How to disable the delivered Hyperlink in PeopleSoft org chart page? - peoplesoft

Can anybody suggest a method to disable the hyperlinks associated with the names on the PeopleSoft delivered org chart page?
Peoplesoft HR module, Company Directory Org Chart page (HRCD_ORG_CHART_FL)


How to pull data from a Google Sheet to display them as product windows in a wordpress site?

I have a site Im building and have data about products in a google sheet. I want to display them on the site as separate items.
This is not supposed to be a database where the website communicates with the sheet back and forth. Only pull data from the sheet on load. So that when I change the content of the sheet, the products displayed on the site change too.
Please help. I want to add I have mediocre programming skills and know javascript fairly well.
Install visualizer plugin. It is used to get data from CSV. After this perform following step by step.
Step 1: Add a new chart and select which style to use. With the plugin active, you'll get access to a new Visualizer tab within your dashboard.
Step 2: Import the data from Google Sheets.
Step 3: Display your new chart in WordPress.

Advanced Forms (Free version) question notification email

I’m using the great Advanced Forms plugin (Version: 1.9.1) for Wordpress for a client.
Therefore I have a question. How can I send the current page/post title inside the notification email where the form is completed in? It's about the green "Demo aanvraag" button which will open in a pop-up.
I know that I can use {all_fields} for the filled fields. But can I somehow also retrieve the source page title? So that the client knows on which page the user was? I know that with another form plugin like WPForms it's possible with some special tags.
Thanks already!
I tried multiple tags like [url] [page_title] etc but nothing works.

Is there a way to create a custom report to track page views for certain URLs in Google Analytics?

I'm trying to create a custom report where I can track page views for certain URLs on my website, but struggle to include more than 1 URL. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
This is easily doable with a custom report and segments in GA:
You can do the following:
Click on Customization
Click on Custom Reports
Choose Landing Page and any metrics you need
Click Save
Once you've done this, you can set up a segment with conditions:
You can add the names of whichever landing pages you need inside the condition text box.

how to get portal ids for taleo website like TUFTS university where portal id is hidden?use to generate RSS url

Sites with Taleo have a fixed pattern to access RSS.
I have derived many RSS in this manner.
Example is
I use these RSS feeds to populate my Job Portal Website at
but I came across a few sites like
which hide the portal id in some variables so that their app only can use it. Is there any method to extract them.
I was able to view source in Google Chrome and find where it says "portal=" and the value for Tufts says "8240432407"
If the portal ID is hidden on one page source, it may be available if you click different links in the open portal page (like trying to sign into that portal & then viewing source, etc.)

Drupal Webform Submissions

I have created a Job Application webform on Drupal and it contains the usual input fields: Name, Email and Attach CV. The form itself works fine, user completes the form and on submission both the user and myself an automated email acknowledging the submission.
Is there a way to:
Add a tick box next to each individual submission in Drupal
Email the selected users (preferably directly from Drupal)
Cheers for your help guys,
You can do all those using form_alter hook for the webform. Don't give this facility for anonymous users because anybody can make you send email to anybody else(spamming).
