Apply k-means to examine differences between two groups in R - r

I have two groups. The treatment group is exposure to media; the control group is no media. They are distinguished by a categorial variable in the data frame. (exposure to media = 1, no media = 0)
Now, I want to examine whether there are any clear differences between these two groups. To do this, apply the k-means algorithm with two clusters to four variables (proportion of black population, proportion of male population, proportion of hispanic population, median income on the logarithmic scale).
How to do this in R? Could anyone give some hints? Thanks!

Try this:
km <-kmeans(your data, 2, nstart=10)
your data here as a data.frame (your whole data or you can select the variables that you are interesting about them). You need to select the number of clusters (here is 2). A good practice to understand your data is to apply different number of cluster and then see which one fit your data better (use for example any criteria methods such as AIC or BIC).
k-means is an approach applied to cluster data. Where this data come from different distribution and we would like to know from where each observation come from (from which distribution).
You can also have a look at many tutorials about kmeans in R. For example,


How to use the "how" function for an unbalanced repeated design

I have a set of control and treated plots which had been sampled during years. I run the prc function in the vegan package and want to perform a permutation test to check whether control vs treated plots significantly differ during years. As my data is unbalanced, I can not use strata function. my code look like:
I've written this, but I'm sure that it is wrong because the treatment is missing here:
h1 <- how(within = Within(type = "series", mirror = F),
blocks = year, nperm = 999
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Under the null hypothesis, samples from the control or treated groups are exchangeable and hence you don't want them in the permutation design; you really want to permute them to generate the permutation-based null distribution for the test statistic.
The permutation design is there to indicate what isn't exchangeable.
You haven't explained why you want samples within the blocks to be permuted in series; why are samples within years also time series? If they're not, you don't want this.
You only need to worry about imbalance if you want to permute the strata. Whilst using blocks is similar in some respects to strata, blocks are never permuted so if you can use blocks you can use strata as you won't be permuting them.
If you want to permute the years as groups of samples, then you'll need strata and you'll need balance at the year level, which you don't have.
What you have defined with your call to how() is:
groups samples by year and as such samples will never be swapped between years, and
samples within the levels of year will be permuted in series, keeping their temporal order intact after applying cyclic shift permutations.
If that's not what you want to do, you need to explain in words what you want to do. By "do" I mean what is it you want to test? What is your model in vegan?

tSNE with groups of different size - reduce dataset or set perplexity = largest group?

Plotting a proteome dataset with tSNE I encounter the problem that I have a large healthy group (70) and rather few samples per genotype group (3-8).
How should I set the perplexity in this case?
Or would it better to separate the healthy cases form the diseased ones (they are clearly separated in PCA, euclidean dist ect)?
Thanks a lot!
Side quest: would you use batch-corrected or rather uncorrected data for the visualisation? For PCA the corrected ones look much better but I wonder if using it in tSNE would be overfitting?

How to specify subset/ sample number for permutations using specaccum() in R's vegan package

I have a community matrix (species as columns, samples as rows) from which I would like to generate a species accumulation curve (SAC) using the specaccum() and fitspecaccum() functions in R's vegan package. In order for the resulting SAC and cumulative species richness at sample X to be comparable among regions (I have 1 community matrix per region), I need to have specaccum() choose the same number of sets within each region. My problem is that some regions have a larger number of sets than others. I would like to limit the sample size to the minimum number of sets among regions (in my case, the minimum number of sets is 45, so I would like specaccum() to randomly sample 45 sets, 100 times (set permutations=100) for each region. I would like to sample from the entire data set available for each region. The code below has not worked... it doesn't recognize "subset=45". The vegan package info says "subset" needs to be logical... I don't understand how subset number can be logical, but maybe I am misinterpreting what subset is... Is there another way to do this? Would it be sufficient to run specaccum() for the entire number of sets available for each region and then just truncate the output to 45?
pool1<-specaccum(comm.matrix, gamma="jack1", method="random", subet=45, permutations=100)
Any help is much appreciated.
Why do you want to limit the function to work in a random sample of 45 cases? Just use the species accumulation up to 45 cases. Taking a random subset of 45 cases gives you the same accumulation, except for the random error of subsampling and throwing away information. If you want to compare your different cases, just compare them at the sample size that suits all cases, that is, at 45 or less. That is the idea of species accumulation models.
The subset is intended for situations where you have (possibly) heterogeneous collection of sampling units, and you want to stratify data. For instance, if you want to see only the species accumulation in the "OldLow" habitat type of the Barro Colorado data, you could do:
data(BCI, BCI.env)
plot(specaccum(BCI, subset = BCI.env$Habitat == "OldLow"))
If you want to have, say, a subset of 30 sample plots of the same data, you could do:
take <- c(rep(TRUE, 30), rep(FALSE, 20))
plot(specaccum(BCI)) # to see it all
# repeat the following to see how taking subset influences
lines(specaccum(BCI, subset = sample(take)), col = "blue")
If you repeat the last line, you see how taking random subset influences the results: the lines are normally within the error bars of all data, but differ from each other due to random error.

