I'm trying to figure out how to setup Google analytics funnels to use page steps that have a dynamic tail. I have tried using the regex with a * for the wildcard but still not luck. Here is my configuration:
The result is an empty funnel:
- is a special character in regular expressions
Try these instead:
I have two websites on the same domain: example.com/fr and example.com/us. Each website has its own Google Analytics Property. I'd like to record page view data in each website's respective Analytics property.
Since there may be many more websites and Analytics Properties in future I thought the best way to manage this would be to create a custom variable of type RegEx Table to map Page URLs to Analytics Property Ids, like this:
*example\.com/us* maps to: UA-123456789-0
*example\.com/fr* maps to: UA-123456789-1
…then use that variable as the value of the 'Google Analytics Settings' field in a new Universal Analytics Tag. I feel like I've set this up properly but it just will not log any data in Analytics whatsoever. I've tried it with even the loosest RegEx patterns e.g *example\.com* and even * and still nothing gets into Analytics.
I've tried a similar thing using a Lookup Table (as opposed to a RegEx Table) and that works as expected, but I believe a look-up table is limited to matching only an exact URL, so if I map http://example.com/us/ to UA-123456789-0 (my US site's Analytics Property Id) it works great when I visit that page exactly, but when I visit http://example.com/us/test/ it doesn't log anything as the URL isn't matched exactly in the lookup. So I know the principle of what I'm doing works with a Lookup Table, but it seems the same approach doesn't work with a RegEx Table.
I wanted to ask:
It is possible to use a Regex table for outputting an Analytics Property Id?
If so, any pointers as to what I might have done wrong?
If not, are there any other neat options? (Otherwise I'm potentially going to have to set up a lot more variables/events/tags if I need to log the same things on each site to different Analytics Properties - it'd involve adding the same conditions onto pretty much every tag.
Many thanks.
As prompted by the comment from #EikePierstorff, it seems that it is possible to use a Regex Table as a lookup for determining the Analytics Property Id to use based on URL. The simple issue was incorrect RegEx expressions.
As the Google Search Console is now fully integrated into GA...
(...see http://searchengineland.com/google-search-console-metrics-now-deeply-integrated-google-analytics-249334 ...)
...we would like to get access to e.g. the search terms via API (e.g. to access the data via spreadsheets). Therefore we want to know if this is possible at all - and if yes, which dimensions & metrics can be accessed.
The corresponding API page doesn´t help atm:
There are two ways.
The first solution you posted yourself. The developers.google.com link is showing you exactly, what dimensions and metrics can be combined.
Try it yourself with the query explorer: https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/query-explorer/
Just add the metrics/dimensions you could probably need and try out what works.
If you need Search Console Data you should use the Search Console API ;)
There you go: https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#p/webmasters/v3/
The GA interface can show you the data, but GA is not the source of the data. And they also don't have a copy of it. You will need to use the right api.
I have a website on which the URLs are translated depending on the language chosen by the user.
Now, I need to set up conversion goals in GA, however I'm not sure how to do it in my case. Let's say I want to track registrations via About us page. The goal(s) would look like this:
As you see, steps 2 and 3 differ in terms of language used. BUT, this still is the same goal.
How do I handle this in GA? I would prefer to have single statistic for this, instead of separating both language versions.
I know that I could set up custom pageviews but this seems like an overkill. Is there a simpler way to achieve what I need?
Thank you!
If you do not need a funnel you can send an event with a language agnostic identifier along with the pageview and make an event goal. This is only marginally simpler that custom pagenames in your tracking calls, but at least you get to keep the original urls.
As an alternative to goals altogether you could set up a hit-scoped custom metric that is incremented on each of your destination urls. This works well if you only need the raw numbers (but you cannot use this in Google Adwords the way you export goals to Adwords, so it's less useful if you do paid advertising).
You can try using RegEx (regular expressions) then, If " registration / registrierung " is your goal the use following as:
For setting up make sure you select - Regular Expression at
Destination type in Goal details.
The PIPE b/w would mean - OR - in Regex
You can apply this to goal funnels as well.
Do you want to include step 1? I would leave exclude it from the goal funnel
These regxes below would work in a funnel but the they assume that there could be other params added. If you want exact match e.g. change .* to $ But then you could miss urls with tracking params e.g. in each step.
Second step: ^\/(about-us|über-uns).*
Third step: ^\/(registration|registrierung).*
Goal page: ^\/dashboard.*
We want to capture aggregated, anonymous search query history for analytic purposes to improve our internal search engine performance and metadata practices.
I found this article: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1012264?hl=en
Unfortunately, our search engine uses a hash tag instead of a question mark (nonstandard query string).
For example: http://www.site.com/search#q=search%20term
Is there a way to configure Google Analytics to recognize hash tag values in the URLs and capture these given a defined pattern?
sorry to say this, but hash tags won't "make it" into the reports at all, so no search reports for hash tag.
There is a simple workaround though: use virtual pageviews, that would emulate the request with regular query parameter with ? sign.
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/search?q=search%20term']);
However, this virtual pageview will generate a second pageview for a given page, which isn't preferable. So I would recommend setting up a new view specifically just for site search reports (or try to play around with advanced filters, which might get the work done). Also, don't forget to turn on the site search within the view settings as you would do otherwise:
Have you tested putting in a hash into the Query Parameter field?
Currently using Google Analytics as a supplement to our paid tracking software, but neither of them are giving us exactly what we need.
I have a list of about 60 or so urls (out of about 1500) on the site that I wish to setup a monthly report for that can be emailed to multiple recipients. I can't seem to figure out how to create a report showing just the hits on these 60 urls, I can apply advanced filters on the content page but those disappear after a while and sometimes error out when adding too many URL's.
Is there a method I'm missing in Google Analytics to achieve this goal or am I better running an SSIS package to pull the URL's from the API and formatting a document that way?
Yeah, advanced filters are not really designed for this kind of thing.
Here are some things which may work for you:
Try setting up a new GA Profile with an Include filter to filter only the URLs that you want to report on. You can use a regular expression to identify the 60 URLs. Then these will be the only URLs tracked in that particular profile.
Try setting up an Advanced Segment to select the Pages using a very long "OR" filter.
You could set up a new GA account and log the URLs into that account with additional tracking code. This is not really recommended as the 2 accounts will share tracking cookies.
Use Excellent Analytics to pull down data into Excel for the URLs in question using the GA Export API.