Fast Implementation of TF-IDF - r

I am trying to calculate Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency to get normalized weights using below function. When the number of rows are in hundred's, the results are pretty quick, but, when the number of rows are in thousands (Just 20 thousand), It takes almost 3 to 4 minutes, to get the result. Can some one point me in right direction to decrease the computational time?
mat = mat[,names]
tf = mat/rowSums(mat)
idf = log10(nrow(mat)/apply(mat, 2, id))
tfidf = mat
for(word in names(idf)){tfidf[,word] <- tf[,word] * idf[word]}

I would recommend using text2vec::'s TfIdf() class -- it is super fast when used in coordination with a matrix created by text2vec::create_dtm(). The interface is similar to sklearn if you've ever used that.
Check out this part of the vectorization vignette for an example of tfidf weighting in action.
(more generally, I've found most of text2vec::'s core functionality to be shockingly fast, so if you're using R for NLP this is a good option :p)


subsetting from an bigstatsr::FBM object for LDpred2 R-tutorial

I'm using LDpred2 incorporated in bigsnpr to calculate polygenic scores with my own set of genetic Data. I am following the steps found in the online tutorial of LDpred2 on Github ( to use the automatic model snp_ldpred2_auto.
I cannot execute the line:
pred_auto <- big_prodMat(G, beta_auto, ind.row = ind.test, ind.col = df_beta[["_NUM_ID_"]])
I suspect this happens because the matrices are not fit for multiplication with each other since the number of columns in G (the FBM matrix) is not identical as the number of rows in beta_auto (a common matrix). I intend to filter out variants (SNPs) from G such that the number of variants in G equals the number of variants in beta_auto .
I have never worked before with matrices of class FBM.code256 and do not know how to achieve this subsetting. Guidance is much appreciated.

Calculate similarity matrix for the 1st column

I have started working on a few ML projects and use R as the preferred language. I am trying to build a basic recommendation system
I need to find the similarity matrix (according to the website) and using cosine function (in 'lsa' package) to find user_similarity.
data_rating <- read.csv("recommendation_basic1.csv", header = TRUE)
x = data_rating[,2:7]
x[] = 0
similarity_users <- cosine(as.matrix(x))
But I need to find the similarity matrix among users and this code is giving me an output similarity matrix among the movies. Do I need to modify the below line?
x = data_rating[,2:7]
PS. The recommendation_basic1.csv is the same as in the link.
Putting this in so the question is not unanswered.
You can just use similarity_users <- cosine(as.matrix(t(x)))
Here, the t is matrix transpose, so it just switches the rows and columns which is equivalent to switching the users and the movies.

Implementing fast numerical calculations in R

I was trying to do an extensive computation in R. Eighteen hours have passed but my RStudio seems to continue to work. I'm not sure if I could have written the script in a different way to make it faster. I was trying to implement a Crank–Nicolson type method over a 50000 by 350 matrix as shown below:
#defining the discretization of cells
#velocity & diffusion
#make the big matrix (all filled with zeros)
m <-, t/dt+1, z/dz+2)) #extra columns/rows for boundary conditions
#fill the first and last columns with constant boundary values
#implement the calculation
for(j in 2:(length(m[1,])-1)){
for(i in 2:length(m[[1]])){
Is there a way to know how long would it take for R to implement it? Is there a better way of constructing the numerical calculation? At this point, I feel like excel could have been faster!!
Just making a few simple optimisations really helps here. The original version code of your code would take ~ 5 days on my laptop. Using a matrix and calculating just once values that are reused in the loop, we bring this down to around 7 minutes
And think about messy constructions like
This is equivalent to
m[[i, j]]
which would be faster (as well as much easier to understand). Making this change further reduces the runtime by another factor of over 2, to around 3 minutes
Putting this together we have
#velocity & diffusion
#make the big matrix (all filled with zeros)
m <- (matrix(0, t/dt+1, z/dz+2)) #extra columns/rows for boundary conditions
# cache a few values that get reused many times
NC = NCOL(m)
NR = NROW(m)
C1 = D*dt / dz^2
C2 = v*dt / (2*dz)
#fill the first and last columns with constant boundary values
#implement the calculation
for(j in 2:(NC-1)){
for(i in 2:NR){
ma = m[i-1,]
ma.1 = ma[[j+1]]
ma.2 = ma[[j-1]]
m[[i,j]] <- ma[[j]] + C1*(ma.1 - 2*ma[[j]] + ma.2) - C2*(ma.1 - ma.2)
If you need to go even faster than this, you can try out some more optimisations. For example see here for how different ways of indexing the same element can have very different execution times. In general it is better to refer to column first, then row.
If all the optimisations you can do in R are not enough for your speed requirements, then you might implement the loop in RCpp instead.

