Sell a posts extra input fields - WordPress - wordpress

I've been searching, trying to find a plugin that can help me set a price for each of my posts extra input fields.
So, I have a property post type that has the default title, content and featured image fields. Then I have extra fields such as attachment, video. What I need is to initially deny access to each of those extra fields (individually) and only when the user buys the necessary access, will one or all of those fields become available. This must be done when the user is adding a new post and use WooCommerce for the payment.
A visual example:
Plugins I've tried:
- myCRED (only allows the sale of a whole post and not individual fields)
- Fields Monetization (uses packages, not allowing individual field pricing)
- Restrict Content (only allows the sale of complete posts)
If you guys know about any plugins that can achieve this, even if it requires some tweaking, it would be greatly appreciated.


Within an admin menu point, set number of posts via input field

I'm quite new to Wordpress and currently working on a custom plugin.
I know how to create a new admin menu point via plugin, now I'm trying to figure out how to add a functionality, when entering the site the user shall be able to specify the number of shown posts via input field - the amount of posts shall be saved in a way that you receive a shortcode for the amount.
Hope that was clear. Thanks in advance!
I know there are a lot of Wordpress php codesnippets and shortcuts to use, but I'm uncertain which the ones are I need.

BIGCOMMERCE - Add required field based on quantity

I am designing a T-shirt store for a client and need to be able to add custom fields to a BigCommerce product based on the user requesting more than one product (tshirt)
So - if the user has 2 products - they would be asked to complete fields for reverse name and size. Is this possible?
There aren't conditional options out of the box in Bigcommerce. You'd have to have unrequired fields that were hidden unless multiple quantities were selected (using javascript to accomplish the hide/show).
Alternatively, you can limit the item so only one can be added to the cart at a time. This could be a negative customer experience though.

How to allow uploading of photos while placing an order using Woocommerce

I'm new to WordPress, and want to use Woocommerce for my online shop. However, I am creating things using photos supplied by the customer for certain products. Other products can be sold as is.
That means if the customer orders an item in this category, he needs to upload the photo to be used to create that item while placing his order. This photo must be linked to the order, and must not be visible to the other customers, but only to me when I view his order.
Is there any existing WordPress theme that caters for this, and if not, how do I modify Woocommerce to cater for this?
More than one customer can order the same product, and each customer must be able to upload his photo to be used for that product for that order. Each client's photo must only be linked to that specific order for that specific customer for that specific date.
You can use Woothemes's Product Add-ons plugin. It allows you to add custom fields to your product including file-inputs. These fields will be displayed on the front-end & user can fill their values/upload files which will be included with their orders. And as an admin, only you will be able to see the values/files in the order-details section.
You required to add image with each product, which should not be display to your customer, only to you while some order placed by customer:
In this case you required to add custom field over there in Product Custom Post type.
You can refer to this link for creating Custom Field

How do I remove woocommerce products after time?

Im currently building a webshop using woocommerce (icondesignliving)
and the customer wants the products to be automatically removed after time. Or after a certain date, Is it possible to do this, if yes, how?
You can use a plugin called Post Expirator.
When you add or edit a product there will be a Post Expirator box on the right hand side, which will allow you to choose if the product can be hidden after a certain date. Choose what date it will hidden on and what is to happen to the product (draft, delete, set it to private, or change category):

Wordpress: Using Custom Post Type for image list of Product

I have a Wordpress-blog with gift ideas where I write text based articles. I recently discovered Custom Post types which I believe is the solution to an feature I want to create.
What I want:
Be able to tag each custom post using the normal "Categories" and "Tags".
Create a 3x3 matrix with product images (custom posts) to be shown on top of each Category-view or Tag-view (followed by the typical article list in the category or tag).
Lets say I have a category "Gifts for mom" and tags "Pink", "Cheap"
In the category "Gifts for mom" I have 10 text articles (normal posts) discussing the difficulties of buying gifts for your mom
I create nine custom posts, each is a specific gift (e.g. A pink hairbrush). I want to place them in the Category "Gifts for mom" and tag them with "Pink".
When I view I want to be able to get a view:
Gifts for mom
Product Product Product
Product Product Product
Product Product Product
- This awesome article
- That awesome article
- Etc
I assume this is possible but don't really know where to begin. Could you point me in the right direction? Which Plugins do I need? Do I need to do any programming myself (or just plugin configuration)? Is this even possible?
The description is a bit broad, hence a bit broad answer.
Two things are needed:
1) A plugin to create the Custom Post Type.
It is considered best practice to let CPT's in Plugin territory. So you can swap designs and preserve your CPT functionality. In reality, you are asking for future problems letting this be handled by the theme.
Create your own plugin, which would contain a register_post_type and any extra configs.
Use an existent plugin, like Custom Content Type Manager.
Its Custom Fields features are quite handy as well.
Allows users to create custom content types (also known as post types) and standardized custom fields for each, including dropdowns, checkboxes, and images.
2) Learn how to use and customize WordPress Templates
Templates are the files which control how your WordPress site will be displayed on the Web. These files draw information from your WordPress MySQL database and generate the HTML code which is sent to the web browser. Through its powerful Theme system, WordPress allows you to define as few or as many Templates as you like all under one Theme. Each of these Template files can be configured for use under specific situations.
You can try the following:
Add a new Page for each category with the exact same name as the category.
In the Images menu attach to each of those pages the images you want.
In your script query for a page with a name identical to the current category, and pull all of its attachments