Hierarchical clustering on continuous heterogeneous variables with different range/scales in R

I would like to use R to perform hierarchical clustering with two groups of variables describing the same samples. One group is microarray gene expression data (for specific genes) that have been normalized and batch effect corrected. The other group also has some quantitative clinical parameters that describe the same samples. However, these clinical variables have not been normalized or subjected to any kind of transformation(i.e. raw continuous values).
For example, one variable of these could have range of values from 2 to 35, whereas another from 0.1 to 0.9, etc.
Thus, as my ultimate goal in to implement hierarchical clustering and use both groups simultaneously (merged in a matrix/dataframe), in order to inspect which of these clinical variables cluster with specific genes, etc:
1) Is an initial transformation in the group of the clinical variables necessary before merging with the genes and perform the clustering ? For example: log2 transformation, which has also been done to part of my gene expression data !!
2) Or, a row scaling (that is the total features in the input data) would take into account this discrepancy ?
3) For a similar analysis/approach, like constructing a correlation plot of the above total variables, would a simple scaling be sufficient?
Without having seen your gene expression data, I can only provide you some general suggestions based on your description, in the context of the 3 questions you asked:
1) You should definitely check the distribution of each group. In R, you may use one or more of the following function to visualize the distribution:
hist(expression_data) ##histogram
plot(density(expression_data)) ##density plot; alternative to histogram
qqnorm(expression_data); qqline(expression_data) #QQ plot
Since my understanding is that one of your expression data group is log2 transformed, that particular group should have a normal distribution (i.e. a bell curve shape in the histogram and a straight line in the QQ plot). Whether to transform the group that has not yet been transformed will depend on what you want to do with the data. For instance, if you want to use a t-test to compare the two groups, then you definitely need a transformation, as there is a normality assumption associated with a t-test. With regard to hierarchical clustering, if you decide to use both groups in a single clustering analysis, then why would you ever keep one transformed and the other not?
2) Scaling by features is a reasonable approach. Here is a clustering lecture from a Utah State Univ. stats course, with an example. scale=TRUE is an option for you if you decide to use heatmap function in R.
3) I don't think there is a definitive answer to your third question. It has to depend on how many available features you have and what analyses you will be doing downstream. Similar to question 1, I would argue that simple scaling may be sufficient for visualizing your data by hierarchical clustering. However, do keep in mind that, say you decide to perform a linear model (which is very common with microarray gene expression data), you might want to consider more sophisticated data scaling.

Cluster Variables Against Single Outcome Variable - ClustOfVar

I have a dataset with variables representing both scores and traits (mix of qualitative and quantitative on both counts). I want to cluster the traits (not the individual observations) according to each of the scores. So, I want to form clusters of traits (trait_1 through trait_15) that are similar on the basis of score_1, then repeat for scores 2 and 3. Example of the data structure below.
I am thinking that I can use the ClustOfVar package to form these clusters, which I would understand if I were just trying to cluster all of the variables into like groups. However, I don't know how to cluster them on the basis of one of the other variables.
If anyone has suggestions, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Score_1 Score_2 Score_3 Trait_1 Trait_2 Trait_3 … Trait_15
You may want to look into subspace clustering algorithms.
They usually allow overlapping clusters, so you may get out quite a number of clusters.
You cluster on the traits only, then check if the found clusters correspond to your known scores in a second phase.
