How to find datapower box name ? Is there any service/global variable that holds it? - ibm-datapower

If there are few data power boxes (say 5) and we have logging common logging machanism where all the errors is logged in same place. While logging errors we need to log errors along with datapower box name (say xi52xxxx) so that it will be easy to identify in which box we have errors/which box is behaving abnormally.

--- NEW ---
I realize var://service/system/ident or serviceVars.systemIdent nodeset which contains e.g. configured system "name" is what you look for (
--- NEW ---
--- OLD ---
I've been thinking var://service/system/status could have been your friend, but playing with it e.g. as per I realize DP doesn't expose the "show system" status provider through SOMA (XML Mgmt / REST Mgmt) (as in contrast to e.g. DateTimeStatus or FirmwareStatus), but only wraps the SystemSettings config/modify options in CLI and GUI.
--- OLD ---
However is this really needed to be set in each custom log message?
I'm thinking most of your log traffic will be sent using a DP log target of type syslog if you send to Splunk, right? Note that for each such log target you typically set the Local Identifier which determines what identifier the sending system uses.
So the question is do you want to set the identifier statically or dynamically (while operating one permanent set of configuration). I think it is static, so you set it in the log target, which is a DP config object. These get configured on e.g. config import, and so are ideally adjusted using e.g. Deployment Policies.
I hope this helps a bit.


Why can't Openstack find clouds.yaml (or is unable to access it)?

Openstacks configuration page says (highlights and numbering by me):
OpenStackClient looks for a file called clouds.yaml in the following locations: I) current directory II) ~/.config/openstack III) /etc/openstack
but when I place an openstack clouds.yaml at I-III), it doesn't read any data from it. openstack configuration show at least is not showing the additional information and calls that would require said information fail due to that information not being available to openstack.
I used the command: openstack configuration show
openstack configuration show won't show any information from your clouds.yaml unless you either specify --os-cloud <name> on the command line or set the OS_CLOUD environment variable (because otherwise how does it know which cloud configuration to use?).

App Version in Firebase Remote Config Condition

I'm using Firebase for my iOS app. For users on old versions of my app I want to be able to force them to update their app from App Store to be able to continue using the app. For this I'm checking a remote config value in the app if it's true the user will get a full screen message to update. In Firebase Console Remote Config I'm checking the version of the app to set the remote config value to true/false. See image below.
The problem is that I want to be able to use "where version < X" to set the value or if that is not possible at least be able to pick more than one version (where version is X or Y or Z).
This must be a common use case but I can't figure out how to do this. Anyone know how to? Can I use regex, but how?
Add a remote config value that declares the minimum required version like this
Then you implement the "is old" logic on client side by checking the client's version number against the provided remote config value. If the check fails, then you display the "update your app" screen.
Make sure to set the default/fallback value on the client to a version number that is not forcing them to update (version 0.0.0 for example).
You can configure remote config conditions for different platforms and version number values if you don't have a synchronized version numbering across your platforms.

How to re-set organisation for apigee learning edge tutorials?

I am going through this apigee tutorial.
When the first time, this script is invoked, it asks for the basic info regrading the user. By mistake, I gave the wrong organisation.
Checking user configuration info ...
Enter the password for user on server
Verifying credentials on
Organization is invalid!
Please re-run the script
using the right org.
When I re-run the script, it is not asking me for the organisation. How can i set the organisation to the correct name
There is a file in trunk\setup.
Scroll to the top of the file, you will see something like this-
# there are 2 main cases to handle:
# (a) the user's $HOME/.learn-edge.rc file exists,
# in which case we just dot it in; or
# (b) it doesn't exist, in which case we prompt
# for the values and write out to the config file.
Apigee writes all your basic info content in $HOME/.learn-edge.rc. Just modify this-
export org="youraccount-eval"
to the correct value and it will work.

Debugging Full text search in iManage Worksite

I am creating different workspaces having different types of names containing special characters also sometimes. When I am trying to perform a Full text search nothing comes up in workspace results. Now, problem is how can I start with the debugging process?
What all things to consider during Troubleshooting this issue on both IDOL Indexer and iManage worksite?
Any suggestions? Really Appreciated.
You can enable debugging logs for all interactions through the SDK by turning on middleware Logging - Basically these log the actions performed by iManage.dll.
The log paths registry key will provide the location of the log. Any application using iManage.dll will spawn a new file based on it's process name (such as YOURAPP.txt, WINWORD.txt, OUTLOOK.txt, etc)
Create or set the following values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Interwoven\WorkSite\8.0\Common
Name: Middleware Log Path
Type: String
Value: C:\Temp
Name: Middleware Log Flags
Value: ffff
This will show you useful information but the best way to debug is to pare your search parameters right back to basics then slowly introduce more complex parameters. Workspace search requests are made up of both IManage.IManProfileSearchParameters and IManage.IManWorkspaceSearchParameters
and I've found that depending on the data sometimes you'll need to search only with the IManProfileSearchParameters and leave IManWorkspaceSearchParameters as default empty parameters.

Windows Mobile: "My network card connects to" registry settings

Can anybody please tell me the registry setting(s) that are affected in Windows Mobile 6.1 when a user selects Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Wi-Fi and then changes the value of the "My network card connects to" drop down list on the "Network Adapters" tab?
I have a device that seems to default this to "The Internet" when in fact the Wi-Fi connects to the corporate network and I would like to be able to change this programatically rather than expecting 250+ users to have to do it manually every time they reboot their devices.
I'm not certain that it is a registry change, but if it is, it's easy to determine.
Use the remote registry editor and attach to the device
Save the entire registry to a file
Change the network settings
Save the registry again
Use your favorite diff program to compare the two files
I think you should be able to change this setting using provisioning xml, either via DMProcessConfigXML api, or by making a setup cpf with the xml in it and running it on the device. This post details how to build the xml into a cpf.
The CSP you would be interested in is the Wifi CSP
The 'Work Network' and 'The Internet' are metanetworks that are specified in the xml by guid, usually in the DestId parm. My answer to this question details the xml you can use to pass to DMProcessConfigXML to read the settings on the device to see what they are. Then you can build some xml to just set the right setting. I suspect that you would just need to set the DestId parm of the appropriate wifi entry to the 'Work Network' guid.
According to my registry comparison on WM5 (HTC Touch HD), corroborated by values in, this setting is specified in the registry key:
"{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}" (default) The Internet
"{A1182988-0D73-439e-87AD-2A5B369F808B}" Work
I also tried a CE2003 device (Motorola MC50), but couldn’t detect any registry changes. The key above does not exist in the registry on this device.
