VS 2010 SP1 Cascading Style Sheet Disable - css

i am new bie i installed vs 2010 sp1 along with css3 installer but in my visual studio cascading style sheet version for validation is disable and unable to check its version or select css3.
i searched it but unable to find any solution.
Hopes for your suggestion

Microsoft developers have released an update to the web standards to include CSS 3.0 in Visual Studio.
Web Standards Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1 http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/a15c3ce9-f58f-42b7-8668-53f6cdc2cd83
After a simple installation, you will have the CSS 3.0 option in Visual Studio.
(The toolbar command is called "Cascading Style Sheet Version for Validation", and is on the "Style Sheet" toolbar.)
refer CSS 3.0 in Visual Studio 2010


How to install CSS preprocessor Sass in Visual Studio 2015?

I went to the Tools menu and chose Extensions and Updates, then looked for Mindscape Web WorkBench and could not find it.
Does anyone know where this option is?
Per the Mindscape Web WorkBench, it is compatible with 2010 - 2013, not 2015.

How to Add HTML5 Intellisense Support to Visual Studio 2010 SP1?

How to Add HTML5 Intellisense Support to Visual Studio 2010 Professional Edition SP1?
I've installed this: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/d771cbc8-d60a-40b0-a1d8-f19fc393127d but nothing happened.
For example when I type <convas on the Visual studio source view of a page, I expect the list of its attributes to be listed, etc.
When you are in an html editor, there is a box at the top of the page to select the validation, it defaults to XHTML (I think), and you can change it to HTML5.
In visual studio Menu Options Go to Tools-> Text Editor-> HTML-> Validation-> Target and select HTML5 in drop down if you already download and install the HTML 5 Intellisense for Visual Studio 2010 and 2008

How can I open a Visual Web Developer 2010 Express in Visual Studio 2005

Can anybody tell me how to open a VWD 2010 Express project in Visual Studio 2005?
Don't open the *.sln file because that simply won't work.
Easiest way I can think of is to create a new project in Visual Studio 2005, then using "Add Existing File" (R-Click the Project) add all the files that should be there. Bear in mind you may need to create multiple projects to accomadate the previous structure.
You can see which projects you need to add by checking the solution's directory for .csproj/.vbproj files.
Note that the solution is incompatible for a reason, there are likely to be multiple issues whereby .Net 2 does not support the content of the likely .Net 4 code/config created in VWD2010.
It may be much easier for the person using VS05 to simply download VWD2010 Express, which is free.
Maybe this might help: Solution Converter
I used this tool for some conversions, but I haven't tried yet what you want to do so I can't tell you for sure if it'll work...
After exploring a lot about this i got same words from all and these suits as extract for them.
Easiest way is probably to create a new project in VS 2005, and use
the add existing item dialog to add the code to the project. I'd
suggest using 'Empty Project' as the project type, so you don't have a
lot of rubbish auto generated for you that you'll just delete anyway.
Follow these links and choose the way that you like to follow either using tools or some modification etc..
How to downgrade solution from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2005?
Downgrade C# Project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2008
How to downgrade solution code upgraded to Visual Studio 2010
Downgrade a VS 2008 .sln or .csproj to VS 2005
How to downgrade from Visual Studio 2010 project to VS 2008 or VS 2005?
Web Developer 2010 Express is free tool from Microsoft that you can
download to work with same version.

VS2010 Ultimate. Why do I just see "Silverlight 3". Where's 4?

What do I have to download to be able to set my Silverlight app to version 4? I already downloaded wat I thought was the latest version of the Silverlight developer runtime
VS 2010 doesn't come with Silverlight 4 support since it wasn't ready when VS 2010 shipped. You have to download Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010.

Visual Studio 2008 Css 3 support

Visual Studio 2008 supports CSS 1.0, 2.0 and 2.1 only. If I try to add sth. like text-shadow property to a class then it is outlined as invalid.
Is there a Css definition or something that I can download and make vs recognize those new properties?
Visual Studio 2008 doesn't support it because CSS 3 is not yet finalized and there are many parts of it that browsers do not yet support. However, you can create your own schema as outlined in Mikhail Arkhipov (MSFT)'s WebLog.
