Could not instantiate mail function in WooCommerce - wordpress

I'm trying to send an email notification to user after checkout is done and order placed. I've gone through the WooCommerce email settings and set them all accordingly. But for a reason that I don't know of email couldn't be sent. I understand this is not a code related question.
...And this is the warning I get in the log plugin to check whether emails have been sent: " Could not instantiate mail function ".

This happens due to your site haven't been configured with email service provider like Google/SendGrid or SMTP. In my case, I used SMTP with the help of WP Mail SMTP plugin, and it works for me. Example configuration can be found below:
Hope it helps


WooCommerce does not send Order Confirmation email to customer anymore

I am facing a really strange issue in my WooCommerce shop. For a couple of days the "customer_processing_order" email is not sent to the customer anymore. Even when I trigger manually sending this email inside the order details, nothing happens.
In general email, sending works with SMTP data. When I set the status to "Completed" the email is sent. It is only the order confirmation which is not working.
The email is activated and I also checked error logs. I also installed the Preview Plugin for order emails. When I want to generate the preview, I am getting an error:
CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_billing_first_name() on null in /usr/www/users/diabroq/diabrothers/wp-content/themes/flatsome-child/woocommerce/emails/customer-completed-order.php:28
I don't know if this is related ... normally it was working.
I also installed WP Email Logs Plugin. No emails are generated, so it is not an email delivery issue. The emails that are working have a successful log entry.
I hope somebody can help me ...
I found the issue. It was related to this plugin: "Email Text Customizer for WooCommerce"
After deactivating it was working again ... oh man!

WordPress Form E-Mail delivering

I 'm trying to fix a problem here in a wordpress eviremont which I'm also new to. I want to get a form running but it isn't sending emails. Currently I'm using Caldera Forms with the WordPress email system. What I want to do is that everytime somebody applies a form, I want to get a email with the content of the form and the user who applied to the form should get a normal autoresponder email. I think this should work without any email plugin or something else, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to fix a probleme here on a wordpress site which crashed after too many people visited this page. Now, the email system espacially the send and receive a email if somebody applied on a form, is not working anymore.. As mentinoed, I don't think that you need a email plugin to do that. I'm right?
Further, the emails get hostet by CrazyDomains. If I use the webmailer, I can receive and send emails from the emails on CrazyDomains.
Where could be the problem?
A plugin called Postman SMTP generates a log which also logs the form emails. This log says:
"250 OK" (I shorted the log). So, it means, the email should be send. For no reason, as already written, I do not receive and get emails with the form...
This plugin is connected with GMAIL API. I don't know why and for what that is...
I already deactivated all email plugins and tried different form plugins like Gravity Form or Contact Form. But same result...
How can I figure out whats the problem and how can I solve it?
I would be very happy about help.
Greetings and Thank You!
Here you can find a Quick config smtp
Maybe email went in the spam section, or you had not configured good the smtp.
You can try to install and configure email sent from wordpress as say the crazydomains guide, so with the port 587 etc.

Wordpress WP-Mail Function

I have created a email ID, installed WP-SMTP Plugin, configured it correctly, I even test the Function WP-Mail Function, and found out that it is not working.
I replaced it with a new copy hoping that it would work.
From my testing I have found out the following things:
1) When I use "Send all WordPress emails via SMTP. " I am unable to send test mail.
2) When I use " the PHP mail() function to send emails. " I am able to send test mail but don't receive any thing at the test email ID.
Any one have any solution?
If you are using the Wordpress internal email, I suggest not to do that, for many reasons.
The email, will overload your server.
The email will (probably) not hit the default folder of the receiver email.
If you send many emails (~1000) per day, you can be banned from sending emails.
I suggest you to use special platform for email delivery, that solve the 3 problems above.

woocomerce - admin is not received any email when order is placed

I have set all parameters in woocomerce -> settings-> email-> new order , processing etc but email is not sended to admin or email id which i have provided in these option. Yes, email is sending to customer which has purchase items of site. Means email is working for customer but not for admin.. I have tried to change status of order but still mail is sended to customer but not admin. Can you help me to get out of this.
Try deactivating all other plugins besides WooCommerce to see if that helps. WooCommerce uses the wp_mail provided by WordPress. As long as other emails are sent, this one should be sent.
A few things to look for:
Make sure New Order emails are enabled in WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New Order.
Be sure the order is not placed on Pending Order. Keep in mind those emails are not sent to you since the order hasn't been completed yet thus no email.
A spam blocker might be the cause of the issue. The best way to avoid this try a dedicated SMTP provider like Mandrill which resolves most issues with emails not sending from the host. Mandrill has a free plugin.
Hope that helps!
Is it the WordPress admin email? I've just had this problem on version 4.1; i was not able to use the wordpress admin email as recipient of emails from new orders; but any other email i set for recipient when new orders worked just fine; all except the wordPress admin email. Weird hu? I guess i'll have to deal with that later.

Phishing mail Wordpress Admin

I received several mails from wordpress#mydomain.tld inviting me to connect to my administration area to moderate comments.
Example :
WordPress 10/21/2013 04:22:00
A new comment on your post is waiting for your approval.
Comment: [...] You have new comment! Go link ... [...]
Please visit the Administration panel:
Sing in
Link in "Si*ng* in" redirects to a phishing page. I made several changes by changing the administration of wordpress email, but I continue to receive these messages.
I wonder if it is possible to stop sending mail wordpress# mydomain.tld
No, you can't stop someone else from pretending they are sending email from your domain. Best you can do is change the email address your wordpress instance sends email as, and then mark any email coming from the old email address as spam in your email client of choice.
I always change the default email account that Wordpress uses to send mail to something unique because of this very reason. There is no way you can prevent scammers from imitating an email address.
There are several plugins that will change the Wordpress From Email info, but to do this programmatically you can use:
function hidden_mail_from($old) {
return '';
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'hidden_mail_from');
function hidden_mail_from_name($old) {
return 'My Wordpress Install 1234';
add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'hidden_mail_from_name');
If you aren't a developer I would recommend the SMTP plugin:
And most of the other SMTP plugins on the Plugin Repository:
If you are really interested you can look at the mail headers in your email client to determine the origin server of the email and potentially create a rule to filter spam out based solely on that header but the plugins are much easier.
