Installanywhere silent install is not respecting several properties in the response file? - silent-installer

I am trying to run a silent installation of an application using Installanywhere's silent install and response file functions. I have recorded a response file multiple times, and then run a silent install using that response file, yet certain properties are not used. The target directory always ends up being correct, but things like a passphrase or a server port are completely ignored. I have researched the vendor's boards and found nothing helpful on the topic. Can anyone with Installanywhere experience be of assistance?

If those panels are custom, it is a vendor bug: storing variable to response file is an additional action that should be added to custom panel code
it is possible though to investigate the installer and find out what variable to add to response file

The problem might be that the installer you are using relies on "merge modules". It seems that variable values are not passed to-and-from merge modules when running in silent mode.
I have unfortunately encountered this issue with the installers I'm working on, but the Flexera forums don't provide much help either:
silent installation with merge modules
merge module variable are accessible in silent install
The vendor may not even be aware of this either.

Just put to blank your default value in your "Set installanywhere variable"'s action, Otherwise values from your properties file (for silent install) will be overwrite by values define in action 'Set installAnywhere variable".

As stated in Flexera's documentation, you will need to set the variable both in your proxy's 'setVariable' method, and ReplayService 'register' method.
The 'register' method is responsible on writing the variable to the response file:
customCodePanelProxy.setVariable("MY_VAR", "MY_VALUE");
ReplayVariableService replayService = (ReplayVariableService)customCodePanelProxy.getService(ReplayVariableService.class);
// This will do the trick:
replayService.register("MY_VAR", "MY_VALUE");
For further details refer to this IA guide:


Using "UNSAFE_componentWillMount" in strict mode. But I'm not sure where the issue is

I have a Next.js application that when run, gives me this issue on the browsers console.
Warning: Using UNSAFE_componentWillMount in strict mode is not recommended and may indicate bugs in your code. See for details.
* Move code with side effects to componentDidMount, and set initial state in the constructor.
Please update the following components: SideEffect(NullComponent)
I am not sure what SideEffect(NullComponent) is and searching through all the text in my project returns no result. So I'm not sure where the problem is coming from in order to try and resolve it, or be able to provide some relevant code in here.
What does this error mean, and how can I locate at least what file is causing the issue?
The error that you see is most likely the be in a package that you are using
Try to search for the whole project (including node_modules folder) or look more carefully in the console error (name of the file that generates the error).
This way you will know which package uses the outdated code and decide to keep it or update it or use another similar package.
To search for the whole project including node_modules

How to allow log4j-2.17.2 to download configuarion via HTTP?

We have a similar problem to that of the asker of this question -- after upgrading from log4j-2.17.1 to 2.17.2, the application, though otherwise working, is not logging anything.
Having read the release notes, I see the following part:
By default, the only remote protocol allowed for loading configuration files is HTTPS.
Users can specify a system property to allow others or prevent remote loading entirely.
Indeed, in our case the log4j2.xml is downloaded via regular (non-encrypted) HTTP, and that likely explains our problem (as well as that of the other guy). However, try as I might, I cannot find, how to (re)enable the ability to use HTTP -- which system property is it, that now controls the capability?
The system property you are looking for is called log4j2.Configuration.allowedProtocols (cf. documentation) and should contained a comma separated list of URL schemes (e.g. "http,https").
You can set it using any available property source (e.g. a file or a Java system property).

What is "inlining" means in Next.js "env" document?

I'm searching of 'env' concept at static build file in Next.js but can't understand what is "inlining" meaning in this context. Could someone give me more specific example?
This loads process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ANALYTICS_ID into the Node.js environment automatically, allowing you to use it anywhere in your code. The value will be inlined into JavaScript sent to the browser because of the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix. This inlining occurs at build time, so your various NEXT_PUBLIC_ envs need to be set when the project is built.
It means that when the build tool generates the source code to send to the browser, it will replace the instruction to read an an environment variable with a string representing the value of that environment variable at the time the build happened.

QuickLook - Application UTI overriding QLGenerator UTI

I wrote a .qlgenerator for a particular set of file types and defined a supposedly correct set of "Imported Type UTIs" in the .plist file.
The form of UTIs is "", where "xxx" is a vendor code and "yyy" is a particular file type.
I write "supposedly", because everything seems to work fine until I install the .qlgenerator on another computer running 10.5. There it just doesn't work. Using qlmanage command I found out that the generator plugin gets properly registered for the given UTIs but when I invoke it to show preview of a file it says that my files are of type "public.archive.yyy" "rather than "". I eventually found the reason for that: On that second computer, there is an application installed, which defines those UTIs and registers itself as "Editor". The application does not provide QuickLook plugin but renders mine unusable anyway.
How can I make sure that my plugin will be used, even if someone has this (or similar) application installed?
Thanks in advance.

How to use environment variable in xcconfig #include?

in my project, I want to refer to an other xcconfig file, located in InDesign SDK. As this SDK may be installed at different locations, depending upon the machine, I prefer to declare an environment variable for locating it.
Nest step is obviously to use variable (aptly named ID_CS5_SDK_DIR) in my xcconfig include directive.
Unfortunatly, when I try the simple
// InDesign sdk project build settings (based on common build settings)
#include "$(ID_CS5_SDK_ROOT)/build/mac/prj/_shared_build_settings/common.xcconfig"
XCode throws me a
[WARN]AutocatPlugin.xcconfig line 7: Unable to find included file "$(ID_CS5_SDK_ROOT)/build/mac/prj/_shared_build_settings/common.xcconfig"
How can I make it work ?
I've been trying to do this too and also came to the conclusion that it is not possible.
I once tried to achieve that and came to the conclusion that you can't. I would be happy if someone proves us it's possible though then delete my answer
It seems like .xcconfig files can only DEFINE and set value to environment variables (which prevail only throughout the build session) but not USE or evaluate environment variables.
Maybe it is because .xcconfig files serve as a base layer of build-settings, and are not parsed.
Unfortunately this is not possible, but instead of making one include the other, you can use two different xcconfig files per target. Just select one for the Project and one for the Target.
If you put the environment variable in /etc/config/launchd.conf and then reboot it will be accessible to the .xcconfig file.
Short Instructions for experienced users:
Edit the read-only file /etc/launchd.conf and add 'setenv VARIABLENAME /FOLDER/PATH' to the file, then reboot.
Steps For Inexperienced Users
Open Application/Utilities/Terminal, and entersudo nano /etc/launchd.conf
Create the Environment Variable by adding a line like setenv VARIABLENAME FOLDER/PATH and then pressing ENTER.
Save the file using Ctrl-O, Ctrl-M, (Possibly Ctrl-Y to overwrite), then Ctrl-X to exit the editor.
(Optional) type cat /etc/launchd.conf to see that your changes are present
Restart your computer. (Logoff doesn't work)
You can now access the variable in your .xcconfig file as$(VARIABLENAME)
This creates a GLOBAL environment variable, accessible to all users. It probably doesn't make sense to set this to something in your home directory (e.g ~/MyFolder). If you do this, however, you need to use the full pathname, such as /Users/MyUserName/MyFolder).
Stack Overflow - Setting Environment Variables in OSX
Stack Overflow - Are there any differences between /etc and /private /etc
