Firebase Web Push Custom Chrome Badge - firebase

This topic is well covered on Android and iOS (ANCS) however it is not discussed in any documentation for Web notifications.
My goal is to create a custom Chrome notification badge for mobile (see image below). I would have thought it was as simple as setting a field in web.manifest.json or in the payload sent to FCM but these have no effect.
I found some interesting discussion around a badge and purpose field for web manifest here - but does not appear to be in use by Chrome.

Please see here for a complete explanation on how making badges work on chrome PWAs. It explains the file format for the badge image itself as well as the format of the message payload.


How to disable expanded image view in Firebase push messaging?

I'm trying to send a small image in a push notification. It looks great in the initial state
But in the expanded view, it shows a huge version of the same image which I'm trying to avoid.
How is it possible via code? Unable to find any documentation around it.

Flutter: Floating Button in Front of Other Apps

how can i achive a floating action button in front of all other apps?
A java example could be:
What flutter widget can i use for that. Maybe there are some examples with flutter (didn't found any).
Apart from restriction that it won't work on IOS, there is a plugin in flutter which does the trick System Alert Window
It shows Truecaller like overlay window, over all other apps along with callback events
You can perform the similar action using Draggable widget but that will work only inside the app and inside same Stateful/Stateless widget.
The reason why "drawing over other apps" is not possible in Flutter till yet is because iOS does not support this functionality. You can always log an issue at Flutter's GitHub repository

Firebase dynamic links aren't previewing pics in social media

My firebase dynamic link is not Generating link previews with social metadata - in dynamic links when you provide a link for 'si' metadata it is suppose to preview the pic in social media -- see Firebase documentation on preview pics for social media:
As you can see my link includes a valid link in the 'si' metadata link (&si= see full link:
(dynamic link is for an ios app, should be clicked on an iphone app if you want to go to the app)
Any ideas?
your image is less than the recommended resolution according to the documentation
"The image should be at least 300x200 px, and less than 300 KB."
maybe thats the reason
I'm having a different issue where it's showing a cropped version of my image

Azure Notification Hub App Logo for multiple platforms

I have NH working ok, but I want to have an image accompany the push. Basically, this image is a branding option, so it wouldn't change for each push, but could change occasionally.
This seems pretty straightforward for WNS, using the App Logo Override option.
Can something similar be done for iOS and Android? I haven't played with them yet and I don't really need a whole solution, I just can't seem to find it spelled out like it is for WNS.
I did see an example for iOS that involved sending a silent notification that prompted the user to see the image, but that's not what I'm trying to do.
I just want a message from a particular vendor to have their little logo on it.
Is this possible?
Turns out the best way to do this is to send a URL for an image in the template and substitute it for the applogo image source. Remember that when you do that, the system will not automatically size it for you.

Sharing a page containing a video on LinkedIn breaks on Android mobile app

HTML5 video plays fine in Chrome (on the same device), does not play at all in LinkedIn webview.
Here's the sample video:
Any idea what we should do about it? Thanks!
On Android Webview, not setting a poster on the video element throws a media error (potentially related to loading the video with a cross origin attribute). Ignoring the media error fixed the problem.
