Alpha-08: Apps may not schedule more than 100 distinct jobs - androidx

I've looked around and the consensus is it's fixed on Alpha-07, but I'm seeing it in 08 on a 7.0 AND 8.0 device. I have network constraints so there is a possibility that given a long period of no network I could schedule more than 100 work items. I'm a little confused about how batching plays into this. Are we saying WorkManager can only schedule 100 items before it crashes or is there still a batching bug? Thanks
Code that adds to WM:
Constraints constraints = new Constraints.Builder()
Data inputData = new Data.Builder()
.putString(UploadWorker.DATA, data)
OneTimeWorkRequest uploadWork = new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(UploadWorker.class)
WorkManager workManager = WorkManager.getInstance();

There's a new version of the WorkManager library (version alpha09) that should solves this issue once for all. As reported in the release notes:
Added another fix that was needed for the "100 jobs" error. b/115560696
A good option to see how the WorkManager library is evolving is to keep an eye on its issue tracker.


Altbeacon library not working on Android 5.0

Yesterday I got the update for Android 5.0 on my Nexus 4, and the altbeacon library stopped detecting beacons. It appears that didEnterRegion and didRangeBeaconsInRegion are not even getting called when monitoring and ranging, respectively.
Even the Locate app from Radius Networks behaves differently now, the values from beacons, once they are detected, doesn't get updated anymore and often it appears as if the beacons went out of range.
One thing I noted differently, is that now in the logcat it appears the following line "BluetoothLeScanner﹕ could not find callback wrapper". I went ahead and looked for that class and saw that it was introduced with Android L, but I don't know if that has something to do with it.
It's important to say that before the update I had been working with both the Locate app and the Reference Application without any trouble.
I don't know if this is a generalized problem or not, but if it happened to me I'm sure it could happen to someone else, so any help it would really be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
After failing at getting the library to work I decided to try the Android L branch of the library. What I did was that I plugged in the new library into the Reference App, but didn't work as expected either.
The Monitor Activity seems to be working ok by notifying when the device has entered a new region. However, the Ranging Activity doesn't report any beacons, although didRangeBeaconsInRegion is getting called, always report zero beacons. Curiously, when the activity is paused (switching momentarily to another app) the logcat shows that now didRangeBeaconsInRegion does get called with actual beacons.
I'm kind of stuck right now because I don't know how to get any of libraries working on Android L, so again, any help would really be appreciated.
I'm using the latest Altbeacon build on 5.0+ and have no problem with it. in fact, I never used it on kitkat so i'm not really sure i can help but here is my working code which listen to iBeacons.
implement beaconConsumer:
public class MainActivity implements BeaconConsumer
init BeaconManager
beaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this);
if (beaconManager != null && !beaconManager.isBound(this)) {
beaconManager.getBeaconParsers().add(new BeaconParser().
onConnect and start listner
public void onBeaconServiceConnect() {
beaconManager.setRangeNotifier(new RangeNotifier() {
public void didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection<Beacon> beacons, Region region) {
if (beacons.size() > 0) {
Beacon firstBeacon = beacons.iterator().next();
beaconManager.startRangingBeaconsInRegion(new Region("", null, null, null));
this code is working on 3 devices
Nexus 4 5.0.1
Samsung Galaxy s4 - Stock 5.0.1
Samsung Galaxy s4 - CM12 5.1.1
Old question, but maybe some people will try to find answer for higher systems where you have to ask for permissions. You need to ask for Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION before scanning. At least that was the problem I met. In my opinion lib should crash such cases at least and indicate the problem

JClouds not able to get the list of images

I have used the code below:
Iterable<Module> modules = ImmutableSet.<Module> of(
new SshjSshClientModule());
ContextBuilder builder = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(provider).endpoint(endpoint)
.credentials(identity, credential)
System.out.printf(">> initializing %s%n", builder.getApiMetadata());
ComputeService compute = builder.buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class).getComputeService();
but I am getting the following error message......... java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a string but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 787
at org.jclouds.json.internal.DeserializationConstructorAndReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory$
at org.jclouds.json.internal.NullFilteringTypeAdapterFactories$IterableTypeAdapter.readAndBuild(
The code was working... before...
You've definitely hit a bug somewhere between the version of jclouds you're using and whatever version of whatever cloud you're using. We'll need more information to fix this. Please go through the instruction on how to Report a Bug to Apache jclouds.

