How to build the Url parameter in the geomesa accumulo raster store of geoserver - raster

I've been trying unsuccefully to use the geomesa accumulo raster driver from geoserver. There is not documentation for encoding the connection parameter Url. I tried to use the one generated using the class org.locationtech.geomesa.raster.wcs.AccumuloUrl with the parameters tested correctly but geoserver raise an error, invalid URL. In the source code of the module geomesa-accumulo-raster there is nothing (example, test, comments, ...) that give me light on solving this problem.
The page in geomesa documentation is wrong ( assuming that there are fields to fill as in vector data store. The only field to fill has a URL format and there is not documentation to form it.
Is someone using it that can help me.
Thanks in advance,

You need to build the geoserver module here, which is packaged separately due to licensing. Once you install that JAR, the page will show the fields as expected.
edit: Documentation on this is here


Exporting to Swagger from Paw?

Does anyone know if there exists a code generator for Paw which will export to Swagger definitions? I couldn't find one in the list of generators and was wondering how such a popular format could be left out.
Thanks for your time.
It's coming next week :D
We have been working hard on an API conversion tool, on which the Swagger exporter will be based (it's open source on GitHub:, but still not officially released).
Also, there's already a Swagger importer if that can help you:

Installanywhere silent install is not respecting several properties in the response file?

I am trying to run a silent installation of an application using Installanywhere's silent install and response file functions. I have recorded a response file multiple times, and then run a silent install using that response file, yet certain properties are not used. The target directory always ends up being correct, but things like a passphrase or a server port are completely ignored. I have researched the vendor's boards and found nothing helpful on the topic. Can anyone with Installanywhere experience be of assistance?
If those panels are custom, it is a vendor bug: storing variable to response file is an additional action that should be added to custom panel code
it is possible though to investigate the installer and find out what variable to add to response file
The problem might be that the installer you are using relies on "merge modules". It seems that variable values are not passed to-and-from merge modules when running in silent mode.
I have unfortunately encountered this issue with the installers I'm working on, but the Flexera forums don't provide much help either:
silent installation with merge modules
merge module variable are accessible in silent install
The vendor may not even be aware of this either.
Just put to blank your default value in your "Set installanywhere variable"'s action, Otherwise values from your properties file (for silent install) will be overwrite by values define in action 'Set installAnywhere variable".
As stated in Flexera's documentation, you will need to set the variable both in your proxy's 'setVariable' method, and ReplayService 'register' method.
The 'register' method is responsible on writing the variable to the response file:
customCodePanelProxy.setVariable("MY_VAR", "MY_VALUE");
ReplayVariableService replayService = (ReplayVariableService)customCodePanelProxy.getService(ReplayVariableService.class);
// This will do the trick:
replayService.register("MY_VAR", "MY_VALUE");
For further details refer to this IA guide:

Upload Image file using Symfony2 without guessers?

I am using Symfony2 framework for one of my project. In this one, I want to upload an image. This is really easy to do so while following the Symfony2's cookbook. It works very well on my local machine. But when I put the whole application on my remote server ( shared hosting), it doesn't work because of the Type-Mime extension guessers. In fact, they are not enable on their servers... (phpinfo shows --disable-fileinfo)
So, basically the idea is to know if there is a solution to do the same action (uploading an image) without any extension guessers?
What do you think of filtering the filename ? With the last three characters, you'll know the extension. Check out UploadedFile, there is a getClientOriginalName() method. What I would do is to explode it by the ., fetch the second entry of the resulting array, and then parse it to do what you want to do.
Would you like an example of code ?
To fix exception while uploading file using framework Symfony 2
Unable to guess the mime type as no guessers are available.
enable PHP extension php_fileinfo, to do this find your php.ini file and uncomment following line
; windows
; linux

Imagine library not working in shared hosting

So I was developing a site that needed image resize so I decided to use avalanche123/imagine-bundle which uses the imagine library
In my local everything worked perfectly and then I uploaded the project to a shared hosting
When I go to the url generated by imagine bundle prints a zero
So I tried to find out where the problem is and I found it executes until this line
$image = $this->imagine->open($sourcePath);
$this->imagine is an object with class Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface
So when this line is executed it just returns 0
No exception is thrown and nothing is shown in logs
And I don't really know how imagine works inside and it seems no one else had this problem
So does anyone know what's the cause?
The AvalancheImagineBundle uses the Imagine PHP library to compute images. As stated in the README:
Depending on the chosen Image implementation, you may need one of the
It seems that you can choose the driver with the following configuration:
driver: gd
The value can be gd, imagick or gmagick and gd seems to be the default. Go ahead and see if any of this three is installed on the shared host by outputting phpinfo();. Just search for the particular string and see if it is avaiable.

How to debug into AutoMapper code?

I am using AutoMapper to map my business objects to my view model and there is a custom type I wrote that is not mapping correctly resulting in an exception. I am trying to figure out how to setup my system so that I can debug into AutoMapper.DLL. Does anyone know how to do this without downloading the source and building the source first?
If anyone has a link to instructions for doing this or knows how to set this up, I would greatly appreciate it.
AutoMapper has SourceLink enabled and a symbols package on NuGet (the same is true for the MyGet build). So debugging into AM works without building from source. You cannot debug into the mapping code per se, but check the execution plan.
