Visual Studio 2008 Css 3 support - css

Visual Studio 2008 supports CSS 1.0, 2.0 and 2.1 only. If I try to add sth. like text-shadow property to a class then it is outlined as invalid.
Is there a Css definition or something that I can download and make vs recognize those new properties?

Visual Studio 2008 doesn't support it because CSS 3 is not yet finalized and there are many parts of it that browsers do not yet support. However, you can create your own schema as outlined in Mikhail Arkhipov (MSFT)'s WebLog.


How to use <Video></Video> in VS2010

i am trying to make Video as my backgroud for my WebForm in visual studio 2010 ultimate but when i use it always says to me that validation (xhtml 1.0 transitional) element 'video' is not supported so how can i fix it.
You will have to use windows media player to play video in visual studio 2010. it's hard to explain with words so go to this video you can see how you can add video in visual studio 2010. here

VS 2010 SP1 Cascading Style Sheet Disable

i am new bie i installed vs 2010 sp1 along with css3 installer but in my visual studio cascading style sheet version for validation is disable and unable to check its version or select css3.
i searched it but unable to find any solution.
Hopes for your suggestion
Microsoft developers have released an update to the web standards to include CSS 3.0 in Visual Studio.
Web Standards Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1
After a simple installation, you will have the CSS 3.0 option in Visual Studio.
(The toolbar command is called "Cascading Style Sheet Version for Validation", and is on the "Style Sheet" toolbar.)
refer CSS 3.0 in Visual Studio 2010

Is it possible to update Visual Studio's CSS validation?

I'm using VS2013 and am getting a lot of incorrect feedback on CSS3 syntax (particularly flex elements). Is the validation schema baked into a VS release or can it be updated somehow?
I had this problem in the past with Visual Studio 2010 (only CSS 2.1).
The short answer is yes, it is possible to add new schemas and use them instead of the default ones.
You can take a look at the visual studio gallery, but I cannot confirm if this will work on later versions of Visual Studio.

CSS3 not working on visual studio 2010

I have a solution built in Visual Studio 2008 and wish to add some new features of CSS3, hence I converted the solution to Visual Studio 2010.
Even after its successful conversion I am still not able to see the CSS3 features. I need to use border-radius property of CSS3.
Can I use it on the solution converted from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010?
Please help.
Maybe the visual studio doesn't auto-complete the code but the css3 conditions will work on any browser compatible (Chrome, FF, EI9, Opera, Safari),since it's all CSS and not compiled by Visual Studio.
Give it a try on one of those browsers (:
I believe there is an update coming that will address that issue, but you should be able to view any CSS3 change when running the site.

Code in VS 2008 will work on VS 2005?

Does the ASP.NET code developed on VS 2008 can be used on VS 2005 ??
Visual Studio 2008 allows you to target either the .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0 or .NET 3.5 .NET Framework. If you have targeted .NET 2.0, then you should be able to use that code either in a .NET 2.0 site, or even in VS2005.
The only difference is that there is a trivial change in the project files (.vbproj or .csproj). You would have to edit the project files to remove the ToolsVersion="3.5" attribute from the <Project/> element.
The big issue with ASP.NET when using both 2008 and 2005 is syntax.
It possible in 2008 to write code using C# 3 syntax such as var or => that work find because they are compilied with C# 3. But 2005 only understands C# 2 and won't understand new C# syntax elements. I would guess the same is true of the later version of VB.
So even if you were careful with your framework references you could still be caught out by using syntax incompatible with older compiler versions.
Sadly, the answer is "it depends" and probably "no". There are some features in VS 2008 that aren't backwards compatible with VS 2005. The easiest way is to take a copy of the code and try it - but the likely outcome is that you've used new features that aren't available - such as...
.NET 3.5 stuff!
If its targeted for version 2.0 of the runtime, the source will run (mostly) on v2005 however there may be issues with the proj file.
Excuse me, the solution file
