I am logging google analytics exceptions:
ga.exception({ description: description, fatal });
but I do not see where these exceptions are in the analytics GUI.
Is there anything I need to configure to see these errors.
I cannot find where they should be
GA > Customization > Dashboards > Create > Create Dashboard > Under 'Show the following metric:' search for 'exceptions'
I am using search console and analytics with the same e-mail address. I wanted to link search console with analytics so, I went to search console > settings > Associations. I found the associate button disabled. When I hovered over it it tells that we couldn't find a google analytics property for "my mail". But I have used the same mail for analytics and search console. Please help me. Waiting for the reply.
I suspect your Google Analytics account is a new GA4 one and not the previous Universal (GA3) one. If the sidebar contains a "Monetisation" option it is GA4.
Connecting to GA4 is not possible yet.
I've created a new Google Analytics website. I've added the tracking code script block before . I'm sending a custom event to GA and no js error is thrown. However, when I navigate to Reporting > Behavior > Events > Overview, no events are displayed. I haven't created any filters for this GA account that would block the request. Any idea what the problem might be or next steps to debug?
So i created an event tracking, tested with GA analytics debugger plugin from chrome(it works) and in google analytics panel i can't find the report, is my first time with this, and i not found this on google, someone can help?
I'm in the new analytics interface
The Normal events overview page is located:
Behavior > Events > Overview
Real-time events are located:
Real-time > events
Intelligent Events are located:
Intelligence Events > Overview
I'm trying to pull data from a google analytics and put it into a google doc spreadsheet. The main issues seems to be I can't enter my GA Key. All the tutorials have said to enter it in a text box that should be at the end of the resources -> use Google API form. But I see no textbox there, only a message that I have to enable the APIs in the API console to use them.
I've confirmed that I do have Google Analytics enabled in the API console.
The error messages I get are either User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile. or Analytics not defined if I try to type my API key in the text box that says 'Analytics' (which leads me to believe that's defining the variable image).
Since the script is running as "you" you do not need to enter the GA id - it will use the permissions for the account that you were logged in with while creating and authorising that script. That account needs admin permissions for the Google Analytics account you intend to query.
The box that you thought is for the API key holds the name for the analytics object in the script. If you change that you'd need to change all instances of "Analytics" in the script to the name you entered.
For example there is a line in the script that goes:
var accounts = Analytics.Management.Accounts.list();
This will list all accounts connected to the user who authorised that script. You see that the first part is "Analytics" (the global Analytics object in the script), if you enter something in the resources->Google APIs tab you'd need to change that as well - that's why you get an error message "Analytics is not defined" when you change that value.
Hard to tell about your actual problem, probably you are just missing admin permissions in analytics.
I have a problem with tracking Google Analytics on localhost with Google Tag Manager. I can see on the API for Analytics ( https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/advanced#localhost), all i need to do is to set cookieDomain to none. I do not find this option in Google Tag Manager. Does anyone know how to do this?
The documentation referenced it is about the Universal Analytics (new GA API version).
To solve this problem, you have two options:
1) Using the traditional tag "Google Analytics", in 'More settings' > 'Domains and Directories' > 'Domain Name':
2) Or switch to the "Universal Analytics" tag in Tag Google Manager, configure the required fields and in 'More settings' > 'Cookie Configuration' > 'Cookie Domain':
In both cases, this option should be turned off before the launch of the site.