How to calculate Euclidean distance (and save only summaries) for large data frames

I've written a short 'for' loop to find the minimum euclidean distance between each row in a dataframe and all the other rows (and to record which row is closest). In theory this avoids the errors associated with trying to calculate distance measures for very large matrices. However, while not that much is being saved in memory, it is very very slow for large matrices (my use case of ~150K rows is still running).
I'm wondering whether anyone can advise or point me in the right direction in terms of vectorising my function, using apply or similar. Apologies for what may seem a simple question, but I'm still struggling to think in a vectorised way.
Thanks in advance (and for your patience).
df<-data.frame(matrix(runif(10*10),nrow=10,ncol=10), row.names=paste("site",seq(1:10)))
min.dist<-function(df) {
#df for results
#set up for loop
for(k in 1:nrow(df)) {
#calcuate dissimilarity between each row and all other rows
# find minimum distance
# get rowname for minimum distance (id of nearest point)
#combine outputs
dist=min.dist, closest_row=closest.row))
#return results
This should be a good start. It uses fast matrix operations and avoids the growing object construct, both suggested in the comments.
min.dist <- function(df) {
which.closest <- function(k, df) {
d <- colSums((df[, -k] - df[, k]) ^ 2)
m <- which.min(d)
data.frame(orig_row = row.names(df)[k],
dist = sqrt(d[m]),
closest_row = row.names(df)[-k][m])
}, lapply(1:nrow(df), which.closest, t(as.matrix(df))))
If this is still too slow, as a suggested improvement, you could compute the distances for k points at a time instead of a single one. The size of k will need to be a compromise between speed and memory usage.
Edit: Also read
Usually, built in functions are faster that coding it yourself (because coded in Fortran or C/C++ and optimized).
It seems that the function dist {stats} answers your question spot on:
This function computes and returns the distance matrix computed by using the specified distance measure to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix.

How to perform basic Multiple Sequence Alignments in R?

(I've tried asking this on BioStars, but for the slight chance that someone from text mining would think there is a better solution, I am also reposting this here)
The task I'm trying to achieve is to align several sequences.
I don't have a basic pattern to match to. All that I know is that the "True" pattern should be of length "30" and that the sequences I have had missing values introduced to them at random points.
Here is an example of such sequences, were on the left we see what is the real location of the missing values, and on the right we see the sequence that we will be able to observe.
My goal is to reconstruct the left column using only the sequences I've got on the right column (based on the fact that many of the letters in each position are the same)
Real_sequence The_sequence_we_see
Here is an example code to reproduce the above example:
ATCG <- c("A","T","C","G")
original.seq <- sample(ATCG, 30, T)
seqS <- matrix(original.seq,200,30, T)
change.letters <- function(x, number.of.changes = 15, = ATCG)
number.of.changes <- sample(seq_len(number.of.changes), 1)
new.letters <- sample( , number.of.changes, T) <- sample(seq_along(x) , number.of.changes, F)
x[] <- new.letters
insert.missing.values <- function(x) change.letters(x, 3, "-")
seqS2 <- t(apply(seqS, 1, change.letters))
seqS3 <- t(apply(seqS2, 1, insert.missing.values))
seqS4 <- apply(seqS3,1, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = "")})
# library(help=stringr)
all.seqS <- str_replace(seqS4,"-" , "")
# how do we allign this?
data.frame(Real_sequence = seqS4, The_sequence_we_see = all.seqS)
I understand that if all I had was a string and a pattern I would be able to use
But in the case I present we are dealing with many sequences to align to one another (instead of aligning them to one pattern).
Is there a known method for doing this in R?
Writing an alignment algorithm in R looks like a bad idea to me, but there is an R interface to the MUSCLE algorithm in the bio3d package (function seqaln()). Be aware of the fact that you have to install this algorithm first.
Alternatively, you can use any of the available algorithms (eg ClustalW, MAFFT, T-COFFEE) and import the multiple sequence alignemts in R using bioconductor functionality. See eg here..
Though this is quite an old thread, I do not want to miss the opportunity to mention that, since Bioconductor 3.1, there is a package 'msa' that implements interfaces to three different multiple sequence alignment algorithms: ClustalW, ClustalOmega, and MUSCLE. The package runs on all major platforms (Linux/Unix, Mac OS, and Windows) and is self-contained in the sense that you need not install any external software. More information can be found on and
You can perform multiple alignment in R with the DECIPHER package.
Following your example, it would look something like:
dna <- DNAStringSet(all.seqS)
aligned_DNA <- AlignSeqs(dna)
It is fast and at least as accurate as the other methods listed here (see the paper). I hope that helps!
You are looking for a global alignment algorithm on multiple sequences.
Did you look at Wikipedia before asking ?
First learn what global alignment is, then look for multiple sequence alignment.
Wikipedia doesn't give a lot of details about algorithms, but this paper is better.
