Website is not loading properly on https - css

My website was working perfect since it was running on http. After migrating it to https , some of the css is not reflecting properly. I've checked many things like 304 error , done versioning of css files , transferred all requests to https instead of http. This is the link :- Please check tell me the solution to this

Site is working fine to me, Just some js and css files are not loading and console showing it.
It might have cache of your browser. Open browser and do ctrl+f5 or else open site in Incognito mode/private window of your browser.


Troubleshoot WebForms download file problem

In my webpage, I have a download button will write excel to response and it work previously. But I got a problem today that browser on client (tested IE and Chrome) cannot download exported excel from webforms suddenly without changing code and software install.
When I test in Chrome, console show that Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.
I used the notepad to open the downloaded excel and the content become the my web html page.
I tried to login server and use the browser in server, the file can be download normally with correct content.
I have tried to copy the web folder to another server and iis setup, it show same behavior that the downloaded excel become html content of my page on client browser but work in server browser.
May I have any idea how to troubleshoot on this case please?
Are you facing this issue on a domain/managed network? If yes, are you the administrator of the network? If that's not the case, please give these suggestions a try:
If you’re using an antivirus or firewall software, make sure Chrome
is trusted or allowed by these programs. You can also try
temporarily disabling your antivirus or firewall to see if this
resolves the issue.
Just to make sure we eliminate malware from the
scenario, please follow the steps from this help article.
Try resetting the Chrome browser to see if that helps.
Also, creating a new user profile on your Chrome can be helpful.
If the issue persists, download and run Chrome Canary. It is the
cutting edge developer version of Chrome that can be installed
alongside Stable Chrome. It's possible the problem won't exist on a
future version.
refrence article

CSS Changes Not Showing In HTML site

My CSS changes are not showing once I upload to FTP. HTML changes show just fine. This is the web page in question:-
Activ Physiotherapy
Hosted with 1and1 and recently had an SSL certificate installed. I think it is an APACHE SERVER.
I have tried caching, deleting history and cookies and no luck with that. I deleted css file from root and the website still had all the css styled correctly as if the css file was still in the root.
I think something is wrong with my FTP but I do not know what to be able to fix it. It is like it is getting uploaded to the wrong webspace.
I should also mention that the changes work just fine locally in all browsers, just nothing when uploaded via FTP.
I just wanted to offer an update in case anyone goes through the same thing. It is a caching issue however the hard refresh and clearing cookies etc was useless for me.
Therefore in the end I added a string to the html tag in the . Like so:-
This has forced the cache immediately.

Web font not working online. but working locally

I'm trying to work on my website but for some reason the web fonts are not working, even though they work fine on my local machine
please have a look on my css codes. its up on github.
css style code
and it should look like this. much thinner
http: //
on chrome console
[blocked] The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from ',100italic,300,300italic,400,400italic': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
just change the url to:,100italic,300,300italic,400,400italic
note: the website use a secure protocol (https) , the external resources wold be loaded using https protocol

What can be preventing this cdn file from loading on my webpage?

I wish I had a more generic way of asking this question but I really can't figure out what could be going on.
Using dev-channel Chrome 26 (and IE 10) I'm hitting a simple html site in my public dropbox here
In my browser Handlebars.js (from never loads and I get an error. Heck, according to the Network tab it never even tries to load it. Yet click through the source and the script file - it is definitely a live link. Why handlebars? Additionally, running the same exact site with a local server loads just fine.
I'm at a loss here what could possibly have this effect. You'd think the issue would be running the server in dropbox but it seems to be the actual browser misbehaving. And why on earth does it not make any request at all?
My repo by the way is on github on the preformance-tuning branch
It looks like Chrome is throwing an insecure content warning on your scripts. Most likely because you are trying to access content hosted over HTTP while your site is being served from dropbox using ssl. Most likely a Chrome security setting silently block scripts it considers "insecure"

CSS load after redirect to https fails on WP7 browser

I have a test web page in Azure cloud where I have login page in https. My problem is that if I get to the login page via redirect, neither the CSS or images get loaded in WP7 default browser - IE. Certificate is a self signed one - so I get the warning from browser before getting to the actual page.
The strange thing is that if I just click on refresh button after the initial loading - CSS and images gets loaded OK. Also, if I go to the https login page directly without going through redirect - everything works OK again.
Server side is done with MVC3 and https redirect is done by adding [RequireHttps] attribute before the controller.
Fiddler logs do not show anything that would help me. In the redirect case I can see that after the html page has been loaded there is handshaking for getting the https tunnel up, but no requests for css or images. When I click refresh, Fiddler log seems to start the same way, but this time also CSS and image is loaded.
I have done quite a bit googling on this and none of the answers that I have found seem to help. CSS and image are loaded with relative links, so that should not be the issue. Directory access rights should be OK as well, because it works without redirect. It also works OK in Desktop IE and other mobile browsers that I have tried on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
