Contao 4.4 Issue with Backend Element - issue-tracking

I have installed contao 4.4.
For Dynamic content Element i'm using module 'agoat/contao-customcontentelements'. I'm facing this issue in BE
Anyone can help me in this ?

The problem is how contao displays the content elements in the backend (as a ul list). So every wrapper will disrupt the backend layout of contao.
The latest version of contao-customcontentelements now includes an option to have a separate template for the backend.


node-red dashboard auto size not working

I have a node-red installation with version 2.1.0 and I use a template node to display a table and everything works fine.
When I upgraded my node-red dashboard to 2.3.3. Then all my tables disappeared. I was not able to see the content at all. After some troubleshooting. I found out that if I change the size from auto size to a fix size then I can show the content in the tables.
And does anyone know if this is a bug or by design. And why should not auto size work?
By the way in my template I add a complete html page with html tags and header and body. And reference bootstrap styles and other. Maybe this can cause a problem in the new version?
What is best practise in template nodes. Use complete html tags or just the subset and add css references in some config?

How do I add starter content to a project manually?

I think I'm experiencing a bug where if I delete a project, then create a project with the same name indicating I want it to have starter content, it doesn't appear.
I've been getting this bug as well recently (with v4.14.0)
If anyone else has this issue, you need to find the Content Browser. Click the Add New button then chose Add Feature or Content Pack from the menu. On the Content Packs tab and you should see some options there for either the normal starter content or the mobile version.
Note that once you've done this you should be able to find the starter map (with the chairs) in:
Content > StarterContent > Maps > Minimal_Default
I don't think it is possible to add starter content to an established project via the launcher. You can, however, just create a new project with the starter content and then move it to your old project. To do this you have to right-click on the starter content in your content browser and use the migrate option.

WP 4.0 - Image placements in posts (place by margins, pixels, admin GUI)

Since I upgraded my wordpress installation to 4.0 (from an old 3.x version) the option to place images in posts/pages (in admin/backend-mode) by pixels disappearded? (margin-left/right/top/bottom) I want to place images individually (not by classes) instead by inline styling.
Is there a way to do that in the new version, or is there any good plugin which solved this problem for me that you know about?
I can be done by this plugin:

Why are the text-align buttons not appearing in my CK Editor in Drupal 7?

Essentially, I've been back and forth through settings and configuration for using the CK Editor as well as re-installing it but for whatever reason the text-align buttons for this WYSIWYG editor are not showing up despite the fact they appear to be configured to do so.
I'm using Drupal 7.19 and CK Editor 7.x-1.12. For clarification, this is the CK Editor as stand-alone project, not a part of the WYSIWYG project.
Also to be clear, this is not a problem of the buttons not working or text-align properties being stripped out, the buttons are simply not there. Which is a problem for ease of use for my end-users.
Why would this be happening?
Most likely you have downloaded a standard package which does not include justify plugin. Download the full package or add this plugin using online builder.
This is due to the "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" filter settings. As outlined in this issue, you must explicitly allow those classes on the p tag
<p class="text-align-left text-align-center text-align-right text-align-justify">
Also this is for Drupal 8

Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 CSS Changes

I recently updated a Joomla website from 1.5 to 2.5. The theme on 1.5 was a customized version of the Beez template. I converted the template to 2.5, and have everything working except the main content blocks, which look like the CSS isn't there for them.
The site is
The main article (Welcome to NOCBOR) used to be in its own separate box, and the articles used to be side by side.
Is this caused by upgrading the template and possible breaking the CSS? Or is there something I need to change in the admin panel from 1.5 to 2.5?
The default layouts for Joomla 2.5 are different from 1.5, just inspect the html in your browser and you will find some differences up the tree i.e. a missing div or a div named "item" which became an ... just take those differences into account and update your css accordingly.
