Clarity Wizard - Jump to page X on open (clrWizardOpenChange) - vmware-clarity

I've created a wizard with three pages.
When the wizard opens, I want to directy navigate to page two and not start one page one.
I tried to use the clrWizardOpenChange Event on my wizard, but this.wizard.pages seems to be undefined or no pages are initialized at this moment.
Is there some way to achieve this behaviour?

You're opening the wizard in the ngOnInit() of your own component. At that point none of the views or the pages exist, your app is pretty much still bootstraping.
If I use a button to open the wizard and just group the "skip to second page" and the "open" in the same callback, it works fine:


Use Page Items in a Button Link in Apex Express

i have a little problem. I'm using Oracle Applicarion Express and i'm trying to use some page items in a Link created for a button. I created the Button as region button, and selected in the region" Action when button clicked" "Redirect to URL". In this URL i want to use two pageitems. I tried already to use them mit ":PAGE_ITEM" or "&PAGE_ITEM." but non way works. Can someone help me please?
What does the resulting hyperlink look like? The chance is great that it looks like
f?p=<app_id>:10:<session id>::::P10_ITEM1,P10_ITEM2:,
This is because when using the substitution syntax like &PAGE_ITEM. will put the session state of the referenced item in the string. Since the button is rendered during the loading of the page it will use the session state of the item at that time.
When you then fill in a value for PAGE_ITEM, this will not change the session state of that item - and even if it did it would not matter since the button was already rendered.
If this is the case then you'd better have the button submit the page, and define an on submit before validations/computations branch to act on that button. In the branch you can then safely use the session state of the required items.

App is loading each time

I have web application of flex. It's swf file is attached on a tabview. Means there are 5 tabs on the page. On the tab Five a swf file is attached.
When I click on five tab it load the init method of main mxml file of flex application. Is there any way so we can stop to load it every time when we click on Five tab.
This app get the data from server when load the application. But I don't want to send the request again and again when click on tab everytime.
Using <a href=""> to display your tabs is probably making them reload with each click. Instead try a script solution to set the display value of each tab. Loop through them all and hide every one except the one clicked on.
This way you only load them once.
EDIT: looks like you are using JQuery. Some possible answers:
here (not jquery)

Combining a navigationcontroller and a root view controller with pages

I have a problem that has been solved on iOS6, but still appears if I use the iOS 5.1 simulator.
I have a default page based application. I added a "Main menu" view controller, that has three buttons that activate the root view controller containing the pages via a push segue, all defined in the storyboard.
I then added a navigation controller and made it the initial view controller.
If I pas the menu via a button and flip a few pages I can click the back button and it goes back to the menu. Good.
But I don't want the nav bar, so I hide it, and on the root view controller that contains the page view controllers I add a button which performs this action:
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
This button works perfect on iOS6, I can flip a few pages, press the button and I'm back in the menu.
With the iOS 5.1 simulator however (and on my 5.1 iPad), a page flip occurs! It's a page filp until I'm on the last page and then I go back to the menu.
I searched for over two hours now but could not find a solution, I hope someone can help me with this?
Note: setting animated to NO does not solve the problem.
I did find the answer to my question, this is my first iOS project which explains why I did not find it any sooner myself.
In the default page based application there are two lines in the viewDidLoad method:
// Add the page view controller's gesture recognizers to the book view controller's view so that the gestures are started more easily
self.view.gestureRecognizers = self.pageViewController.gestureRecognizers;
First, it's not really adding but assigning that happens here, second, when I put the second line in comment, everything works as expected.
So I'm glad it solves my problem, however it raises some questions:
The gestures are started as easy as they were, so why was this line needed in the first place, what does it supposedly fix?
Why does it work in iOS6? It should have had the same problem, no?
Is it correct that it is an assignment and not an addition?
Any answers to these three are still appreciated.

Nested getcmsfields_forpopup showing in same popup in silverstripe

I have form in getcmsfields_forpopup for backend(admin panel) in silverstrip. In that form, I have added nested dataobjectmanager field to enter multiple dates(has_many relation). When main form open in popup window and I click on add date link, then second popup form open in the same window not in separate one. That means after entering date data and saving it, when I click on close button, whole form is closed rather going back to main form. Please help in this regard.
This can't be done using SilverStripe's default popup form unless, maybe, you extended the DataObject Manager field and had it render itself in an iFrame.
The best option would be to manage your parent DataObjects with DataObjectManger as well. DataObjectManager supports nested DataObjectManager fields. See this tutorial "Nested DataObjectManager" (on YouTube).
If you're able, can I suggest that you try out SilverStripe 3.0? The support for this kind of thing is much better in SilverStripe 3.0 than it is in 2.4.

Flex Accessiblity - Tab Focus goes out of flex app

In an accessible flex app, the user can navigate through the control by using the TAB key.
The flex app pops up on top of the html page aftert the user activate a particular link, and is loaded using swfobject.embedSWF.
It works well in most cases, but there are some instances where either or both these happen:
a) The flex app loads ok, the "flex focus" is set on the intro text label to read out loud, but pressing tab seems to still cycle through the links on the page behind. (Now Fixed, see Edit 2)
b) The focus worked well and pressing tab cycle through the controls ok, but after going through them it then tabs out of the flex app and onto the address bar.. it becomes a nightmare to even try to get back to the flex app without clicking on it.. which isn't exactly accessibility friendly.
Is there any way to prevent these from happening?
EDIT: The target browser is IE. Seems to be the most used with Jaws
EDIT: I managed to fix problem (a). The trick was to call focus on the swf object, but after a slight time out - must be something to do with flash/js ready state.
Problem (b) is still an issue though...
In your mx:Application component, add an event listener for the keyFocusChange and add this code :
protected function application1_keyFocusChangeHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
b) Try to place some focusable element after swf in html. When focus leaves flex app, see if onfocus handler of that element gets called. If it is, you can refocus flex app from there or redirect it where you want.
