Mark inside checkbox - css

I have a short question. How can I change mark inside checkbox from standard tick to dot? I already have a circle shape. All I want is my checkbox looks like radiobutto. How can I solved this?

While I agree with ProgrammerPer that this might not be a great idea from a user experience perspective, sometimes manipulations like this are necessary.
If I'm understanding the OP's question, I think the only way this could be accomplished is to mirror the checkbox functionality with a div (for example) so it can have a custom 'ticked' view.
This a great resource for customizing inputs:
Also, this post and the article linked in it, might be worth a read regarding the UX implications:
Hope this helps!


SilverStripe CMS interface is it possible to make the table editable?

SilverStripe CMS interface you can make the table editable, such as add and remove rows, as well as edit text and information inside the cells. Is there any component that can help?
Just for example
this is the result I would like to achieve
Thank you
Posting my comment as an answer as it seem to have helped the questioner.
Here's a useful module for extending the grid field functionality According to the documentation there's a component which allows inline editing GridFieldEditableColumns - allows inline editing of records. I've not used that specific component myself so I can't give any details on how it works, but it can be worth to check it out.

dropdown list - show image options to select

I'd be greatful if you can help.
I would like to have a drop downlist that can have a view list of images rather than text content.
many thanks
This is a poor question as you dont give much detail, however if you're working in classic-asp you can easily include jquery (client-side javascript library) and make use of the many plugins that offer this functionality, for example, one of the better ones (only in my opinion of course): - note the examples - very easy to use, example:

Rebol grid control

I am looking for an equivalent of a grid control in Rebol, to display some table data.
I came across this script: face-grid.r
...and its associated demo: face-grid-demo.r
This seems to be an excellent start. Does anyone know if there is some active and/or newer version of this grid, or something similar?
Depending what you need exactly.
Brett's datagrid is a bit basic. For example, it does not handle scrollers by itself.
Henrik has done a list-view with tons of features. Maybe it can be a choice for you :
But there are also different list styles part of the VID extension kit from the same author.
Here is the list documentation.
All are for Rebol2.

Flex 3 - Using error tooltips as normal ones

I'd like to use tooltips with the same design as the error/validation tooltips (rounded box with a tip pointing to the mouse's position).
Given the name "error/validation tooltips", it bothers me to use them as normal tooltips.I haven't found people having the same "principles" issue as myself..
So, is it that bad to use the error/validation tooltips as normal tooltips? And, if yes, what would be the easiest way to re-use its design without rewriting much code?
Hope it's clear enough :) And that you will be able to enlighten me somehow in this matter :)
Good or Bad is subjective based on what you're trying to do and the design of your app. There is never a right a wrong answer to stuff like that.
To reuse that design, you have two options that I see.
The first is to set the styleName of your toolTip component to errorTip.
The second is open up the default.css in the Flex Framework directory and copy and paste the CSS for the errorTip into your own CSS file that you then use in your application.
These docs will be good reading on this issue.

Is it possible to create a good UI/UX using only CSS and no Javascript?

No CMS solution, i.e. no Wordpress etc.
No Javascript/Ajax, i.e. I want a "static" site.
No text shown as images, i.e. I want to be able to edit content myself.
With good UI/UX I mean dynamic user feedback, when a user interacts with the HTML widgets.
Example, is using CSS for menus (which highlight the currently selected). I guess I'm looking for good live examples...
Is it possible to create a good UI/UX using only CSS and no Javascript ?
Simple answer: Of course it is.
More complicated answer: Depending on what you want to do..... CSS can do some mighty funky things, but it does have limitations.
As per Karpie yes of course.
From your question though I think you ned to clarify if you want a good UI/UX or a good 'flashy/pretty' UI/UX, they are not the same thing.
The UX can be very good without having any 'pretty' effects.
