Block Theme Template parts - Why saving a part updates the other ones? - wordpress

I was wondering what could be wrong with this...I am building some parts of "new" Full Site Editing and notice that when I am going to save one of its parts, on the sidebar it shows other parts to save/update.
In the example in the screenshot, I am just editing the navbar template part, but see the other things present to be altered, even if they are not available in this part to be edited. There is another model "Header", there is a page "Home" and seven reusable templates to be saved!
The issue with updating the whole site this way is that I don't know what is being changed.
Do you know any configuration which should be done not to this occur? Or is there any documentation that explains this new paradigm? Or is it a bug to be fixed anytime?
In fact, I did press the button one with all the checkboxes marked and some of the other template parts went away emptied (I gone nuts).
See in the second attachment that I could go back and retore previous state (thank goodness!)


Wordpress Doesn't Like My Page Template Name

Wondering if anyone has ever come across this problem. I've searched and searched and can't find a solution. It's probably staring me right in the face.
I've named a page template (page-exhibitions.php) and for some reason this page name does not display the content on it. It stops loading right after the header and picks back up on the footer, skipping over the entire template, but reading at least my get_header / get_footer.
No matter what else I name this page template, it works fine. I've check spelling until it's made me lose my mind. Any ideas?

Content region & block not being rendered in drupal 8

I created region for sidebar and render it but it wont show up any pages
i'm not sure where this issue belongs, but this seemed a good place to start.Thanks in advance
This is not a very good question since you did not provide any details on how exactly you created the region (should be defined in your or how you are trying to render it in your template (should be something along the lines of {{ page.region_name }}).
Since you have not provided example markup, I will assume that you did everything correctly and the region still does not show up anywhere (for example, when showing the region render preview or when trying to assign blocks to regions).
In that case, try clearing the cache (go to /admin/config/development/performance and click "Clear all caches"), then see if the region shows up. If it does not, try and activate a different theme, then reactivate your theme again.
If after performing these actions your region still, does not show up, see above: Please provide example code.

Customizing search results template in Plone 4.3

I'm trying to make just basic structural changes to the template (under portal_view_customizations — I load this up from portal_view_customizations, hit "customize" at the bottom, and make any sort of changes*. If I do a search on the page after altering the template, it prompts for a username and password.
I'm not getting any errors and can't quite figure out what might be the issue. Is there some workflow or publishing process I'm missing for within /portal_view_customizations? I've been able to edit other things within there like portlet templates without this issue popping up.
Thanks a lot. Non-urgent, but I'm perplexed. :)
*(by any change, I mean I went in and added just a class on the around the brief description — no dice. Tried changing just some of the template text "filed under" after that, still nothing.)

Plone's edit fieldsets not appearing in tabs

I upgraded one my Plone installations from 4.1.something to a 4.2.4 a while back. A weird thing then appeared: when editing any content, the fieldsets for that editing form all appeared one after another and not in their respective tabs.
Now when a user edits the content and hits "Save" they get a warning from the browser that they are about to leave the page. Paradoxically the user has to hit Leave Page because the changes have been changed. Clicking on one of the tab headings causes the changes to be lost and the edit session abandoned.
I don't think it's a theme thing - all the Plone instances on that server, each with a different theme - are exhibiting this problem.
Where would I start looking to fix this?
Sounds like you have a javascript error.
The fieldset tabs are handled in pure JS; all but the first are hidden on page load.
Look in your browser console and see what is tripping up the JS and preventing the code from moving the fieldsets to tabs.

Plone novice: Site appears unstyled instead of Sunburst

My site used the Sunburst theme without any custom style sheets – at most I would update the logo. I recently updated the logo and front-page after a long absence. The logo was successfully updated, however something else happened and now the site appears unstyled. Skip to content/Skip to navigation text links (for accessibility) appear at the top where they had not previously.
I checked portal_skins/custom, but there was no ploneCustom.css file there to remove, only the logo.png. I tried changing the theme to Classic but it also appeared unstyled, so then I changed it back to Sunburst. Next I went to portal_skins/sunburst_styles and pressed the customize button for public.css and ploneCustom.css, hoping to override the current style. Even though the style files were copied to portal_skins/custom (I did not modify the copies), the site still appears unstyled.
Please help a grad student whose occasional task is to maintain a Plone site (server is running Plone 4.) The server admin is away at a conference – the previous server admin who had the Plone expertise graduated last fall and is now out of the country (and also at the same conference.) I’ve read the documentations and searched for similar issues, but am at wit’s end.
I would greatly appreciate any guidance in how to revert back to the default Sunburst theme styles!
Sometimes the "Plone Classic Theme" seems to become applied when upgrading. In the Theme control panel ( http://yoursite/##skins-controlpanel ) make sure that "Sunburst" is selected.
