Does docfx support 'include' tag in triple-slash comments - docfx

I try to generate API documentation for project that has include tags in triple-slash comments using DocFX.
Included content present in Visual Studio IntelliSense and in documentation that is generated by SandCastle, but it is missing in documentation produced by DocFX.
Does DocFX support /// <include file='ExtDocs.xml' path='...some xpath...'/> syntax?

DocFX doesn't guarantee to support all the SandCastle syntax, and include is not supported for now.
The feature request to DocFX:


How to generate .csd.cs file to access Custom element in web.config

In my code, I have custom element in web.config. To access that i saw a model in a file with .csd.cs extension which was generated by a tool.Its an old code base. I need to know how it got generated. What tool we need to use to generate this file?
I think config section designer is the tool you are looking for:
Might help if you are dealing with a legacy project, but I think you should consider integrating generated sections into your source and remove dependency on the extension.

OpenAPI specification File of HERE Routing API v8 (8.27.0) not valid

I tried to use the OpenAPI Service Ref in Visual Studio 2019 to import the HERE Routing API Specification file into my Solution. But this didn't work. (obscure error code -1) As I tried to figure it out, I used a couple of other API tools, and found out that the reference on line 272 seemed wrogly formatted.
I changed this:
LineString: "../shared/common.yaml#/components/schemas/LineString" to LineString: "#/components/schemas/LineString"
The file is now imported and the classes are created. But now I am also having build errors because class Price isn't defined...
I have a feeling that this yaml file has a few hickups ;)
Hope you guys get it resolved.
The development team is looking at this issue and I will keep updated here.
Update: This issue has been addressed and worked on with priority by the development team. So far the OpenAOI Spec doesn't support code generating.

Is there a way to use a standalone WireMock with Handlebars partials?

I would like to use handlebars partials in WireMock. Unfortunately I can't find a way to register those in the docs.
Presently there is no support for HandleBars Partials in WireMock.
HandleBars is supported in the Response Template transformer and feature is handled as an extension. In the GitHub the handles the processing.
It's functionality can be extended using WireMock HandleBars 'helpers'. These are extensions documented on the Custom extensions page (bottom of the page) and examples in the GitHub code can be found here: responsetemplateing/helpers

Reference docs for Azure Resource Templates

I am looking for reference docs for the Azure Resource Manager JSON templates. Does anyone know if there is reference material for these templates?
There is general reference for required parameters etc like at Create a template deployment.
I am basically looking for the full availability so I can correspond setup on the portal to the JSON template. Also availability of features with apiVersion releases. I remember there being a MSDN documentation for the changelog with api version releases but cannot find it now.
If you create a VM with the desired settings, extensions etc then you can view their json template via
This will give some visibility into the Classic* templates.
All of the ARM templates can be found on GitHub here:
It includes preview templates and should provide all the information you're after to determine which features are present in which apiVersion release.
Microsoft has finally created what I was looking for 🎉: full documentation is now available at
After some digging I managed to get the following list of schemas:
This list notably excludes:
So I guess we're left to figure stuff out from the templates on those
To my mind we can dig that way:
open the azure-resource-manager schemas
Look at the main form below:
If you open properties, you will find the format that we need to fill:
open parameters and look at the structure:
$ref: #/definitions/parameter invite us to look at the same documents in definitions.parameters where you will find some documentation (like value you can use etc):
finally, if you look to properties.resources, you will find a list of url like:
{ "$ref": "" }
{ "$ref": "" }
if you open one of these url, you will find the JSON format you are looking for (here is a part of the first one):
There is not much available...
Azure Resource Manager Template Language
And then you can look at the different json.schemas that I have managed to find
If you use Visual Studio to edit the json-template file you get intellisense (sometimes) which help a bit. But the lack of documentation is really annoying...for example I have no clue if the schemas listed above are the most recent or not, and I have no idea where to find which one is the most resent.
I came across the list of additions and changes to the Service Management APIs. Seems to be a bit outdated, 2015-01-01 is the current version and it's not there.
With the Iaas updates at Build 2015, there seems to also be a lot of Azure Quickstart Templates. At minimum, they have the particular cases I was looking for with storage accounts.

AS3 asdoc inheritance issue

I have an API that inherits flash.display.Sprite .When I try to generate the ASDocs for the API, The ASdoc shows that my class inherits from flash.display.Sprite, but doesnt link or there is no click-able link to the Sprite's ASDoc. Can anyone tell me what I am missing.
The command I am using in my ant script is
<java jar="${asdoc.jar}" dir="${FlexSDK.dir}/frameworks" fork="true" maxmemory="256m" failonerror="true">
<arg line='-load-config "${flex-config.xml}"'/>
<arg line='-source-path ${src.dir}'/>
<arg line='-doc-sources ${src.dir}/com'/>
<arg line='-output ${docs.dir}'/>
<arg value='-library-path+=${FlexSDK.dir}/frameworks'/>
Thanks in advance for your help.
ASDoc generates documentation for your classes, not for the Flash's default classes.
You can include the Flash and Flex docs as long as you have access to them locally to your build. By default they aren't included, but if you have access you just need to include another library path. See this post for more details:
Not possible because we don't have access to the commented source for flash.*.
AFAICT, ASDoc works from source, and source only. While the Flex framework classes are open source, the core Flash framework classes are not. They are delivered as a binary in the Flex SDK: [flex_sdk]/frameworks/libs/player/10.1/playerglobal.swc. You can unzip this, but it just contains the catalog.xml and binary library.swf.
Related query:
(Note to others looking to include the Flex SDK classes in their ASDocs: see [flex_sdk]/asdoc/build.xml to get a jump start configuring asdoc.)
