problems for linking the database with the site, i had PHP errors (continue targetting to break). Now i don't have php errors anymore but i can't access the site anymore.
I can go to localhost, it reaches it easily, i can go to my other projects, but it refuses to reach this particular project.
It says :
This site can’t be reachedlocalhost refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
I've traveled on different forums to find a solution but i didn't find why it occurs only on one of my projects. The only difference i see is that the other projects use mariaDB and this one MySQL.
thanks for the help
check local on flywheel its much simplier than wamp. Link:
besides when migrating manually:
zip all ur files and download
install new wordpress in your local machine.
copy somewhere new wp-config.php and save it in different localization
paste and extract zip package in new wordpress localization on your computer
download database from wordpress you want to migrate on your local machine
replace wp-config.php which u extracted from files with your new wordpress instalation wp-config.php [ad.3]
it would be nice if u install wp-cli on your computer:link for windows:
import database into your new wordpress and than run search replace in order to change migrating site domain name [use wp cli its easiest way]
to import DB:
to replace domains:
remember that your DB need to be .sql and pasted in main wp directory
open terminal in main wp directory and write than wp-cli commands
If u re not familiar with terminal on windows I prefer gitbash / its easy to use adding linux commands and all sort of staff (always remember to open as administrator)
u can download here:
after performing all this actions you can now log-in into wordpress on your local machine.
go to settings->permalinks and click save.
here you go u have finally migrated your site!
If you see 'error technical issues' you should also check ur file and directory permissions of wordpress.
here a link to correct permissions You can change with in gitbash terminal:Correct file permissions for WordPress

How to deploy a local wordpress to bluehost server using git

I have a wordpress website in localhost and a hosting plan with a domain name on
My website is ready and now I wanted to go live and push my website to hosting server using Git. But in Bluehost C-panel there is no git option.
I have searched google but did not succeed to find a solution, so I came here if somebody could redirect to me to a tutorial link or give me some clues on how to do it i would be very grateful.
If you have VPS or Dedicated server on bluehost, try this manual from Bluehost FAQ:
Pretty sure, that you must manually import database (as it not included to git and can't upload automatically in mysql) and configure again wp-config.php. Also you don't say, what server you using with localhost, cause it can be different from bluehost config (for example apache / nginx / php version).

Install WordPress Site Inside a Subdirectory of Another WordPress Instance on Google Cloud Platform

I installed an instance of WordPress (Click to Deploy) on Google Compute Engine, but I would like to install another instance in a subdirectory of that, such as Is there a way to create an instance inside of another? Also, I have FTP access so I could install WordPress myself in the subdirectory but I need a database to connect to. Is there a way to just create a MyQL database without WordPress? Any suggestions welcome.
I installed an instance of WordPress (Click to Deploy) on Google
Compute Engine, but I would like to install another instance in a
subdirectory of that, such as Is
there a way to create an instance inside of another?
Provided that you do not pick a WordPress directory name, WordPress won't even know that another WordPress installation is installed. However, you will need to set up Apache to correctly handle the directories for each VirtualHost. If you plan to run both WordPress installations on the same IP/port you will have work to do to correctly setup httpd.conf
Is there a way to just create a MySQL database without WordPress? Any
suggestions welcome.
Yes. Just install the MySQL CLI (mysql). You can connect to the MySQL server and create a new database named differently than the first WordPress installation.
I recommend creating a new MySQL user for the second WordPress installation. Then edit wp-config.php and set up the correct parameters for the home directory location, server name, port, database, etc.
Unless you understand WordPress well, have lots of time to configure and test everything, understand how to dual host with Apache, why do this? Just create another VM and install WordPress on its own installation. Additional options are App Engine (Standard and Flexible) and Kubernetes.

EC2 and Wordpress Times Out When Downloading Anything

I put up a WordPress site on an EC2 instance (Linux, micro). I couldn't get the install of WordPress using ssh command line because it would constantly time out. But I did get it working by Ftping the files to my server. Now, everything is working but when I try to install a new theme or plugin through the wordpess admin interface, I only get the timeout error.
I have no idea why I'm getting timeouts when I connect to the site (for the install or plugins or themes), but that seems to be the common denominator.
Does anybody know what might be going on here?
It turns out I forgot to include https for outbound connections in the security group.

How to migrate ghost blog on local machine to digital ocean web server?

I am following this tutorial here (How To Host Ghost with Nginx on DigitalOcean) but I am stuck on the step to copy my local files over to my Digital Ocean web server. I am pretty confused as to whether or not I have to FTP or something, or whether I have to create another droplet/VPS and install ghost on there, and then copy everything from my local machine to the new VPS instance.
Ideally, I would like to just be able to edit my local blog and deploy straight from there, but it seems very difficult.
update: this imported my posts, but not the theme I installed or the images. I guess you could reinstall the theme at digitalocean and ssh the images any custom css you did to the theme?
On your Mac go to127.0.0.1:2368/ghost/debug and export. Then go to the your Digital Ocean ipaddress/ghost/debug and import.
original post:
Copying the contents folder from local to digital ocean did not work for me. I copied my entire contents folder from local to digitalocean and renamed the existing digitalocean content folder. This breaks the blog. I am searching now for a migration how to. I will update this if I find the answer.
This information should help you:
How To Use SSH Keys with PuTTY on DigitalOcean Droplets
How To
Use Filezilla to Transfer and Manage Files Securely on your VPS
