How do I translate WordPress and WooCommerce? - wordpress

I've got a WordPress website with WooCommerce. I need to translate it to another language than English, and, the problem is - most of texts are translated automatically in my language, but, for some reason few of them are still in English language.
For testing purposes, I had downloaded both WooCommerce translation files from another (working) site and nothing changed - only if I change whole theme, site is all in proper language.
What could be important - I'm editing theme by using a child theme.
Where can I find the solution? Maybe I should "force" the translation - but how? I know that theme is messing with that, but I can't change it for another...

Easiest thing you can do is use a plugin like Loco Translate. The theme might be missing translations or worse, directly written thus not allowing you to translate. If you feel up for it, try Poedit


How do I translate an article into different languages and save each translation as a separate page?

I have recently started working with WordPress.
I want to solve the following problem.
Using WordPress, I write an article in one language and save it.
I'm looking for a plugin or some solution so that I can write an article in one language once and translate it into 20+ different languages.
Before that, I used the Polylang plugin, but this plugin needs to be manually added for each language.
I need the plugin to do this work for me

Translating a description and a button inside a plugin

I have a plugin that have a text and a button. The website have four languages and I need to translate the button text and also the description.
For translation, Polylang is being used.
Inside the plugin I can't access the Polylang config.
How should I do that?
After some research I found a solution.
I needed to prepare my plugin to receive the translation and in the end, actually was pretty simple.
This article cover everything that I needed, using PODEdit to create the PO and MO files for each language that I'm using.
Since I was a layman in the subject, took longer to understand and figure out how to search about it.

Convert Magento theme to wordpress theme?

I had a Magento theme downloaded and i want to use it to my wordpress site. I searched wordpress version of the theme but no luck. Is there a way i can convert magento theme to wordpress theme?
There is no automatic way to do that, you will need to migrate your theme manually, with that I mean, you will need to code the theme in WordPress.
There's no way of magically rewriting a Magento theme into a Wordpress theme.
Like Enrique said, you will need to recode the entire thing.. well, almost, at least. This really depends on whether or not you simply want them to look the same or to actually be structured identically. The former is easier.
You can most likely salvage the majority of the skin folder, especially css and js. Then it's a matter of matching up Magento element names to corresponding Wordpress element names. An example might be .button and .btn.
As far as the structure, you may want to simply view source on the theme as it renders on the actual site, grab the source and do some heavy analysis. Figure out which portions render in the header, content and footer and try to piece them into the corresponding Wordpress files. It's a daunting task but believe it or not, I've done similar things before.
Note that Wordpress is nowhere near as complex in terms of application structure as Magento, so you'd really be dumbing down the Magento theme to accomplish this.
To convert your theme unfortunately you will have to manually rebuild it line by line for Wordpress. You said that you could not find the wordpress version of the theme but if possible the theme vendors might have HTML or PSD versions of the theme which would be a much closer starting point than Magento to Wordpress conversion.

WP plugin Polylang "copy" articles to all languages by default

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way how to set up Polylang (or some other translation plugin for WordPress) so that when I write an article or a page in one language (the default one) it will just make an exact copy of it and set it for the other languages. So the article/page is at least visible until I get my translator guy to translate it. Also he doesn't have to copy or write the article again and he just translates which is much more convenient.
Also, I'm struggling a bit with the translation of media. I know that I can turn it off, but I it would be awesome if I could use the same image and just add different translations to it, instead of uploading the same image for each language and just changing the description.
Thank you for your time :)

what wordpress theme is this? and is there a way to tell wordpress themes being used for all sites?

I'm trying to figure out the theme for this site:
moneymachinefactory dot org
I know sometimes you can see it in the page source. in this case, i can't, but i know they're using wordpress.
It's possible that it's Wordpress, but that would be they went through great lengths to disguise that fact. Especially since this URL fails: , it could be expression engine, drupal or mambo or something else. Good luck, I would just email them and ask.
The blog uses WP, but the other pages are static.
The style sheet in the WP theme doesn't have a standard WP style sheet header with theme info and is loaded from root instead of wp-content/themes/themename/style.css:
They are probably rewriting the typical WP URLs with .htaccess. It's getting to be a popular thing to do for (some) security and possibly to (somewhat) protect designs.
