Google Play Console InApp billing Warning '' - android-security

Google Play Console InApp billing Warning
I updated google InApp billing AIDL file and IAP Helper but Warning does not disappear anymore,
before google play service version 5089000
after google play service version 6171000
What should I do?


Linking google Ads account to firebase

I have linked my app on firebase to my google ads account, but unfortunately it is showing as unknown account. As you can see below:
Is there any other step I need to follow from the google ads side to complete this integration?

Firebase google-sign-in fails in production, Linking to Google Play: An error occurred while trying to link

I created and upload an app with google sign-in to google play, it works in debug mode and in release mode
I had to follow:
Generate SHA-1 for Flutter app
and Google sign in failed 10:
Which says that I need to Link Google Play to Firebase
But I get the following error:
Any idea how to solve this?
My app is in production but the login fails.
My solution was:
Login to Firebase console
remove your android app
add it again
follow Generate SHA-1 for Flutter app to get your release sha-1 and add it to your app in Firebase console Google sign in failed 10:
I believe the actual value of the sha-1 key didn't changed
I didn't add my debug SHA1, only release
I believe simply deleting the debug SHA1 or deleting both and re-entering only the release SHA1 would have also solved the problem, but I didn't test it
I still get the Linking to Google Play: An error occurred while trying to link but I doens't matter as long as the signing works
I guess (didnt check yet) that now my app will fail on google singin indebugmode, but I will deal with it later - I hope that simply adding thedebug` key again will work
extra info (from firebase support)
Here we have two issues: Linking play console to Firebase console, and the issue with the google-sign-in on production.
For the linking problem, note that in order to link or unlink your Play Console account to a Firebase project, you need to use the same Google account on the Play Console and Firebase console. You may also check this for more details, if the accounts are the correct try to enable Google Analytics first which then it will allow you to link your Google Play account.
For the second issue, you could have configured the debug and release SHA-1 keys. However, you need a third key hash, when you enroll for Google Play App Signing in play console, you basically ask google to sign your app on your behalf, in order to obtain the key you must add the app signing certificate from the Play console, and add the SHA-1 key in the Firebase console. I really encourage you to read this blog entry, there the author explains more about this error, and how to fix it.
If you have any questions, feel free to write back !

Analytics Reporting API has not been used in project before or it is disabled

Error: googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting returned "Analytics Reporting API has not been used in project 190831311549 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.". Details: "[{'#type': '', 'links': [{'description': 'Google developers console API activation', 'url': ''}]}]">
Google Analytics Reporting API is enabled at cloud console
Service credential is created and email is added to GA account as a read/analise user
I´m Using the "Hello Analytics Reporting API V4." python code
Using apiclient.discovery and analytics = build('analyticsreporting', 'v4', credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False)
I also have tryed a workaround bypassing my python code at but when I try to execute the authentication pop-up stays blank and loader keeps spinning forever and chrome dev tools shows Failed to load resource: net::ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR.QUIC_PACKET_READ_ERROR
Redirect to and login with the google account which you have created the client_id and client_secret, make sure you are in the same project from which the client id and secrets are used other wise change the project. If you do not have the access Ask admin to do the same
Click on Enable button as seen below screenshot
Then try doing your work. it should work fine

How to disconnect Firebase app from Google Analytics account?

I want to add firebase project in my google analytics account say 'y' account, but my firebase project is not enabled as its saying that this project is already connected to an analytics account. In order to connect to this account you should disconnect from current analytics account. I re-check then I found there is a account say 'x' which is connected to my firebase project so I move it to trash can, but still firebase project is disabled in account 'y'. How to unlink my firebase project from 'x' account so that I can add my firebase project in my 'y' account.
Here's how to Unlink Analytics from your Firebase project:
Login to Google Firebase > Search Option on Left Side Panel > Project Overview
From there go to Project Settings > Integrations Tab > Google Analytics
Then Manage > Select the Option "Unlink Analytics from this Project".

Can't I view Real Time users on firebase?

I used to use Admob analytics to view my users activity. There I was able to view real time app running users. Now when I upgraded to the Firebase, I don't find any real time user stats.
Does firebase has real time users stat feature?
Thanks in advance.
There currently is no equivalent to Google Analytics' real time tracking of user information available in Firebase Analytics.
Update (February 2017): Firebase added DebugView to its Analytics product. This allows you to see a near realtime stream of the events from a specific device. Note that (as its name implies) this feature is most useful for debugging whether you have instrumented your code correctly. It is not the same as the realtime analytics in Google Analytics.
You can see realtime users and events at StreamView in Firebase.
StreamView shows you who is using your app and what they are doing, in real time.
if you properly integrated the Firebase Analytics SDK in your app, StreamView tab will be visible in your Firebase Analytics.
Sample Screen from StreamView
Detailed Information from Google Support :
You can now see realtime events in DebugView option at the console. Pretty neat feature, works great. Here is an example: Console
See more info at
As Frank van Puffelen replied, currently there is no realtime information available in Firebase Analytics dashboard. Until this feature is available your next best option is to enable debug logging as defined in the developer documentation:
When you log event and the event data is uploaded you will see something like this (Android):
I/FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 9080
I/FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
V/FA : Logging event: origin=auto,name=_f,params=Bundle[{_c=1}]
V/FA : Uploading data. app, uncompressed size, data:, 348,
V/FA : batch {
V/FA : bundle {
V/FA : protocol_version: 1
V/FA : platform: android
V/FA : gmp_version: 9080
Latest Update from Firebase Dev Summit from Berlin.Firebase announced Debug view which will display raw data real time updates.
Currently i do not see it in my Firebase console,but hope it will be live for all users soon.
