Google Analytics analytics.js - Enhanced Ecommerce - google-analytics

I am using
to add enhanced analytics tracking to my application . When I am trying to add impression I got following error in the console in analytics console
VM17923 analytics_debug.js:10 Command ignored. Plugin "ec" has already been required on tracker "t0".
Can anyone help please ! I am using ga('require', 'ec') to register this plugin and when i removed it it tells me plugin not registered .
I also tried giving name to the trackor but not worked well


Google tags does not show up in Google Tag Assistant but it shows in GTM and Analytics' debug

I am new to all of this and am trying to install the GTM tag on my WordPress website. I tried the plugin Google Tag Manager for WP and later in Google Site Kit.
In both methods, I can only see the tags through Tag Assistant when logged in WordPress. If I log off from wp-admin and access the website, I can't see the tags.
When trying to use the debug on GTM it shows the Analytics tag was fired and when using Analytics debug I can see the events are happening:
Are my tags properly installed or not?
Why I can't see it in Tag Assistant or what do I need to do?
Is it better to install directly to the code without using a plug-in?
Thank you!

Google Analytics Settings value showing a "{}" in google tag manager's preview mode

I'm facing a problem that none of the google tags fire on the website.
For example, this is what I see in the page view event
google analytic tag not firing successfully
FYI: This is the setting of my Google Analytics variable:
Google Analytics Setting Variable
Here is the webpage link:
I'm wondering if anyone knows what is happening here and how to fix it? Thanks a lot for the help!
The subdirectory install of WP that you linked to when checked with tag manager is showing a different GA tracking ID in place to that in the screenshot of your GTM GA Settings Variable, and seems to indicate it is not firing pageviews via a tag in GTM. Tag Assistant is indicating a Universal Analytics tracking code snippet for UA-110328630-1
Initializing Google Analytics.
analytics_debug.js:25 Running command: ga("create", "UA-110328630-1", "auto")
analytics_debug.js:25 Creating new tracker: t0
The main website installation shows the install of the same GTM container and does indicate pageviews firing for via GTM
Initializing Google Analytics.
analytics_debug.js:25 Running command: ga("create", "UA-110328630-1", {name: "gtm1"})
analytics_debug.js:25 Creating new tracker: gtm1
Did you refresh the GTM container after making changes in it, so that debug and preview mode in GTM would acknowledge the changes?
If you have published the container with the changes, have you flushed the site cache for whatever site caching is being used?
Alternatively, in some instances where a GA installation is restricted to a subdirectory, you will need to set cookiePath to the subdirectory. Which would be done in the GA Settings Variable under Fields to Set option
By default, Google Analytics sets the cookie path to the root level
(/). In most situations, this is the appropriate option and works
correctly with the tracking code you install on your website, blog, or
corporate web directory. However, in a few cases where user access is
restricted to only a sub-directory of a domain, this method can
resolve tracking issues by setting a sub-directory as the default path
for all tracking.
From your first screenshot I see that you have true value for 'Enabled overriding settings in this tag'. To prevent your Google Analytics Settings variable from being overwritten you should remove that tick from the Analytics Tag.
However it is very strange that you see {}, it may be that you have a second Google Analytics Settings variable that you have created but that is empty and you have incorrectly associated it with the tag instead of the good one.

ga is undefined when using Tag Manager to manage Analytics scripts

I'm trying to send events with custom script managed in Tag Manager.
However, it seems that ga is undefined when using Tag Manager to manage Google Analytics script.
So, I cannot use ga('send',...). And since I've already got all the code ready to send my data to Google Analytics I wouldn't like to create another solution.
Solution was to edit Google Analytics settings in Tag Manager.
You need to select from Advanced Configuration > Tracker Name and leave it empty.

nopCommerce doesn't send Google E-commerce tracking at all?

I am trying to get google e-commerce tracking set up on our nopCommerce site, and have tried several times, but can't seem to get it working.
Here are some screenshots of our setup:
Not sure what we're doing wrong here, but i have followed some of the advice on this thread on nopCommerce forum but still it won't work. Any ideas?
What version of NopCommerce are you running?
I have been running 3.70 and just used the Google Analytics plugin - See here:
Just install the plugin then log into your Admin area > Configuration > Plugins > Local Plugins > Click 'Configure' on 'Google Analytics Or Universal Analytics'.
Then you just need to put your UA number linked to your Analytics account in the 'ID' box and hey-presto we should have e-commerce tracking.

Error on Google Analytics tracking code for a Google Site

When i run the tracking code on my google site, it gives the following error :
Error on line 8
Should I ignore it? Or is it really an error? in which case what do i do?
If you are using Google Sites, you will first need to enable Analytics
and then add your Analytics Web Property ID (UA-xxxxx-xx) in the General settings under Statistics at site name)/system/app/pages/admin/settings or in Google Apps at domain name)/system/app/pages/admin/settings