Memory leak while sending response from rebus handler

I saw a very strange behavior in my rebus handler which is self hosted in exe. Right after sending response using bus.send method it adds up some memory consumed by process. I tried to look up object graph using memory profile and found that rebus is holding response message in serialized format somewhere.
Object graph was showing below hierarchy to the root.
System.Message --> CachedBodyMessage --> stream
Give me some pointers if anybody is aware of this thing.
I understand that a memory leak is a grave concern, but my belief is that it is unlikely that Rebus should contain a memory leak.
This belief is rooted in the fact that I have been running Windows Service-hosted Rebus endpoints in production for 1,5 years now, and several of them (e.g. the timeout managers) have sometimes been running for several months without being restarted.
I'd like to be absolutely bulletproof sure though, so I'm willing to investigate the issue you're reporting.
You're mentioning "CachedBodyMessage" - judging by the names of fields inside System.Messaging.Message, it sounds like it's something within MSMQ. To try to reproduce your issue, I coded the following test:
[Test, Ignore("Only works in RELEASE mode because otherwise object references are held on to for the duration of the method")]
public void DoesNotLeakMessages()
// arrange
const string inputQueueName = "test.leak.input";
var queue = new MsmqMessageQueue(inputQueueName);
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(new string('*', 32768));
var message = new TransportMessageToSend
Headers = new Dictionary<string, object> { { Headers.MessageId, "msg-1" } },
Body = body
var weakMessageRef = new WeakReference(message);
var weakBodyRef = new WeakReference(body);
// act
queue.Send(inputQueueName, message, new NoTransaction());
message = null;
body = null;
// assert
Assert.That(weakMessageRef.IsAlive, Is.False, "Expected the message to have been collected");
Assert.That(weakBodyRef.IsAlive, Is.False, "Expected the body bytes to have been collected");
which verifies that the sent transport message is collected as it should (will only do this in RELEASE mode though, because of the way DEBUG mode holds on to object references within scope)
I'll try and run the TimePrinter sample now and leave it running for a while to see if I can reproduce the issue. If you stumble upon more information about e.g. exactly which objects are leaking, it would be very helpful.
Thanks again for taking the time to report your worries to me :)
I've modified the TimePrinter sample so that it sends 50 msg/s and includes a 64 KB random string payload with each message, and I've tracked the memory usage for almost four hours now. As you can see, it does not look like memory is being leaked.
I'll leave it running the rest of the day, just to be sure.
Maybe you can tell me some more about why you suspected there was a memory leak in the first place?
As you can see from the trace, it has now been running for 7 hours and thus more than 1,200,000 messages containing more than 70 GB of data has been sent and consumed by the same process. If cached message bodies were leaking, I am pretty sure that we would have been able to see something rising on the graph.

VLC-Player in adobe Air App does not stop/quit

Well i have an adobe air , downloaded from below link.. it is wonderful app..
and this works fine. It captures my screen , record audio but it just does not stop or quit as vlc-player.exe continues to run in the task manager.
i tried lots of vlc- commands but it just does not stop once it starts capturing screen video.
I need help on it..
I know this is a old thread, but just in case someone wants to know...
You can't use rc-fake-tty because Windows doesn't support terminal. For Windows, tell VLC to run with only one instance, then send it the quit command as a separate NativeProcess call.
So, in the linked article, change the stopRecording() method to this:
public function stopRecording():void{
var startupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
startupInfo.executable = vlcFile;
var processArgs:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
processArgs.push("rc"); //Remote control
startupInfo.arguments = processArgs;
var killSwitch:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
And make sure to add this:
To your initial screen record startupInfo in startRecording() method.
I quit using vlc for the same reason and started to write my recording application using .Net 4, but i am having less performance using c# now.
VLC for windows does not support fake rc control so setting rc-fake-tty is useless. As the very last try, i wanna control is via socket. If you got it working this way, please make me informed.

Flex slow first Http request

When i use loader.load(request); for the first time, my flex freeze for 10 secondes before posting the data (i can see the web server result in real time).
However if redo a similar POST with other data but same request.url, it's instantaneous.
// Multi form encoded data
variables = new URLVariables();
variables.user = "aaa";
variables.boardjpg = new URLFileVariable(data.boardBytes, "foo.jpg");
request = new URLRequestBuilder(variables).build();
request.url = "http://localhost:8000/upload/";
How can i see what is taking so long ?
Thanks !
Ok, this is an old question, anyway I find it searching for other things so quick adding this
URLFileVariables nor URLRequestBuilder are core classes in AS3, so I guess you're using some custom library to build your request. I don't know which library you use, but it seems that the purpose is to serialize some binary data to build a POST. Serializing usually takes some times the first time (lookup initialization and the like) and goes faster next, a well known example is Remoting in his different flavours
