Could anybody please point me to an example of implementing an option's contract using Corda? - corda

I couldn't find such an example for "option" contract in Corda.
Could anybody please point me to such an example?
Thanks a lot

A set of sample CorDapps is provided here:
One of these samples is an options CorDapp. See


Generate Kadena Key-pair from BIP-39 generated Seed

I'm trying to generate a key-pair for Kadena blockchain from the seed phrase I generated using BIP-39. I found a Cardano Crypto fork ( that Kadena uses in Chainweaver for this purpose but there isn't any documentation on the process. Can someone please guide me in the right direction on how I can chieve that?
I'm relatively new to the process, so a detailed answer would be highly appreciated.

Is it possible to have a NPC offer items only to characters with a certain achievement?

Im looking for a way to add an NPC which sells items based on the achievements a character has. Because of my lack of other coding skills, if at all possible i would like to achieve it with SQL commands, hence modifying the db. I was looking through the conditions page on the wiki but have no idea how to use the provided information.
Also i was backtracing the db regarding the NPC Charles Worth who happens to teach tailors recipes based on achievements they have. I intended to copy this toons conditions, but couldnt find what entries to use.
Any help, clarifying db entries, or pointing to the right direction in another way, is much appreciated.
Please follow this link for the documentation:
You can use the source type: "SOURCE_TYPE_NPC_VENDOR" and the condition type: "CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT" for what you need, how to implement this, you can find that in the link above.
Also, one way to make this easier is to use the tool developer by the azerothcore team, Keira3.
This is a very visual Database Editor and can help you understand what each column do as almost each cell is documented and you have links to the full documentation as well.
Keira3 link:

Usecases documentation and code

Where can I find existing or on going developed usecase/smart contracts on Corda?
I know about their website:
But this link have very few usecases and those also with no documentation and some with no code/git links.
Is there any other repo/website where I can find the solutions developed on corda?
Thanks is still very much a work in progress and new projects (with code) will be added to the library over the coming months.
In the meantime, you can check out for sample CorDapps. The following repos also have additional sample CorDapps

ATMEL SAMB11/BTLC1000 simple GAP/GATT example

I hope someone could give me a quick example how to configure the BTLE-Device correctly without the huge BLE-Manager library. Simply a litte GAP Authetication and one GATT-Service would be enough to start. I've managed to create my own GATT-Service and characteristics without the need for BLE-Manager but thanks to several defines, typedefs etc. I can't figure out how to do this for GAP and how to register my callbacks for it. Maybe someone has used these modules before and can give me a quick example how it's done?
Since you mentioned One GATT-Service with Authentication Atmel-BAS [Battery Service] example is easy one. To better understand you can download the getting started guide see the architecture. In-order to register the callbacks you need to check the order of callbacks in function ble_event_manager in ble_manager.c file.

Wire-shark network traffic dump

I have a question to answer for one of my classes. But I'm having some trouble finding the information on this.
"So you have network traffic dumps as files on a USB given by the victims. How can you know that it is accurate? List some of the ways that it could have been changed. What things would you look for within the dump file that might indicate tampering."
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Thanks alfasin. Your link helped,
